Part 7

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"There's no comfort in the truth, pain is all you'll find."
- George Michael
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Cash's POV

Of all the bad things I did in life, it won't be karma or Russians or any godforsaken gun that take me down. No. I have no doubt it'll be this woman herself that ends me. At 7:15 in the morning, with very little sleep, she still has the energy to butt heads with me.

"I don't understand why you need to watch over me at my job like a child." Lexus complains. "I understand the risk of Aleksei coming back. I understand that he may think I have intel on you. But the reality of the situation is that I don't know shit about you. If he does talk to me or takes me with him, he'll see just how worthless I am when it comes to information on you and he'll let me go."

   "Do you really think it'll be that simple?" I say as I drive her to the club. "He thinks we are in a relationship. Even if he does find out you don't know much about me, he will use you against me."

"Why does that concern you?"

   "Putain! Why do you have little regard for your life? Maybe you don't understand the reality of the situation, Lexus. Aleksei will kill you. It won't matter that you don't know much about me. He will kill you simply because you are now associated with me."

She silently sinks into her seat as she takes the final bite of her croissant sandwich. I figured she knew the extent of the danger she's in but perhaps that was an oversight.

"So, you're not a common drug dealer?" she asks quietly.

   "No, I am not." I answer.

"Of course you're not. The money, the house, the men always with you, your sister... I'm such a fucking idiot." she says to herself. "How high up are you?"

   "What do you mean?"

"I need to know how deep in shit I am in, Cash. How high are you in this criminal food chain or whatever you call it?"

   "I am a CFO, ma tigresse. I am a high-ranking member of my family's business." I carefully imply.

I will not elaborate any further than I already have. It seems she understood my double meaning of being high-ranking.

   "Now you understand why I'm doing this. Aleksei may come for you at your workplace so I, or someone I trust, will be there to make sure he doesn't do anything to harm you. It's not safe after you leave work, either. You will stay with me until this situation is done. I estimate a months time." I explain to her.

I park my car next to the only car in the club's parking lot. An old, blue 2004 Nissan Maxima.

"Why go through the trouble? Why not let Aleksei kill me? It'll save you all this hassle." she asks as she tightens her hand on her small bag.

"You have my number saved, correct?" I ignore her question. She nods in response, prompting me to continue. "Good. If you call me, be sure to introduce yourself on the phone. I will never be the first to speak. If 10 seconds pass and no introduction has been made, I will assume it is not you and hang up immediately. I will also assume the worst so do not forget. Kaïs will follow behind you to your home so you can collect your things. I will be at work most of the day but I will see you tonight."

"Sounds like I don't have much choice." she says as she gets out my car and into hers.

I trust Kaïs to safely watch over her until I'm done with business. I have to work on the books for the wine company then meet with my family at 5pm to discuss our next move against the Russians. I watch her drive off before heading to the office.

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