41. Long May He Reign

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"You sent for me, Your Grace?"

"Your Grace. How formal of you. How many Kingsguards are posted outside Tommen's door?" Cersei questioned.

"Ser Boros is on duty tonight. Tomorrow I believe..." Jaime began.

"So one? You have one man guarding the future king?" Cersei demanded.

"I promise you Tommen's safe. We're protecting him." Jaime assured.

"The way you protected Joffrey? Why did Catelyn Stark set you free?" Cersei demanded.


"I've been wondering for months. Ever since that great cow brought you back to the capital. Why did she set you free?" Cersei spat. Tyanna was here to bitch about Tyrion being in a cell but Cersei, Jamie drama was even better. She didnt realize that they werent still in love. She just figured that when Jaime got back Cersei would have jumped his bones. 

"You know why. She'd hoped I'd send her daughters back to her." Jaime answered.

"She hoped or did you promise?" Cersei seethed.

"I swore by all the gods that if her daughters were alive, I'd return them to her." Jaime admitted.

"Our honorable Brother." Tyanna agreed. 

" So you made a sacred vow to the enemy." Cersei agreed.

"I wanted to get back to you. Should I have told her to fuck off?" Jaime questioned.

"Jaime was playing the game, you used to know how to play it." Tyanna remarked, Cersei scoffed. 

"You didn't mean it, then? You have no loyalty to Catelyn Stark?" Cersei questioned.

"Catelyn Stark's dead." Jaime reminded her.

" So if I told you to leave the capital right now and find Sansa, if I told you to find that murderous little bitch and bring me her head, would you do it?" Jaime scoffed. " I know you went to see Tyrion. That creature who murdered my son." Jaime looked to Tyanna. 

"No shit I went to see him." Tyanna agreed. "He is my twin, you used to care about this family Cersei." tyanna demanded. 

"And?" Cersei spat.

"He didn't do it, Cersei." Tyanna begged.

"You both have always pitied him. Our poor little brother. Abused by the world. Despised by his father and elder sister. He'd kill us all if he could." Cersei decided. 

"He wouldnt! He is not a killer." Tyanna demanded. "Why you continue to treat him like the monster... you should look in the mirror Cersei." Tyanna seethed as she marched out. Cersei gaped back at her before her lips pursed and she glared at Jaime. 

"I want four men at Tommen's door day and night. That will be all, Lord Commander."


'So am I the queen?' Margaery questioned Olenna.

'More than you were with Renly less than you would've been if Joffrey had of done you the courtesy of consummating the marriage before dying,' Olenna told her 'in any case this would not be an opportune moment to press the issue.'

'clawing at his own throat looking to his mother to make it stop,' Margaery said shaking her head 'it was horrible.'

'The world is overflowing with horrible things but they're all a tray of cakes next to death they brought me your grandfather's body when they died and made me look at it.' Olenna told her.

'What was it like?'

'They took me to the great Hall and there he was the man I married and suffered to father my children a great doughy lump. I'd sat next to through useless dinners and tedious gatherings,' Olena told her 'and there he was lying on the table.'

'One of my husbands preferred the company of men and was stabbed through the heart, another was happiest torturing animals and was poisoned at our wedding feast I must be cursed.' Margaery told her

'Nonsense,' Olena declared 'your circumstances have improved remarkably you may not have enjoyed watching him die but you enjoyed it more than you would've enjoyed being married to him I can promise you that.'

'I would've been the queen.' Margaery reminded her

'Our alliance with the Lannister's remains every bit as necessary to them as it is unpleasant for us. You did wonderful work on Joffrey the next one should be easier.'


'In the light of the seven I now claim Tommen Baratheon the first of his name the king of the andals and the first men and Lord of the seven kingdoms.' he crowned tommen 'long may he reign.'

'Long may he reign.' they echoed and everyone cheered happily as Tommen stood before them looking over his subjects.

'Your father asked me to sit on the council for Tyrions trial.' Oberyn informed Tyanna.

'that so?' Tyanna questioned, Tywin stood to his grandsons side as hand of the king but his eyes focused on her. She offered him a small smile. "That was nice of him."

"I want a proper introduction with the mountain while we are here." Oberyn remarked. Tyanna met his gaze just as Tyon came spinning into her legs. 

"Gregor is... you mean a proper fight." Tyanna corrected. 

"Yes. I want the chance to bloody him." Oberyn agreed, she leaned into him as Ellaria came over with a cupcake which Tyon promptly stole. 

"If you are on the council," Tyanna countered leaning into Oberyn. "You can be the voice of reason, the voice of doubt, making sure all of Cersei's stupid ass lies are called out." 

"Your wish is my command." 

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