52. Tell My Why

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1 moon later

"Tell me why you are fucking with me." Sandor demanded.

"Am not. It is said that Tylanna Lannister brought down the mountain to save her husband."

"Little Tyanna Lannister? Shes a twig." Sandor corrected.

"A twig with the strength to take down a mountain."

"You're fucking with me." Sandor repeated in disbelief.

"Thats a girl you dont want to mess with." Sandor stared back at the man before she finished his ale.

"Tyanna Lannister? Nah you are fucking with me." Sandor corrected before he headed out.

"Thank you, Tya." Cersei declared as she held Myrcella to her.

"Trystane and her are really getting along, you know the idea of lannisters and Martells was horrific to me before." Tyanna reminded her. "But they aren't that bad."

"Thanks," Oberyn mused.

"Do you forgive me yet?" Cersei questioned.

"I dont know." Tyanna admitted hugging her. "You were willing to kill Tyrion for something he didnt do and that should be unforgivable but you are my sister and I love you... so you see how im conflicted."

"What if I apologize to Tyrion?"

"Thats a good start." Tyanna agreed.

"I need my sister back."

"Me too." Tyanna answered hugging her again.

"Doran said you understood the importance have keeping on Dornes good side." Oberyn remarked. "Therefore Trystane will join you on the council. Take my place." Tywin looked to Trystane. He clung to Myrcellas hand as she introduced him to tommen.

"I suppose its best to get the boy in young. Train him right." Tywin agreed.

"Wonderful." Oberyn agreed. "Now tell me." Oberyn demanded his tone suddenly serious. "Did you send your mountain to kill my sister and her children? Dont lie to me. I will be able to tell if you are lying to me." Oberyn remarked. Tywin sighed looking to Tyanna and Tyaria. Tyon was already playing tag with Jaime by the looks of it.

"I did." Tywin admitted. "Robert wanted them dead. Asked me to handle it." Oberyns jaw clenched. "I told ser gregor to handle it. Quickly."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Why would I care if they were tortured? They were nothing to me." Tywin remarked. "Nothing at all but names the cunt of a king wanted dead. I understand they were your family but I had angered the mad king enough already. I believed that no Targaryen would be fit to rule. I didnt think about your family... I saw them as the enemy." Oberyn nodded slowly.

"Ser gregor was known to go to the extremes thats why I knew he would succeed." Tywin offered. "Is it too much to ask that we start over? Put the past behind us in sake of the future? Your children your wife- my grandchildren and my wonderful and terrifying daughter?" Tywin questioned. Oberyn looked to Tyanna as she clung to her family her siblings. She loved them. She loved her father too. Oberyn could let bygones be bygones for her.

"Fresh start." Oberyn agreed extending a hand. "For Tyanna."

"Tell my why you two are smiling? It's unsettling." Tyanna remarked moving to Oberyns side.

"No, Tyanna tell me why-" Tywin countered. "Your husband thinks dornes food is better than ours?"

"Dont get him started." Tyanna laughed out. "But I do agree with him now. Once you go dornish you cant go back. In all aspects." Oberyn smirked.

"Say it louder my love!"

Tell Me Why // Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now