17. Blondes

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"Tya?" Oberyn questioned when he found her barfing over the chamber pot. "Are you pregnant?"

"Can't I just have food poisoning for once?" Tya murmured another gag on her lips.

"Oh this is wonderful!"

"Fuck off." Tyanna corrected.

"You are such a good mother." Oberyn went on. "Tyon can have a little friend-"

"Oberyn, contain your enthusiasm."

"Last night-"

"It doesnt work that fast." Tyanna corrected. "I'm sure of it." 

"Oh, our baby experienced its first orgasm last night-"

"Gross, no. Thats not what it means Oberyn!" Tyanna declared her face blushing profusely. 

"I think thats what it means." Oberyn corrected. 

"Stop, just stop." Tyanna begged laughing out.  


''Thank the gods I haven't had a proper shit in six days' Tyrion said taking the vial from Pycelle

'Have you encountered this problem before my Lord?' Lord Pycelle asked 'positions of power often have this effect. Two drops with water a day.'

'I'm so grateful to have a man of your knowledge with this quick wisdom on our side, on my side.' Tyrion told him.

'Thank you my Lord.'

'I can trust you Pycelle can I not?' Tyrion asked.

'Of course my Lord'

'The crown is in the need to form new alliances and these alliances must often be sealed in matrimony.'' Tyrion told him.

''Matrimony yes' pycelle agreed.

''I are trusting the council with this plan but the queen mustn't know, you can't tell her.' Tyrion informed him. 'Meddling in affairs that could destroy the realm there's too much at stake.'

'oh yes yes I shall be silent as the grave.' Pycelle assured.

'I'm brokering an alliance with house Martell,' Tyrion informed him.

''out in Dorne?' Pycelle questioned confused. "Your sister is already wed to the prince..."

''princess Myrcella will marry their youngest son when she comes of age,' Tyrion said pouring glass of wine. ''Ensuring their army and their loyalty.' Tyrion added.

'Myrcella to be sent away to Dorne?'

'But remember the queen must never know' Tyrion added.

"Doesnt your sister already secure-"

"I think what you are missing here is that Tyrstane Martell is the heir to Prince Doran, the head of the household. Myrcella would be married to the heir to sunspear. Isn't that wonderful?" Tyrion questioned. "Remember, the queen must never know." 

"Tyrstane has a little crush on you." Oberyn remarked. Tyanna tossed her hair over her shoulder in response. "I'm serious, he has a thing for blondes since you came."

"Your tastes changed." Tyanna reminded him. 

"That it did." Oberyn agreed kissing her. "If I didnt know how madly in love you were with me I would think Tyrstane might stand a chance one day." Oberyn teased. 

"Remember what I said about replacing you with a younger dornish man?" 

"I believe it was our wedding yes." Oberyn agreed. 

"Tyrstane will be the right age when that time comes." Tyanna mused. "Hypothetically of course." 

"You kill me, Tyanna." Oberyn rasped in her ear. 

"I got to keep you on your toes," Tyanna countered. "Can't let you grow bored or your mind and cock will wander and that cock belongs to me." Tyanna demanded giving it a squeeze. 

"Yes ma'am." Oberyn agreed his breath on her neck blowing down her chest with each kiss. 

His hand played along her skin like a pianist playing his masterpiece. She arched into his touch. 

"You have no idea what it does to me to see your nipples hard, begging me to play with them." As if wanting more attention, they pulled painfully tight, sensitive to even the slightest movement against the silk of her dress. Gods, she ached. She could barely think beyond the live wire that was her body.

"Probably the same thing it does to me to see your cock so hard," she said, pointedly looking at the large bulge against his pants. He shifted, widening his legs, and her mouth watered.

"Probably." Oberyn mused. Tyanna smirked back at him. A command leaving her lips so sweetly and so impossible to refuse. 

"Then do something about it."

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