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In just two hours, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room rose from 0 to 75,683, and the trend continued to rise.

But there was a sudden accident: the butler robot showed up in the live broadcast room without knowing it.

"Beep, beep, it's time to sleep! Beep, beep, it's time to sleep!"

Danmaku laughed while urging him to go to sleep——

"Go to sleep! I will come and wait for your live broadcast tomorrow!"

"Hahaha, how can there be such a cute bug, even the sleep time has to be reminded by the butler robot."

"Hey boy, go to sleep, don't mess up your work and rest time easily, it's hard to get back." This is the obvious mentality of the female father, but Caesar has given up explaining that he is not a bug cub, because he doesn't understand these weird hobbies and psychology at all.

There are also those who asked about his live broadcast time——

"Will it be broadcast tomorrow?"

"Can you tell me the specific live broadcast time? I am willing to give up the holographic game for Xiongzi."

"Giving up the game is no sincerity, I am willing to give up overtime pay for Xiongzi!"

Aika couldn't help pricking up his ears.

He was very curious, is there really a male worm that is not only kind enough to be willing to raise a strange cub, but also hardworking enough to insist on live broadcasting every day?

This is completely different from the lazy and bad-mannered male in his impression.

In the next second, he heard the gentle voice of the male insect: "It's on, how about six o'clock in the evening?"

The barrage pointed out that this is the off-duty time, everyone is probably still on the road, and asked for a delay.

Caesar asked tentatively, "So, seven o'clock?"


"Good hero, we will see each other at seven o'clock every night."

"What are you calling the hero? Don't take advantage of our cubs!"

For a moment, the "lord" and "cub" in the barrage as key words rushed into Caesar's eyes.

Where did he experience such a battle, Dang even blushed, greeted everyone in a hurry and said goodbye, and immediately downloaded the broadcast.

Innocence is too much. Ai Jia looked at the screen in the live broadcast room that had turned gray, and made this conclusion in his heart.

This is a rare male that doesn't make him hate it. However, watching the live broadcast of male worms, this time is enough.

He didn't think he would have the patience and perseverance to go to this seven o'clock appointment every day.

Caesar turned off the live broadcast and touched his ears that were a little hot.

To be honest, he didn't expect the live broadcast to be so smooth. Although the audience was occasionally a little weird, they were generally good bugs, and many of the embarrassing situations he expected did not appear.

However, he still had to think carefully about the content of the live broadcast.

According to his original idea, he just wanted to take the cub out and show off the cub like other anchors in the parent-child zone.

In this way, he can continue his life as a salted fish and earn star coins just by sitting there.

But the problem is... right now his cub is just an egg.

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