38. He's Really Dead, Did You See It?

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'Your grace.' Oberyn said politely as Tywin and Cersei approached.

"My love,' tywin said sweetly and a smile tugged at her lips as he pressed a kiss to Tyanna's temple. 'Prince Oberyn...' Tywin added with an edge to his voice.

'But I don't believe you have met Ellaria this is Lord hand Tywin Lannister and Cersei Lannister the queen regent I suppose it is former queen regent now,' Oberyn said as charming as ever. 'lord hand and lady Cersei, this is Ellaria sand.'

'My Lord my lady,' ellaria said with a small curtsy

'Charmed .' Tywin said his eyes focused on Tyanna though. She gave him a small that said please be nice. 

'I can't say I've ever met a sand before,' Cersei remarked

'We are everywhere in Dorne I have 10,000 brothers and sisters,' Ellaria told her

'Bastards are born of passion every day, we don't despise them in Dorne.' Oberyn informed them.

'How tolerant of you,' Cersei said bitterly.

"Cersei be nice please." Tyanna remarked. "I love my half daughters." 

'I expect it is a relief lady Cersei giving up your legal responsibilities wearing the crown for so many years must've left your neck a bit crooked,' Oberyn said.

'Oberyn!" Tyanna shouted slapping him over the head. 'Be fucking nice.' She demanded but Oberyn just chuckled as Tyanna shook her head.

'Prince Oberyn,' Tywin said looking to his daughters pinched face. 'it's a shame your brother couldn't attend the wedding, although my daughter, Tyanna's presence is quite welcomed.' Oberyn turned his gaze to Tywin. 'Please give him my regards with any luck the gout will abate with time and he'll be able to walk again.' Tywin suggested.

'It is a rich man's disease it a wonder you don't have it,' Oberyn told Tywin smugly. Tyanna rolled her eyes, how these to managed to have a pissing contest in public and somehow be mature while also being little shitheads about it was beyond Tyanna. 

'Noble men in my position don't enjoy the same life styles as our counterparts.' Tywin told him.

'In Dorne people everywhere have their differences in some places the Highborne frown on the low born in other places they rape and murder women and children is considered distasteful...' Oberyn reminded them. 'What a fortunate thing for you former queen regent that your daughter Myrcella has been sent to live in the latter sort of places.' Cersei scoffed. "We don't hurt little girls in Dorne."

"They hurt little girls everywhere." Cersei corrected. 

"Not while I'm there." Tyanna corrected. "Myrcella is happy, she is in love with her betrothed, Trystane treats her like a queen." Tyanna assured grabbing her sisters hand. 

'My love why don't you make the announcement?' Margaery said and Joffrey clinked his glass getting everyone's attention.

'Everyone ,'he declared 'the queen would like to say a few words,' the crowd clapped as Margaery rose.

"Excuse us." Tyanna offered. Oberyn led Tyanna and Ellaria to her seat. 

'We are so fortunate to enjoy this marvelous food and drink not all of us are so lucky, to thank the gods for bringing the recent war to a just end, King Joffrey has decreed that the leftovers from our feast be given to the poorest.' Margaery told them and the crowd irrupted with cheers. Tyanna swirled her wine in her cup as she tapped a ringed finger along the rim clapping along with everyone, her eyes drifted to Cersei whispering to a guard, surely saying feed the leftovers to the dogs. Tyannas focus was drawn back to Oberyn as he nibbled at hers neck. 

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