Chapter 75: Stomach Issues

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I desperately need to get better at publishing chapters, I'm sorry for being away for weeks. Here's a bunch of chapters and from now on I'll publish once a week on Fridays<3

27th April 1978
Rosalind was walking back from dinner alone. Sophia had stayed in their dorm and Rosalind was bringing her some food. Her stomach was killing her and she couldn't get out of bed. She had missed a whole day of school because of it.

They hoped she would be back up on her feet very soon. Lydia had stayed and talked to some other friends when Rosalind left to go and take care of Sophia. Dinner today had actually been quite eventful, a shame Sophia missed it.

A big food fight had broken out at the Gryffindor table and had soon spread across the great hall. The teachers, especially McGonagall tried really hard to stop it. However when you had about 1000 students against roughly 15 teachers, it was doomed for the teachers to loose.

Lucky for them, Dumbledore had stood up and he had spoken up very loudly. Which had made the students quiet down as they sat back down in their seats. Nobody dared to speak up against the headmaster. Nobody had ever dared to do that at Hogwarts.

Other than that, two Hufflepuffs had started a fight with two Gryffindors. It was a busy evening for the teachers. They surely didn't get paid enough to babysit a bunch of kids.

After Rosalind had given Sophia her dinner and told her about the blissful events, which she was very disappointed she had missed, Rosalind went to the common room. Sophia needed some more rest and Rosalind needed to do some reading. She sat down in the green and silver coloured common room.

The sofas were black and some wooden tables with chairs were placed around the common room for homework purposes. Some love seats that were either black or green were also scattered around the room. A big fireplace was placed in front of one of the sofas. If you looked up you could see the Black lake through a window in the ceiling. That's why the room had a slightly green tinge.

The Slytherin common room didn't have a feeling of warmth and home, like the Gryffindor tower had. It had a more cold and eerie feeling, the stone walls definitely made the room feel more cold. However Rosalind liked it. She liked the green colour. She wasn't saying the other common rooms were bad, However she thought Slytherins' common room was superior.

But who didn't like their own common room the best?

Rosalind watched Evan and Barty joke around. She wondered how she had never noticed that there clearly was something between them. Barty had taken Evan's book and was holding it over his head. Unfortunately Evan couldn't reach it, he tried to push down Barty while jumping to get his book.

They were laughing and the way they looked at each other screamed love. Was Rosalind really that oblivious or were Barty and Evan not that obvious? She guessed that she only saw it because she knew, they had always acted like that. For longer than they had been dating. It's only now that they are, that they are looking at each other with pure love.

Rosalind shrugged and went back to her homework. Lydia did some homework with Audrey and Hazel. Rosalind was never the person that was able to study with other people. If she needed to learn something, she needed to be by her lonesome and read some text books while talking to herself. Sometimes it helped to explain what she had learned to her friends.

Barty left the common room, Evan stayed at a table while doing homework. Well maybe more like staring at it. It seemed like everyone was busy doing homework these days. Rosalind sat almost right at the entrance, no other table was empty when she had gotten to the common room. She could always sit with Lydia but she felt like she wasn't very welcomed by Audrey and Hazel.

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