Part 24

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"Survival can be summed up in three words - never give up. That's the heart of it really. Just keep trying."
- Bear Grylls
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Lexus's POV

"Aleksei, why are you at my mother's house?" I ask him.

"Isn't it obvious? I was looking for the treacherous woman that broke my heart." he replies. "You even have another French man by your side as we speak."

"He's a friend of my boyfriend. That doesn't matter. What could you possibly want from me?"

"I have a few questions about that... 'boyfriend' of yours. I figured since you went behind my back and fed him information, you will do the same with me."

"I didn't–"

"Not another word. Get in the car, Lux." Aleksei looks at Kaïs. "Take the Frenchie too, we can use him."

Before Kaïs could put up a fight, he's knocked out by an elbow to the head by one of Aleksei's men. Before I can react, Aleksei puts a cloth over my nose and mouth.

✢ ✢ ✢

My fucking head hurts. I groan as I attempt to put my hand to my head but fail. My hands are restrained. I open my eyes, slowly, to find myself in a small room. Judging my the ceiling, I assume this is an office space. The walls are gray and the floor tile. The only thing in front of me is a metal table and a desk chair.

I look around for a clock.


We're so fucked. We missed the deadline by over 15 minutes. Our only hope now is that the Don comes to us.

How the fuck did I get here? How did I allow myself to get in this position? I shouldn't have became a dancer. I should have been a waitress, made enough money to save a good year and a half of Celine's tuition. I'd also still have a decent relationship with my mother. Even then, I would be struggling to raise her, pay the bills, and save up money for her college fund. Maybe that's not what I should regret. I should be regretting ever meeting Aleksei and Julien. If not for them, I would be safely dancing at the club right now. My life wouldn't be in danger.

The door in front of me opens. I feel my stomach drop at the sight of Aleksei.

"Glad to see you're awake." he says as he takes a seat in front of me.

   "Where's Kaïs?" I question.

"He's alive. That's all that matters, correct?"

   "What do you plan on doing with us?"

"I told you, I need answers. Tell me about your boyfriend."

   "I don't know much about him."

"Bullshit." he spits.

   "I'm serious. Unless you want to know how good his dick is then there's not much I can help you with."

He reaches over and puts his hand around my neck. His grip is dangerously firm, any harder he'll be choking me.

   "Let go." I manage to say.

"Do you think this is a game?" he asks.

I need to think of something quickly.

   "What good am I worth dead to him? Hm? Keeping Kaïs and I alive can get you exactly what you want and more."

"Keep talking." he pulls my head closer to him.

   "I honestly don't know much about him or his business. We've only been dating for 2 weeks. Despite that, we've grown really close. Kaïs and I mean a lot to him. Whatever it is you want, he can give to you in exchange for our lives."

"How confident are you about that?"

   "I have no doubt." I respond confidently.

He hesitates but lets go of my neck. I take the opportunity to analyze him as I lean back into my chair.

"You never fail to please, Lux. But what I want, he can't give me. I will, however, use you against him."

   "What do you want?" I ask.

"Boston. I want this entire city." he answers while getting up from the chair. "The Michel family has had the east side for far too long. Once we end your boyfriend's pitiful family and take over their business, then I will get what I want."

I don't fully understand what he's talking about and I don't try to either. My only thought now is delaying him as long as I can for Plan C to work.

   "Where's my phone?" I ask.

"On the side of a road. Couldn't risk anyone tracking your location or have you calling for help."

   "So, you're going to keep me tied up like this for hours?"

"Do you prefer I torture you for answers?"

My silence was answer enough.

"I didn't think so. Now I'll ask again, tell me anything you know about your boyfriend."

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