18. Killer

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'Do you joke? I will not have my honor questioned by an imp'' Janos spat.

'I'm not questioning your honor I am denying its existence.' Tyrion told him and Janos shot up

'I won't sit here and take this from a dwarf!' he said defensively.

'Dwarf you should've stopped at imp' tyrion said still sitting and unfazed by the mans aggression. 'You can stand here and take it from me or you can take it from my friend Bronn here.' Bronn stepped forward. 'I intend to service him to the king until my father returns from the war and seeing as though you would trade the last hand of the King well I just wouldn't feel safe with you looking about.'

'What are you talking about? My friends at court will not allow this the queen herself will not allow this!'

'The queen regent and you are a fool to believe she is your friend.'

'We will hear what Joffrey has to say about this!'

'No we wont.' Tyrion said, he nodded to Bronn, who nodded to the door and two guards came in.

'There was a ship on the shore leaving tonight, from there I'm afraid it is a long walk to Castle Black I hope you enjoy the wall I found it surprisingly beautiful and a brutal, horribly uncomfortable sort of way.' Tyrion told him.

'I will escort you, the streets are not safe at night.' Bronn informed him.

'These men are under my command!' he shouted 'I demand you to arrest this cutthroat!' he shouted

'His name is Bronn and he is the new commander of the city watch.''

"What if you have a little princess?" Elia questioned. 

"It better be little, Tyon was already hard enough to get out." Tyanna remarked. 

"Little like your brother." Elia corrected innocently.

"I love Tyrion so much," Tyanna assured. "But I know how hard life was for him, I know how the world treated him because of how he was born." Tyanna ran a hand over her stomach. "I would love this baby no matter what but... I dont want them to be punished like Tyrion was just for being born." 

"But you would love your baby." Elia corrected. 

"We would. Even if it was born with a tail." Oberyn agreed kissing Tyanna's cheek, her lips puckered and brow furrowed. 

"A tail? What the fuck do you think I'm growing in here?"


'You had no right to execute him!' Cersei shouted, 'I am the queen!'

'Queen regent,' Tyrion corrected. 'I am the kings hand-' tyrion reminded her.

'You are serving as the king's hand till father gets here. I am the queen regent.' Cersei spat

''Listen to me queen regent, it is for the best of the people do you hear me?' Tyrion told her.

''The people? Do you think I care?' Cersei spat.

'You might find it difficult to rule over millions who want your dead,' Tyrion told her 'half the city will starve when winter comes and the other half will come here to kill you. The gold plated thugs just gave them their rallying cry a king that slaughters babies... You don't even have the decency to deny it." Tyrion told her ashamed until he realized. 'It wasn't you who gave the order... was it?' Tyrion questioned seeing her wicked sneer falter. 'Joffrey didn't even tell you. Did he tell you? I imagine that would be even worse.' Tyrion added.

'He did what needed to be done. Do you want to be hand of the King? Do you want to rule? This is what it is? Lies, lying on a bed of weeds and ripping them out by the root one by one before the strangle you in your sleep.' Cersei informed him.

'I know he is the King,' tyrion said taking a step forward. 'but I think there's more to ruling than that.' Tyrion said calmly.

''I do not care what you think! you've never taken it seriously, you haven't and Jaime hasn't, it's all fallen on me.' cersei said sitting down.

'As has Jaime... repeatedly according to Stannis Baratheon.' Tyrion said smugly

'You're funny... You've always been funny... But none of your jokes will ever match the first one will they? Do you remember? Back when you ripped my mother open on the way out of her and she bled to death.' Cersei told him venomously. "Nearly killed Tyanna too. I remember them pulling her free and she didnt cry, I was sobbing over mother and they deemed little Tyanna was hiding in there." Tyrion stared back at her fury and anger and sadness filling him. 

''She was my mother to.' Tyrion reminded her softly, pain of her words making his lip quiver. 

"Tyanna wasnt breathing and father threw a fit, I had never seen him so upset." Cersei remarked. "They just barely saved her."

"How is that my fault? I didnt want to her hurt her." Tyrion remarked. 

''Now mother is gone for the sake of you. there's no bigger joke in the world than that."

"You think it will be twins?" Oberyn questioned touching her stomach. 

"I dont know." Tyanna countered. "I can't tell." 

"You and Tyrion are close." Oberyn added. 

"Thats why we have to go to the capital, that and I miss them." Tyanna agreed. "You know when I was born, Jaime told me that they had to pull me free from my mothers corpse." 

"Really?" Oberyn questioned slightly horrified. 

"I was pale, I didnt cry, I wasnt breathing. But Tyrion saved me." Tyanna remarked.

"How?" Oberyn questioned, rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.

"I dont know, Jaime said it was a miracle. They placed me beside him and he wiggled his way to me. Jaime said Tyrion reached out holding onto me and I coughed something up and started to cry." Tyanna remarked. "They kept us together for a moon while I fought to get stronger." 

"Thats beautiful." Oberyn remarked. "Really beautiful." 

"He's my best friend, he has been through everything with me, so him being so far away, me being here and not able to help him... it all catches up to me at times." Tyanna informed him. 

"I understand, I am happy to go to kings landing and I promise not to get stabby with your father when we see him." 

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