Chapter 49: Calming Draught

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She turned away from him and and focused on McGonagall. She was talking about the special techniques one could use when trying to transfigure an object.

Rosalind listened intently and took notes. The guy next to her, a Ravenclaw was constantly leaning back on his stool and talking to his mate behind him. Rosalind found it very annoying.

He was about to lean back yet again, "Can't you sit still?" asked Rosalind, irritated. He seemed to have been caught of guard because he stopped leaning and sat quietly at his desk for a while. Then he started to write something in his book. He ripped out the paper and made a ball.

He then sent it over to Rosalind and she looked up at him with a disbelieved expression. "Are you in third year or something?" she asked as she let go of her quill and unfolded the paper ball.

Your pretty. Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?
[]  YES                    []  No

Rosalind stared blankly at the paper. She could not for the sake of her life understand if he was joking. But she wrote down her answer before sending the paper ball back.

She watched as her desk mate unfolded the ball and stared at the third option Rosalind had made.

[X] NO. You say 'You're (You are) pretty.' Not your pretty. You can say your pretty dress. NOT your pretty!!!


Her last class of the day was potions. She walked with Sophia as slowly as possible. She did not want to get to that class and even less to what awaited her after. Thankfully her detention was before dinner and not after. Or else her whole Friday night was ruined and gone.

They got to the potions classroom and walked in. They were the last ones to arrive and everyone was already waiting in their seats. Sophia hurried over to her seat. Slughorn followed Rosalind with his gaze as she slowly made her way to her seat next to Natasha.

"Today you are going to brew the calming draught." Slughorn said when Rosalind sat down. "The calming draught is a simple potion and not so hard to make. It's between moderate and advanced so I'm sure you'll manage all right." he continued.

"It's on page 233 in your books and the ingredients are in the cupboard." Slughorn said and the students started to turn the pages in their books. Slughorn sat down in his chair and waited for the students to get to work.

Rosalind got stuck on the side effects for a little while. 'Burning mouth sensation, watery eyes or uncontrollable sobbing if too much peppermint oil added.' she read from the book. "So not too much peppermint." she mumbled as she looked at the ingredient list.

Everyone had already got to work so she quickly took out a cauldron and the ingredients. As she read the instructions she realised that is seemed fairly easy but she would surely mess up in some way.

Regulus was already stirring his potion, that was step five. Damn him and his stupid knowledge. He was seated across from Rosalind so she could easily watch his moves. She started to add the standard ingredient and some lavender. Than she chopped the peppermint, not too much as she had read in the side effects section. She even took a little less than in the recipe. She hoped she wouldn't regret it.

She added some more ingredients before it was time to stir. She stirred clockwise like instructed and saw it get a blueish colour. Until now it had gone by pretty smoothly. "It's supposed to be brown." Natasha said as she looked at Rosalind's potion. "You stink at this."

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