Part 3

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"It takes all sorts of people to make the underworld."
- Don Marquis
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Cash's POV

There she is. Her clothes, if I dare call them that, once again barely covers anything. Nonetheless, I enjoy the sight of her breast bouncing in her top as she makes her way towards me.

"Did you hear me?" the petite brunette woman asks.

"No, I didn't." I respond.

In fact, I haven't listened to a thing she's said since she approached us 5 minutes ago. I only had intentions of speaking to one person tonight and she's finally made her appearance. When she reaches us, she glares at the two girls.

"Back off, Lux. He's my customer today." the brunette says.

"Our customer." the pink haired one corrects. Why did this woman decide to have pink hair? I simply don't know.

"I don't think so." Lux grits.

"You both have 5 seconds to back off Lux's regular. I promise you, you don't want problems tonight." the black woman beside Lux says.

The brunette turns around and takes a step toward her but Lux quickly stands in between them, glaring at the brunette.

"You sure? Did you forget what happened last time you picked a fight with Almond and I or do we need to beat both your asses again?" Lux warns.

"What do you say, Candy? Round 2?" the black woman, who I now know is Almond, asks the pink haired woman.

The two ladies turn to each other, hit Lux and Almond with one more dirty look, before walking away.

Seems like Lux has a fierce side. She is like a cat and like any cat, despite its soft exterior, has claws ready to attack.

"Those fucking bitches. Well, I'll leave you to the rest." Almond tells Lux before turning to address me. "Treat my girl good now. Oh and you, with the glasses, feel free to meet me later in a more private setting." she winks before leaving.

Lux laughs before facing me.

"Sorry about that."

"So, you fight?" I ask her.

"When I need to."

"Sexy and badass." Kaïs says.

I don't know why but that statement irritates me. I turn toward him and give him a look in which he puts his hands up and turns around.

"Perhaps we should go to the private room." I suggest.

"This way." she leads the way to the same room as last time before closing the door behind us.

"So ma tigresse, what did you find out?"

"What does that mean?" she asks.

"I'll tell you under one condition, tell me your name."

"No deal. I'll use google when I get home."

I smirk at this. I could have easily gotten her name from Marius. We have already looked up everything about this strip club as well as the people that work here. None of them have personal connections to the Russians so I didn't bother remembering anyone's names. Lux, however, I refused to look at her legal name. Weird as it is given the circumstances, I want her to tell me.

I pull out an envelope with $5,000 in it and place it on the couch beside me. I gesture for her to take a seat next to me and she does.

Bare for you (French Mafia Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora