23. But Why?

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Willing Heart / Ser Duncan the tall out now!

"Joffrey," Tyanna instructed. 

"Sorry," Joffrey barked back. 

"What is his training like?" Oberyn questioned. 

"Training?" Cersei countered. 

"Training." Oberyn agreed. "You train him, your guards, your master of arms?" 

"Of course, he is the king though-" Cersei countered. 

"And the people dont need to see their king landing himself on his flat ass, shows real power seeing their king fall in training." Oberyn agreed drinking down his wine.

"I am the king-" Joffrey shouted. 

"Any man that needs to scream I am king, it clearly-" Tyanna began but Tyrions laughter silenced her. 

"Tell me why you think that it is better for him to be incompetent in battle than to get a few bruises and learn to be a man?" Oberyn questioned. 

"Yes Cersei, tell him why..." Tyrion agreed leaning in. 

"When are you leaving for Harenhall and can you take Tyrion with you?" Cersei demanded. 

"This is such good family bonding though." Tyanna mused. Oberyn was still waiting for an answer. 

"Tyon has already begun his training." Oberyn remarked proudly. "Tyanna as well."

"You have?" Cersei and Tyrion questioned. 

"Ellaria is teaching me." Tyanna agreed. 

"Ellaria... the paramour?" Tyrion recalled. 

"Not a paramour." Tyanna corrected. "I dont stand for my man shoving his cock in anyone that is not me." 

"You people are disgusting." Joffrey declared. 

"She threatened to cut it off," Cersei pondered. 

"And I believed her when she threatened to." Oberyn agreed. "But she is more than enough woman for me." Oberyn assured. 

"Tyon, you show auntie and Uncle Tyrion what you learned?" Tyanna requested. Tyon jumped up and held out his hand, Oberyn held out a blade. 

"Tyanna thats a real blade''  Cersei corrected. 

"He complained when I gave him a play blade." Oberyn agreed. 

"Hi-ya!" Tyon declared flinging the dagger across the room, he threw it like an axe and it stabbed into the armor displayed in the corner of the room. He did a bow before running to the armor and yanking it from the shin. 

"He is still working on his aim, in another moon or two he will be getting it high enough for a head shot." Oberyn assured. 


"I'm coming to dorne with you, but why?" Myrcella countered. 

"Because dorne is so much fun." Tyanna remarked. 

"But why?" Myrcella countered. 

"Because why not?" Tyanna countered hugging Myrcella to her. "Its going to be an adventure, and you will love Trystane he is a cutie." Mycella blushed hiding her face. 

"I found him." Oberyn remarked coming in. "You sister stole him." Tyon waved back at Tyanna. 

"Did Aunt Cersei steal you because you are the cutest baby in the world?" Tyanna coed. 

"Yeah," Tyon agreed. 

"SO modest he is, must get that from you, Oberyn." Tyanna teased. "Myrcella I know that its scary but you dont have to worry because its going to be a big party." Tyanna remarked. 

"It is?" myrcella questioned. 

"Yes, you get to meet my daughters, you will love them. We will swim and sail all the time!" Tyanna added. "We have a ship to get home but we can sail once out on the water. I know you and TOmmen like to sail."  Myrcella nodded. "What if when I get back we go sailing with Tommen?"

"I would like that." Myrcella agreed. 

"How do you have more luggage than when we started?" Oberyn questioned. 

"I'm not bringing this to Harrenhal." Tyanna assured. "Cersei had a few gifts and hand me downs to bring home, I'm packing them now so I dont forget- oh and this dress-" Tyanna pulled it out. "We are not telling you mum that I stole this because we all know I look better in it." Tyanna brought a finger to her lips hushing Myrcella's laughter. "Okay, time to see father?"

"Lets go say hello to Tywin lannister." Oberyn agreed. 

Tell Me Why // Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now