Chapter 48: Newt

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10th October 1977
Rosalind was on her way to the cruppies. Magical creatures was the first class of the day and to her non surprise, Regulus was there. He had been ignoring her the entire of yesterday. She wondered if he remembered anything from Saturday night.

"Today we are going to remove the forked tail, it is by the law to remove it if muggles were ever to see them." Professor Kettleburn started. "I've talked to your charms professor and you should've learned the Severing charm to make the removal pain free."

"I'm doing the charm." Rosalind said to Regulus. "I trust you." he answered. Rosalind's eyes widened, what did Regulus just say. She turned to him with a blank expression.

"What is wrong with you, Black?" Rosalind asked. "Are you ill? Why are you acting so strange?" she continued.

"I'm not." Regulus answered quickly. Too quickly. Rosalind eyed him carefully.

"If you're not, how come you said you trusted me. Especially with doing a charm. You always want to do it yourself." she continued.

"That is not true." Regulus denied.

"It is, you think very highly of yourself and very low on others." Rosalind said with a shrug.

"I'm not that self involved!" Regulus exclaimed. "If anyone, you're the self involved one!" he continued.

"Really?" Rosalind asked as she turned to Regulus with a disapproved look. "I'm self involved? I don't think you remember Saturday night pretty clear then." Rosalind defended herself. Regulus got quiet after that, seemed like he remembered Saturday night after all.

"Let's just do the charm." Rosalind said as she took out her wand. Regulus didn't say anything, Rosalind guessed he was too shocked to speak. She had practised this, she could do it. But she didn't want to hurt the crup by mistake.

So she took a leaf and practiced cutting it in half.

After three leaves she was pretty sure of her abilities. "Diffindo." she said as she moved her wand over the forked tail. And just like that, Newt had a tail like muggle dogs.

Rosalind started to pat Newt and as a thank you she got kisses back from him. "I will feed him his breakfast." Rosalind said as she stood up and went over to the shed, pretty soon Newt would be able to hunt for his own food. She will miss the happy face when she comes with his food every day. When Rosalind walked back she saw Newt and Regulus playing. It made her heart warm to see that.

So she went to talk to Professor Kettleburn for a while instead. Newt could wait a bit before his breakfast.


13th October 1977
Rosalind and Regulus were going to patrol yet again. The same route in the same corridors. They never really caught anybody either. Students had gotten better at hiding from prefects as they got older and wiser. They walked in silence. Rosalind and Regulus still hadn't talked very much since last Saturday.

"Can I ask you a question?" Regulus asked as they were walking. "Yeah, sure." Rosalind replied as she looked over at Regulus. "What is it?"

"Uhm, last Saturday. When we got back to my dorm, did, umm, did something happen... between us?" he asked, still looking at the floor. Rosalind stopped. "What do you mean?" she questioned.

"I think this is awkward enough, you were sober, you remember. I don't remember much from that night before I puked and you, well, you held my hair." he said, still looking at the floor. "Why were you so nice to me?"

"Cause you were a baby." Rosalind said and laughed. Now Regulus looked at her. "I was not a baby." he protested. "Yes you were, I thought you were gonna cry when I wanted to leave." she said and kept laughing. "I was not that needy!" he insisted with a laugh. Rosalind shook her head.

"To answer your earlier question, no we didn't, you didn't even want me to see you without your shirt." said Rosalind. That Regulus remembered. He stopped and turned to Rosalind. "What is it?" She asked and stopped too. She looked up at Regulus. His ice blue eyes were staring back at her and his black locks were framing his face beautifully. He had a sharp jawline that she didn't doubt could cut paper.

Regulus admired Rosalind's dark brown eyes. They were a little watery from her laughing. Her hair was looking so silky. He wanted to touch it. But it would be weird if he did it. "Your eyes are beautiful." he said, looking down at her.

Rosalind put her hands on Regulus' cheeks. He was really handsome. She hesitated for a second before she leaned in and kissed him. Regulus kissed her back. He ran his fingers through her long hair while she had hers firmly placed on his shoulders. Regulus pulled away breathlessly and took in Rosalind before him. "Why are we doing this?" he asked. "I don't know." Rosalind replied before leaning in for a kiss again. When she pulled away from the kiss next time she said, "We are never doing this again."

"Absolutely, never again." Regulus said with a big smile as he leaned in one last time. "What are you two doing!" Filch's voice shrieked. They jumped away from each other and spotted Filch walking down the corridor with Mrs Norris by his side. "Two prefects snogging after curfew!" he continued as he neared them. "Shame on you!"

"You're gonna get a nasty surprise! Detention for you two tomorrow night." he said. "But it's Friday!" Rosalind whined. "Want to make it more?" Filch challenged her. Rosalind didn't say anything else and she and Regulus continued their patrol in silence. This just means that nothing good comes out from kissing Regulus Black.

Rosalind had only herself to blame.

And partly Regulus, a kiss is fifty-fifty.

When she thought about it, it was all Regulus' fault.


Rosalind got back to her dormitory and wondered what she would say to Sophia. 'I have detention with Black tomorrow cause we snogged.' she could not say that! She needed to come up with something clever. She could just say that they fought, yeah that would work.

"Guess what." Rosalind said as she walked into the dormitory. "You've got a pony!" Sophia exclaimed sarcastically with a big smile.

"No, I've got detention tomorrow." she said and threw herself at her bed. "Filch caught me and Black screaming at each other."

"You got detention for that?" Sophia asked confused. "Filch must've had a bad day." she mumbled.


14th October 1977
Rosalind got to her seat in Transfiguration class. This year she didn't sit next to Regulus, however still close. He sat one row behind her and a few seats to the left. Rosalind kept glancing back at him throughout the class. All she could think of was last night. His lips on hers. But it was so wrong. She almost forgot that it was Regulus she kissed. Regulus!

She should never do it again, but why was she kind of wanting to? She needed to sort out her feelings, she was obviously confused. Why else would she go around and kissing an arrogant boy? Is this her weird way of mourning her parents?

Last night had been something, however it didn't mean that Regulus was nice all of a sudden. He was still so darn annoying. This time when she looked back at Regulus, he was looking at her and she felt butterflies in her stomach. She quickly looked back and stared down at her desk. She didn't dare to look back at him. She didn't want to feel butterflies in her stomach when she looked at Regulus.

This chapter is kind of short so I might update again before next Monday!!

Fate || Regulus BlackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora