8. New Mama

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Tyanna Was nervous. She didn't think she would be. But she was about to get married. To a man she just met when she was kissing his paramour only yesterday.

"Wow," tyanna heard the little voice behind her. She turned around to see you one of her step daughters to be. She smiled big eyes dark hair tan skin. All of Oberyns children in a way looked like him.

She's always hoped for a little blonde haired girl when she thought about her future. When her own sister had children of her own they were blonde haired, big green eyes. She thought if I have children one day heavens forever from now she never thought she was ready for children but dhe thought it all the same.

Being a woman it was engraved in her. The one that a family to continue the line. To produce an heir. So in the back of her mind that's what she wanted but the front of her mind front and center she was anti-baby.

"You look really pretty new mama." A little girl said.

"Thank you sweetie," tyanna answered. "Are you Elia?"

"Yeah." She agreed moving to Tyannas side. "can you make my hair pretty like yours?" she requested.

"Well I think your hair is beautiful." Tyanna countered. Elia smiled back at her.

"New mama are you sad?" Elia questioned. New mama, tyanna thought with a chuckle.

"No." Tyanna answered as she braided Elias hair.

"Its your wedding day. You are supposed to be singing and dancing and kissing daddy all day." Elia countered. " but here you are all alone." Tyanna thought on that.

" i'm new to your region. I don't have any friends yet." Tyanna remarked.

"You can be my friend, I can be your friend. But you're gonna be my new mama but we can still be friends," she assured her little mind thinking it through.

"Thank you Elia. I would like that very very much." Tyanna agreed. There was a knock at the door and Elia called out come in.

"Oh Tya you look beautiful." Tyrion declared pressing a kiss to her hand. "You made yourself a little friend."

"You're her little friend." Elia giggled back. Tyrion cleared his throat, a smile on his face. Kids. He loved their blunt innocence. Less so when it was directed at him.

"This is elia." Tyanna introduced.

"And this is new mama." Elia agreed. Tyrion smiled looking between them.

"You ready... new mama?" Tyrion questioned.

Damn if oberyn wasnt the sexiest thing in the world standing at the end of the aisle as Tyrion walked Tyanna down.

She licked at suddenly dry lips the closer she got to her husband to be. She didnt remember the ceremony the vows or the cloaking. All her brain held onto was that kiss.

Tyanna wrapped her arms around his shoulders, burrowing her fingers into his hair, holding him just as tight as he held her. His tongue flicked playfully against her lips, and Tyanna parted just enough for a taste.

Roaring applause crept past their bubble, and they slowed the kiss, both of them panting like they had run here striaght from the capital. Overyn smiled staring back at Tyanna both looking a little shocked by the intensity that consumed them but Oberyns smile revealed that was just a taste of what was to come.

"I present to you, Prince Oberyn and princess Tyanna Martell." He linked his fingers with tyannas and smiled a smile full of victory and promise.

"Is she really a princess?" Jaime countered. "Marrying a prince?"

"He better treat her like a queen," tyrion countered. "Or im sending you back down here to kick his ass," tyrion added. Oberyn kissed her again letting his hand travel down her back. Tyanna smiled a challenge back and shook her head, almost but not yet. Oberyn chuckled and Tyanna let him lead her back down the aisle.


Cake was consumed and throughout the celebration the entire celebration oberyn couldnt take his eyes off her.

"Impatient for something, husband?" Tyanna mused licking the frosting from her lips. Oberyn smirked pulling his chair closer to her. "What do you want husband?"

"I want you my wife." He answered. She hummed taking another bite of cake. 

"How do you want me?" Tyanna purred. 

"I'd fuck you soft," oberyn whispered, his words caressing her ear. "I'd push my cock in slowly so I could memorize the feel of every inch inside your cunt. I'd hold your legs wide, so I could watch your swollen, wet cunt stretch to take all of me while I eased in and out. You'd beg me for more, but I'd barely touch your clit—just enough to drive you wild but not let you come." He tormented her in public. At their wedding feast, her brothers were drinking and chatting happily among the crowd, Doran was thrilled this was going so well, he already wrote Tywin Lannister himself. 

"And when you thought you had the torturous rhythm figured out" Oberyn went on "when you thought you found a way to come-" he breathed out the word, the air tickling her sending a shiver through her spine, shooting right to her cunt. "I'd fuck you so hard, so deep, you wouldn't know who you were anymore." Tyanna's gaze shifted ever so slightly to him but she didnt want him to move, his breath trickled down her chest.  "I wouldn't stop until you lost control—" she was about to lose control. "-screaming my name, your cunt squeezing my cock, begging for my cum." The sharp sting of his teeth against her ear contrasted deliciously with his soft tone. 

"Oh," she croaked out. "is that all?" She mused but she knew that if his hand sliding up and down her thigh under her dress decided to go a bit higher it would find an ocean of her desire waiting for him.

"And I'd give it to you. I'd fuck every drop so deep inside you, you'd never get rid of me." Oberyn decided. 

 "Oberyn." Tyanna didn't recognize the whimpering plea that begged for more with just his name.

 "Do you want it?" Oberyn questioned, he knew she did. Tyanna looked to him, the outside eye would have seen the newly wed and thought they were sharing an innocent moment not a scandalous I'm about to fuck you on this table moment. 

 Who was she? Tyanna thought as she tried to hold herself together.  Who was this girl melting at his feet? Tyanna didn't know her, she was one to make men weak, to fall at her feet not break at his words, plea for his touch. But in all of this new chaotic lust ravaging her, Tyanna knew one thing she wanted Oberyn Martell. 

Tyanna felt like she had been set on fire. 

"Yes." Tyanna agreed. 

 "Say it," he ordered. Smug as ever. Turning her head enough to meet his heated gaze, she did something she never thought she, Tyanna Lannister would ever, ever do. She obeyed.

 "I want you to fuck me." Tyanna agreed clearly. As if his eyes weren't dark enough, his pupils dilated, leaving the barest hint of that chocolate brown around the rim.

 "Good. Let's go, my beloved." Oberyn agreed and without waiting, he grabbed her hand and started walking, barely giving the few people they passed a polite nod. tyanna glanced back at her brothers, Tyrion chuckled and held out his hand. Jaime placed a coin in his open palm. Those little shits bet on how fast Oberyn would get her of this wedding and into his bed. 

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