Part 18

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"Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble."
- George Washington
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Lexus's POV

I've been thinking about what Julien said all day. Is this really a life I want for myself? If I say no, is he really worth giving up?

"You're unusually quiet." Kaïs says as he drives me to the club.

   "Sorry." I respond.

"For what? Anyways, what's your friend like? The sexy black one with black and blonde hair."

   "Almond? She's great. She's a lot like me, won't take shit from anyone. She's also super funny and sweet."

"Is that so? You won't happen to know how she is in bed, do you?" he inquires.

   "Ask her when you see her today but I think she's into Marius."

"Ha! Good look with that. Adalene has that man by his balls. He'll never admit it but it's true. Don't tell him I said that."

I laugh at his confession.

"I thought you'd never laugh today." he mumbles.

   "Thanks Kaïs. I needed that."

"No problem. I'm serious about your girl though."

   "I'll let her know." I nudge him as we pull up to the club. "Will he be coming tonight?"

   "Yeah, he should be here around 12am. He had to handle something."


It's 8:30pm, I wonder what he's doing right now. I haven't seen him since this morning after our talk.

The bouncers won't let anyone in until the club opens at 9:00pm so Kaïs has to wait in the car until then. When I walk through the doors and into the locker rooms, the girls are already getting ready. I hear the same bitches talking shit about me like they do every single night. I roll my eyes and head straight to Almond.

"Girl!" Almond starts. "The boss man has bones to pick with you. The fuck did you do?"

   "He's always had something against me. I've got to go to his office when I'm done."


   "That's what I'm saying." I agree as I touch up my makeup. "Oh by the way, my boyfriend's friend is interested in you. The blonde one."

"I wouldn't mind being fuck buddies with a fine French man. He's coming tonight?"

"Yeah, he is."

"And your man?"

"He'll be here later tonight."

"And they say you can't find a husband at a club... We love a man who isn't insecure about a little ass shaking." Almond praises.

"Absolutely." I laugh before removing my oversized clothes, revealing my outfit for tonight. "Alright, I'm going in."

"Don't let him ruin your night."

"I won't."

The walk to Alec's, my boss, office is dreadful. I already know he's going to give me an earful about calling out yesterday. I take a deep breath before knocking on his door.

"Come in!" he yells.

I open the door and offer him a nod before closing it behind me.

"So you decided to come to work today, huh?" he comments as he lights his cigar.

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