10. Lost Causes

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On Talya's first name day they had a big party. She shoved her face in cake and crawled back into Tyanna's arms all sticky to take a nap.

Tyanna's deduction of all the children were Obara and Nymeria were lost causes, they were moody and she was sure Obara didnt even like Oberyn so she let the moody teenager be. Nymeria was next oldest and she was still debating on if Tyanna was just another lannister, after all the Martells had bad mouthed lannisters for years now one was in their inner circle, Tyanna understood.

Tyene was sweet, Ellaria's eldest daughter and because Ellaria liked Tyanna, Tyene did too.  Sarella wasnt around much she had her own mother still but she visited Oberyn as she pleased. Otherwise Tyanna was golden, new mama to Elia, Obella, Dora and Tayla. It was great but she didnt want to throw their lives around anymore than she already had. She was an outsider for a few moons but Oberyn made her feel welcomed and loved.

But now she had news that would really cement her time here, hopefully make her officially one of them.

"You have been awfully quiet, Tya." Ellaria remarked. "too much cake?" She mused.

"I"m pregnant." Tyanna corected innocently. Ellaria blinked back at her. "So maybe not enough cake."

"You are?"

"Im late." Tyanna confirmed.

"Oh my sweet girl!" Ellaria declared. Both Ellaria and Oberyn were older than Tyanna. Ellaria ten years her elder but a beautiful goddess of a woman. Oberyn 8 years her elder and still had a steel cock like a God.

Tyanna was 25. Just like her twin they decided against marriage for a long time. Tywin had been conned into letting them be until tyanna turned 24 and she could have been married for the past fice years and popped out three children like her sister had. At 19 cersei became queen and quickly started hacing children. Tyanna declared no no much too busy to do such things like marriage and children but now that she had the children and Ellaria... Oberyn she couldnt imagine life without them.

"I dont feel good." Tyanna admitted laying her head in Ellarias lap. Ellaria stroked her long blonde hair.

"Oberyn didnt tell me." Ellaria remarked.

"You are the first one I told." Tyanna countered. "He doesnt know."

"Doesnt know what?" Oberyn questioned lifting her legs and taking a seat, putting her sun tanned legs back in his lap. 

"That I'm pregnant." Tyanna answered nonchalantly. Oberyn jumped up. "Owww," Tyanna drawled out. He pulled her to a stand and her head spun dizzy from the change of position. 

"You are?" Oberyn declared hugging her. 

"Don't be do excited. I still have to hold this kid hostage for how many fucking moons?" Tyanna reminded him. 

"Oh! A baby! Our baby!" Oberyn declared kissing her cheeks. 

"Stop slobbering on me." Tyanna corrected. He dipped her back kissing and licking up the column of her neck. "This is why you have so many daughters." Tyanna realized. "You have a baby fetish." Oberyn picked her up and she clung to him laughing out. 

"Do I think the female body is beautiful? In all forms? Including pregnancy? Yes." Oberyn agreed kissing her again. 

"You are such a dork." Tyanna decided. 

"Your dork." Oberyn remarked. 


"Tyanna is pregnant." Tywin whispered smiling down at the words. 

"I suppose that means she is enjoying the south." Cersei offered. 

"She was smitten with that man by the time we left." Jaime agreed. 

"My Tya's having a baby." Tyrion said happily. 

"Tyrion, we should be finding you a wife." Tywin remarked. 

"Um, not yet. You see, I need to go to sunspear suddenly and visit my sister whom I love, my twin and- not be here." Tyrion corrected getting up. "I will send Tya your love!" 


"It's weird." Tyanna remarked. "I have a human in me." 

"Did you eat a person mama?" Dorea questioned. 

"No, thats disgusting." Tyanna corrected. 

"But you just said-" Dorea corrected. 

"She is having a baby," Oberyn informed her. "Another little baby, you remember when mama Ellaria was pregnant with Tayla?" 

"Not really." Dorea admitted. 

"Well mama," Oberyn wrapped an arm around Tyanna's waist. Oberyn was smitten with her. He loved her fire and her fierceness, he loved her bravery and her witty tongue. He loved the sounds she made as he made love to her, loved how her hair always looked perfect first thing in the morning, tussled from his fingers the night before, like it was clinging to hold the form of his touch. He loved the sway of her hips when she knew he was watching her, he loved her green eyes. He loved how she smiled when he kissed her eyelids, how she laughed when he threw her into the water garden. 

Oberyn loved everything about her, he was simply and truly in love. Tyanna knew it too, he was head over heels in love with her. She loved being the center of attention, the center of his world. She loved that he gave up his other lovers for her. She loved that he was a good father, training the children. Loved that kissed her good morning and good night, kissed her whenever he saw her. Loved how happy he was about this pregnancy. She loved his voice, she loved the hooded look in his eyes when he wanted her. She loved the stability of dorne of sunspear of this family. 

She had a family back in kings landing and casterly rock yes but they had all been living their own lives. Being here she got to see what a large happy family was like again and she loved it. She loved that Oberyn made sure she felt like she belonged, that she was family too. Because he was her wife but also because he loved her. Tyanna loved him. Loved the children. Loved his nephew Tyrstane, loved Ellaria and it was a stragne thing to think that she rarely thought of home but this pregnancy made her think of her family, her brother, her twin. She wanted Tyrion to be here to celebrate this with her, with them. 

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