Chapter 68: Anniversary

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23rd February 1978
Ever since that, Rosalind and Regulus couldn't keep their hands off of each other whenever they were alone, which was every patrol. Ever since they decided, without words, that it was okay if they kept snogging as long as nobody found out, they had snogged, a lot.

Rosalind was not planning on telling Sophia and Lydia about this. They would say something outrageous about her having true romantic feelings for Regulus Black.

Every patrol ended with them making out against a wall, so far they hadn't been caught. Merlin knows what would happen if they did. Dumbledore might revoke their prefect badges.

Regulus was suddenly looking forward to patrol with Rosalind. Before he greatly disliked it, they always bickered about something and it drove him bonkers. It's not like that stopped, they stilled argued about practically nothing. It still made Regulus want to drown Rosalind in the black lake, however it always ended with them snogging now. He had mixed feelings about it but snogging was always nice.

Regulus was never in a million chances gonna tell Barty and Evan about his latest snogging partner. He would never hear the end of it. He had distanced himself from Audrey and she had noticed it. But she wasn't acknowledging him either. Which relieved Regulus. He could never understand girls, they were on and off all the time.


Rosalind woke up in her bed, not exited at all. She usually wasn't, but especially not today. Because today was the day, the day Rosalind had been dreading for a year. She was laying quietly in her bed while her friends were getting ready. She wanted to stay in their dormitory and not go to her stupid classes. She felt so alone.

Sophia peeked in through her curtains that were closing her bed off from everything else. "You okay, Rosa?" she asked with a weak smile.

"Fine." Rosalind muttered and looked away. Sophia crawled into Rosalind's bed and under the sheet. Rosalind hugged Sophia tightly and didn't want to let go, she didn't want to be alone again. She looked up at Sophia.

Her blonde hair was in a high ponytail, she had done some light make up and was wearing her button up shirt and skirt. Her Slytherin tie was hanging neatly down over her shirt and the robes were probably laying over a chair somewhere. "You don't have to show up for class today." she comforted Rosalind as she dragged a hand through her hair.

"But I'll miss transfiguration, I need to go." Rosalind whined. "I don't want to stay here alone, I'll only feel more alone." she muttered. Sophia nodded. She got up from Rosalind's bed and opened the curtains slightly so the sun shone into her bed and on Rosalind's face.

Rosalind groaned before slowly getting out of bed. A year ago today, her parents passed, Rosalind couldn't understand how a year could go by so quickly. She had spent one year without her mum and dad. Their death anniversary made her feel so incredibly alone.

What was she gonna do today? It felt weird to be happy. She buttoned her buttons and tied her tie. Rosalind put on her skirt and slipped into her shoes. She put her wand down in her pocket, put on her robes and hurried after her friends that had left to eat breakfast. She caught up with them in the common room where they were talking to a group of fellow Slytherins. Rosalind immediately recognised the back of the head that belonged to Regulus Black.

The group turned around and saw Rosalind walk up the last couple of stairs. Her hair was laying over her shoulders, she didn't bother to do something about it this morning. They all greeted her and she nodded back as the group started to move towards the great hall. Regulus waited as Rosalind caught up with them and walked next to her.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. Rosalind groaned, not this treatment again. She was sick of people treating her different because of her parents death. She wanted things to be normal. As normal as they could be.

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