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The video of Kaka's embarrassment and anger quickly spread on the Xingwang forum. Many road bugs expressed their disgust and resistance. Only some loyal fans still insisted that he was just in a bad mood, calling on everyone to be considerate of Xiongzi's occasional temper.

But all of this has nothing to do with Caesar, he knows nothing about the news on the Xingwang forum.

Because when he woke up today, he noticed that Chongdan's mental power was extremely active, and he didn't have time or thought to go surfing on Xingwang.

Maybe being a parent is like this. The time and energy that originally belonged to you will be involuntarily devoted to your children, especially a novice dad like him who is inexperienced and afraid that he will not be able to take care of his eggs. Caesar sighed.

But he still enjoys this feeling very much, because this bug egg gave him the motivation to work hard, and also gave him companionship and care, giving him the real feeling that he belongs to this world now.

Chongdan's previous mental power would also interact with him lively, but it has never been active with high intensity and continuously for a long time like today.

Almost from the moment Caesar opened his eyes, Chongdan's mental power fluctuations never stopped.

If you want to describe this kind of power in detail, it is that Chongdan, who is usually doing Tai Chi, suddenly started to play Muay Thai today, and it is still the kind of fist that hits the flesh, making the opponent terribly painful.

"..." Caesar had a hunch that the level of mental power of this worm cub would definitely not be low.

Because of the abnormality of Chongdan's mental power, today he focused on consulting the information on the relationship between Chongdan's mental power and the incubation period, and planned to use his own bug egg as an example to live broadcast key science knowledge on this aspect tonight.

He stood by the incubator and looked at it for a while, and then said softly to the egg, "Little Ryan, come out soon after playing in the egg."

Yes, he named his pup Ryan.

This is the name he settled on after searching through the Chongyu dictionary yesterday. It means "nebula" in Chongyu.

Traveling to the Zerg world, although there are many discomforts for Nishizawa, it has to be said that the interstellar landscape is very attractive to human beings.

The nebula is not only beautiful, but also has neither a fixed shape nor a clear boundary, which entrusts Nishizawa's expectations for the little insects - not to be limited, not to be restrained, to explore and grow freely, and to have countless possibilities in the future sex.

Chongdan, who had been hyperactive all day, suddenly quieted down, and then became even more hyperactive.

Caesar didn't think it was because he understood what he said, but because he felt that his mental power had softened, so he was comforted.

He sighed for little Ryan's intelligence, and reached out to touch the bug egg.

"Beep beep - there is a visitor! Beep beep - there is a visitor!"

The sharp voice of the butler robot sounded again.

Could it be that the worm milk he bought was delivered so quickly?

At this time, Caesar didn't care about social fear, and quickly went downstairs and opened the door.

What I saw was a strange female insect with brown hair and blue eyes, handsome appearance, well-dressed, and a gentle smile on her face: "Your Excellency, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Seiler."

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