Prolouge ||

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2nd September 1972
Rosalind and Sophia had gotten along pretty good. Sophia wasn't as interested in magical creatures as Rosalind but she definitely didn't dislike them.

Rosalind had gotten sorted into Slytherin just like her parents had expected her to, unfortunately, so did Regulus.

It was the first day of classes, Rosalind was both happy and sad, the class she was most looking forward to take, magical creatures, was a class she could first take in third year.

Professor Horace Slughorn, the head of Slytherin house and the potions master, had handed out the timetables for the Slytherins at breakfast. Rosalind's mood faltered slightly when she saw the day's schedule.

She had potions in half an hour, which she wasn't so happy about, she wasn't that good at the subject. On a slightly better note, Sophia seemed to enjoy potion making. Maybe they could be partners and she could teach Rosalind some things.

But Rosalind did have transfiguration and she really liked that subject. Some would say it was a bad thing that the Professor was a Gryffindor. But it was just the first morning and Rosalind thought that Professor McGonagall seemed to be a woman that was good at her job.

She had seen McGonagall tell off loads of students for being out of line, but she had also seen her crack a smile. According to Rosalind, she was the right amount of strict.

History of magic was also on the schedule, and from what she had heard from her brother, that was the most boring subject in the whole school. It was taught by a ghost who just drooled on for hours and he never let the students go early. The tests were also too long and a lot of details were needed to even pass the easiest questions. Students still used it as a class to slack in though.

When Sophia and Rosalind walked into the potions classroom, a few students were scattered around, the most of them sitting by themselves. They didn't think of it and sat down next to each other.

When Slughorn saw what they had done, he cleared his throat to get their attention and then pointed towards the seating plan that was placed on the wall.

Unfortunately, he hadn't assigned them to sit next to each other, but Rosalind was relieved to see that she didn't sit next to Regulus. Instead, she was sat next to a Slytherin girl, Lydia Mulciber.

Sophia had been assigned the seat next to a Ravenclaw, Eliza Hoopkins. Apparently they shared the class with the Ravenclaws.

A Slytherin boy group strolled into the classroom while sniggering to themselves. Rosalind recognised them. It was Regulus Black, Barty Crouch jr and Evan Rosier. The three of them seemed to have gotten along quite well too.

They quickly sat down in their assigned seats but didn't stop talking. Some Ravenclaws entered and then the rest of the first year Slytherins arrived. Among them were Oliver Travers and Alexander Parkinson.

Shortly after that the lesson started. Slughorn quickly explained the meaning of the subject before he started asking the class some simple questions about potions.

Unfortunately the first person he asked was a muggle born, so Slughorn only got a quiet "I don't know, sir." in reply.

So instead he asked the question to the whole class. "Can somebody name three ingredients that you use in the sleeping draught?" he asked loud and clear.

Rosalind saw that Regulus raised his hand and she rolled her eyes, of course he knew the answer, Walburga Black always bragged about how much Regulus had studied the last year.

Rosalind had a vague memory of the sleeping draught. When her father had heard that many of the family friends's children studied before school had even started, he took it as his job to tutor Rosalind, that was how she learned her interests and potions was not one of them.

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