32. Naked

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"One of these days we are going to bring Ellaria with us." Tyanna remarked. 

"Then we can put her on baby duty and I can be on Tyanna duty." Oberyn agreed kissing along her neck. 

"We should have brought her with!" Tyanna declared. 

"But then we couldnt have spent this whole boat ride back naked." Oberyn corrected. "Just our skin and bones, wearing anything better than clothes..." Tyanna laughed out. 

"Cocks are strange." Tyanna countered. Oberyn looked down at himself. "I mean yours is fine but in general, the whole region just isnt that... appealing."

"Wow," Was all oberyn had to say to that. "Tell me how you really feel."

"I just did." Tyanna agreed. 

"Just fine?" Oberyn countered. Tyanna rose up gripping his cock she felt his twitch at her grip.  "I'm not turned on at all." Oberyn decided. Tyanna took a step back and chuckled. 

"Yes, says the man saluting me with a very impressive erection." Tyanna corrected. 

"You didnt hear her?" Oberyn shouted down at his cock. "She is insulting us-"

"Technically I'm insulting all the other men's cocks I had before you." Tyanna offered with a shrug. Oberyn thought on that as she moved to pick up Tyon. He too was butt naked running around the ship. Clothes were usually optional at sunspear so sheer dresses or nothing was typical and Tyon was embracing that. 

"That is an acceptable answer." Oberyn remarked pulling Tyanna to him. 

"I'm not wrong." She whispered against him. 

"You dont complain when I'm inside you." Oberyn corrected. 

"I dont have to see, just feel it." Tyanna mused. 

"You love tormenting me." Oberyn decided. 

"Yeah." Tyanna agreed without hesitation as her lips molded with his. 


"Shit." Tyanna murmured rummaging through their bags. "Shit!" 

"Whats wrong my love?" Oberyn purred. 

"Did you pack Tyaria's lion?" Tyanna questioned. Tyaria was gnawing on a wooden block at the moment but her lion stuffie was her favorite toy and she could scarcely sleep without it, but with the trip up here, the new people at the capital she must have been distracted enough to forget... for now. 

"No." Oberyn admitted looking to their daughter.  "She usually has it in a death grip." 

"I know thats why I'm in a panic!" Tyanna agreed. 

"We just ignore the fact we dont have it-"

"Check the damn ship." Tyanna corrected and Oberyn ran out of the room. 

"Ober-" Tywin began as Oberyn sprinted past him. 

"Dont mind him daddy, he's on a lion mission." Tyanna remarked. 

"Thats nice." Tywin offered confused. "Hello Tyaria." he coed picking her up, she continued to gnaw at her toy blocks from Tyrion. 

"SHe's teething, better to do it on those then gnawing at my teats." Tyanna remarked, Tywin's face puckered. Shaking his head he glanced to her. "You had four children." she reminded him. 

"I didnt birth them myself." Tywin reminded her. 

"Speaking of your children." Tyanna remarked as she laid out a few options for Tyaria for the wedding, right now she sat in her diaper. Tyaria made a face, her eyes bugging out, her lips quivered and she looked like she might cry before they heard a little toot.  Then the smell filled the room. 

"Your daughter-" Tywin began. 

"Why are you making Tyrion get married?" Tyanna countered. Tywin held out Tyaria. "Sansa is a child." 

"She bled. Cersei assured him of that." 

"She is still a child. Tyrion is a man."  Tyanna remarked taking Tyaria and putting her on the table to change her. 

"You know Oberyn was 8 years older than yourself-"

"And Tyrion is what... 15 years older than her?" Tyanna countered. "I also wasnt a little girl when you sent me away." 

"You are a beautiful young woman with a wonderful family." Tywin remarked. "Tyrion's son will be warden of the north, but Tyrion will rule the north in his name once he weds Stark." Tywin informed her. "Cersei will marry Loras and she will secure-"

"Cersei will marry who now?" Tyanna demanded when Oberyn came back in. 

"No go for the lion." Oberyn murmured. 

"Did Cersei lose her shit when she found out about your bull match?" Tyanna questioned lifting Tyaria up. Tyaria smiled a gummy smile back at her as she put Tyaria on the ground. 

"She knows her duty." Tywin offered. "Excuse me I have to make sure Tyrion is getting ready." Tywin remarked kissing her forehead. 

"How long do you think we have before Tyaria realizes?" Oberyn questioned moving to Tyanna. 

"You know how glad I am that I married you?" Tyanna countered leaning into him. 

"How glad are you?" Oberyn questioned kissing the corner of her lips. 

"I hated it at first," She admitted. "But I love you so much I couldnt have found myself a better man, a better husband, a better father to our children." 

"Same goes for you my love." 

"Oh I know how much you love me." Tyanna teased nuzzling into his chest. 

"Come my dearest, we have a wedding to get ready for." Oberyn remarked. "Support your brother even if he doesnt want this, you didnt want us either. Maybe love grows." Tyanna nodded, she had to hope for the best, Tyrion was a wonderful man, who wouldnt fall in love with him?

"You get Tyaria, I got Tyon." Oberyn remarked. Tyaria was crawling away giggling out. 

"Tyaria!" Tyanna declared laughing out. "Come here cutie pie! We got a wedding to get ready for." 

Oberyn scooped her up and she tipped back laughing out. 

"I noticed a lot of red dress options." Oberyn remarked. 

"Wait til you see what I picked out for you."

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