Part 8

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"Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often, it's the place we find the deepest heartache."
– Lyanla Vansant
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Lexus's POV

The rollercoaster of emotions I have gone through today is insane. Getting the call that my sister could be put in jail for drug possession while on my way to a drug kingpin's home could not get any crazier. Had I not dated the cop that took her in back in high school, this would have ended much worse.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?" Celine asks.

   "It just happened a couple days ago. When did you start smoking?" I counter.

"I just needed a stress reliever. Don't worry, it's not something I want to do again."

"Thank god for that."

The rest of the ride is silent as I drive to our mother's home. I haven't been here in years and had no plans of returning yet here I am. As I pull in to the driveway beside my mother's car, two cars park behind me. I sigh as I take in the familiar home.

"You don't have to go in if you don't want to." Celine says. "But I do think you should see her."

   "I'll walk you in but that's it."

She offers me a smile before getting out of the car. I love my sister more than anything in this world and would do anything for her. Even if it means seeing the woman I hate, our mother. I get out the car and follow her to the front door. Unsurprisingly, Cash is following closely behind. The first thing I notice when I walk in is how clean the living room is. I have no doubt that Celine is the one that takes care of this place.

"You're doing a great job with this place. You'll do great in California." I tell Celine.

   "That's if I get that scholarship to UCLA." she says as she heads for the couch. "We wouldn't be able to afford it without it."

"You will. I have no doubt." I respond as I look at an old baby picture of her on the table. "Even if you don't, you'll still go. Don't worry about the cost, just worry about graduating."

Cash points to a picture on the wall of a toddler with peanut butter all over their face.

"Is this you?" he asks me.

"No, that's Celine. The picture next to it is our brothers Armani and Romeo. The picture over there is our youngest sister Yves." I explain.

"You were not joking about the luxury names." he expresses.

   "Told ya!" Celine says.

"So, where are they?"

   "They had the privilege of actually knowing their fathers. We all have different dads but theirs took full custody of them. Armani lives in Florida now, Romeo just went to a family trip to Jamaica last month, and Yves lives in the rich part of Boston with her popular lawyer father." Celine says as she turns on the tv. "Also, if you're looking for pictures of Subaru, you won't find any..."

"Why not?"

A silence fills the room. Celine looks down at her lap while shaking her head.

"Lexus." Cash says my name. I know he is requiring an answer.

"I don't have the best relationship with my mother, Cash. When she kicked me out, I took as many pictures as I could. Any that I left behind were either burned or my face was scratched out of." I explain.

Before he could ask any more questions, the devil steps out of her bedroom to glare at me. It's been 4 years since I've seen her and it seems she hasn't aged at all. What is it about drunk, good for nothing mothers that makes their skin so perfect? Her black hair is messy and her blue eyes are drowsy. She must've just woken up.

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

   "Dropping Celine off, Sandee." I answer.

"Don't disrespect me and don't bullshit me when it comes to my daughter. You stopped caring about this family the second you decided to become a full time whore on a pole."

   "How dar–"

Before I could finish, Cash steps in front of me. He grabs my hand with his uninjured one and squeezes it.

"Hello, we haven't met but I am Lexus's boyfriend. You see, early in our relationship I made her a promise to never mistake her as a whore, as you put it, based on her profession or allow anyone else to do the same. That includes you. I would advise you not make that mistake again." Cash threatens.

"And what will you do?" she questions. "You think you can threaten me in my own home?"

"I would never threaten my future mother in law. I did, however, warn you of the dangers of disrespecting my woman. Financial hardships can come out of nowhere and with Celine going to UCLA in the fall, she will undoubtedly have a place to stay in. I cannot guarantee the same for you."

She opens her mouth but quickly closes it. She is at a loss for words just as I am. The way he's defending me as if we are truly a couple in love is astonishing. I can't help but feel this 'butterfly' sensation in my stomach. This moment has nothing to do with protecting me from Aleksei, so why?

"I'm going to go drink. You two better be gone when I get back." my mother says before turning to Celine. "Next time you need a ride, call me. I don't want her back here, Cee. We're fine on our own."

She doesn't wait for a response before walking away and slamming the door shut behind her. Cash lets go of my hand then turns to look at me.

"Are you okay, ma tigresse?"

Am I okay? I don't know. I don't think about it, instead I react based on how I'm feeling at the moment. I put my hand behind his head then pull him close to me. Without thinking, I start kissing him and he quickly start kissing me back. The kiss is electrifying, I'm loving every second of it. He deepens the kiss by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. I feel his tongue grazing mine and I react accordingly. While our first kiss was that of lust, this is something different. Something deeper.
After what feels like forever, I slowly back away.

   "Thanks for that." I whisper.

"There's no need to thank me. I meant what I said, no one will disrespect you as long as your mine." he says. "Answer my question, Lex."

   "Yes, I'm okay."

My sister gets up from the couch and approaches me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you come in. I always hoped she'd get over the whole dancing thing. You would think she'd be grateful since you're the reason we still have this place." Celine apologizes.

"You pay the mortgage here?" Cash asks.

   "It's paid off, I pay utilities, groceries, and the taxes." I reply.

"You should start going, Ford. I promise I won't smoke any more weed." Celine says. "Cash, can I talk to you before you go? Alone?"

Excuse me? What does she have to say to him that can't be said in front of me? Before I could object, Cash puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles at me.

"I'll meet you outside, tigresse. 2 minutes." he says.

I decide not to object. I nod before heading to the front door.

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