Chapter 27: Surprising News

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23rd February 1977
The fifth and Seventh years had a free period and were all studying in the great hall. At least the most of them. "So you like rain." Sophia concluded as she spun her quill between her fingers. Her hair was in a high ponytail to prevent it from coming in the way whilst she studied.

"It's romantic." Rosalind responded and looked up from her papers. "Do you reckon you know what cologne Oliver wears?" she asked Sophia. Rosalind's hair was laying over her shoulders, but tucked in behind her ears. Maybe not the most attractive look. But right now she needed to get things done. Not look attractive.

"I don't hang out with him much. If somebody knew what cologne he wears, it would be you. But I think it's something sweet." Sophia said and shrugged her shoulders. She went back to writing her star charts.

"There that goes." Rosalind muttered to herself. She had smelled a cologne with a strong and fresh scent. Like mint.

Oliver's cologne was more sweet, probably a sweet fruit or berry. "But just because I smelled a mint cologne doesn't it mean that I can be attracted to people that wear other colognes." Rosalind concluded, which made Sophia look up from the star charts.

"Of course. But you're attracted to mint scented things. For example cologne." Sophia answered. She was quite good at potions, Rosalind asked her all of her potions related questions. She did not trust anyone else to answer them. She did trust Slughorn since he was the teacher.

"It's not like my soulmate is going to love rain and chocolate and wear a strong cologne." Rosalind continued, referring to the things she smelled in her Amortentia.

"Who said he has to love rain? Maybe you just think rain itself is attractive." Sophia said. "Like when it's raining, and you're kissing." Sophia added with a dreamy voice.

Rosalind rolled her eyes and started to craft an essay for charms. Two ministry owls flew into the great hall, towards the Slytherin table. Mail didn't come at this hour so it surely was strange. The Slytherin students watched as the owls left two letters each in front of Rosalind and Frederick Bulstrode.

Then the black family owl swooped in and surprisingly, left a letter in front of Rosalind.

Regulus didn't seem to have noticed the letters or the owls because he was engrossed in his ancient runes homework. Rosalind looked over at him and then opened the first letter from the ministry.

Dear Miss Bulstrode

I regret to inform you that your parents, Monica and Charles Bulstrode have passed away.

They got sick of dragon pox and didn't survive.

Your regards
Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnold

Rosalind ripped up the other letter from the ministry, but she stopped reading after two sentences.

Dear Miss Bulstrode
Below are a list of what you've inherited from your parents.
•Half their estate

She was close to crying, but the letter from the Blacks had her attention. Plus, she was curious to open it. What could they want, maybe they would call of the engagement.

She eagerly opened the letter and started reading it.

Miss Rosalind Bulstrode

We are so sorry for your loss, but since you're not out of age, you will be living at Grimmauld place with Walburga, Regulus and I until you and Regulus get married and move into your own manor.

Rosalind's mood immediately sunk and she threw the paper on the table. Sophia noticed this and took the letter from the ministry and started reading it. Rosalind's world was crashing right now. She felt so many emotions that she didn't know how to handle.

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