Khaotung just silently looked at First at this time.

"When did it happen? What were you doing that you were attacked? Shaking his penis? Or swallowing-"

"Watch how you speak, we're in a public place."

First sighed, even though he was no longer angry the resentment returned after seeing how badly he was hurt.

"Then why did you choose a job that can't be talked about in public?"

Khaotung sighed then asked First not to ask any more questions. At the moment, his head was still a little dizzy and his wounds were still painful. First's questions seemed to make it even more agonizing.

First sighed and sat on the waiting chair while looking at Khaotung who decided to go back to eating his lunch.
First just realized that there were a few grains of medicine on the small bedside table, maybe it was Khaotung's medication time.

"Are you going back to work at the bar? After something like this?"

"Only one person has treated me like this. Besides, I had a lot on my mind last night so I couldn't control my emotions. I indirectly provoked his emotions."


First was on his way home from the hospital at this time. He was thinking about Khaotung who now said he had accepted to be a debt collector with Lee and Podd. But First couldn't accept it, now he felt so bad just because Khaotung didn't have the same feelings for him.
Moreover, earlier he met Podd who was on duty at a food shop, he saw how Podd destroyed some of the shopkeeper's merchandise and even wanted to hit the women in the shop.

Khaotung was someone who was angry that his father was treated so harshly, and now  First was making him part of the people he hated.
Then, when Khaotung explained what happened to him last night, it was because he provoked the person's emotions unconsciously. Most likely what made him think so much that night was that First transferred him to the debt collection group.

First sighed, not knowing that the effects of his first sex would make him think so much like this.

Today is exactly two days after Khaotung was admitted, he has been discharged.
His body is better, his face no longer has any swelling, only the remnants of a scar adorning his sweet face.
On the way home, Khaotung looked talkative, happy as ever as if that night was a normal thing for him. Maybe it was? It wasn't Khaotung's first time so there was no sense of trauma or fear.
When Podd asked if he was going back to the bar or not, Khaotung replied that even tonight he would go straight to the bar.


Khaotung who had just entered the house immediately raised his head, looking at First who was standing on the second floor.


"Meet me," First replied and went into the room where he and Khaotung had their first sex.

Khaotung then turned his head to Podd. Actually, even now he was told by Podd to go see Khanapan.
Podd also told Khaotung to go see First first, he would go tell Khanapan if Khaotung had to go see First first.



Khaotung had entered the room, feeling a little strange because the atmosphere of the room reminded him of that night.
He saw First sitting on the bed and asked Khaotung to approach him.

"What?" Khaotung asked again.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Khaotung nodded his head. "I have to go see your father."

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