36. Goddess

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"I feel like I have seen too much of my family." Tyanna decided as they made their way back to the capital. They were sailing up the coast this time and Tyanna lay back the sun on her skin, Tyaria lay beside her copying her. 

"I mean I went years without seeing them and now we took, two visits this will be the third in less than a year." Tyanna went on. "It's just funny is all." 

"I'm glad I finally get to see the capital, meet your family." Ellaria remarked. "I wish Tyene came with, she chickened out." 

"I would have loved her to come with." Tyanna remarked. "But I suppose its safer for them at home." 

"Safer? YOu think the capital is dangerous?" Ellaria questioned. 

"Well its no cake walk." Tyanna agreed. "The kids will be well taken care of back home." Oberyn liked that Tyanna called dorne home. 


'How many Dornish men does it take to fuck a goat?' Bronn said and Tyrion let out a huff of a breath. This was turning out to be a long morning.

'Please don't.' Tyrion begged, Bronn sat down on a stump by a tree leaning against it.

'it seems to me a smart place to meet travelers is in a tavern that way one parties late the other party can drink some ale inside.' Bronn remarked.

'It is the prince of Dorne we are waiting for.' Tyrion reminded him 'not to sell sword friend.'

'If he's so damn important why did they send you to meet him?' Bronn questioned.

''Tyanna is coming and I also happen to be a skilled diplomat.' Tyrion reminded him.

'Oh.' Bronn said taking another drink. "You have delt with Tyanna and her husband but this is the prince, prince, like the main one right? They are all coming?" 

"Yes, which is why... Here we are.' Tyrion said noting the horses coming up the trail 'can you read the sigils?' Bronn looked ahead. Tyrion, Bronn and Podrick stood at attention as the dornish approached.

'yellow balls.' Bronn said squinting into the distance

'Lemon trees house thorn of lemon wood.' Podrick answered. 'A vulture grasping a baby in its talons house Blackmore.' Podrick said reading them off as they got closer 'crown and skull the leaders of King Gray.'

'The boy knows his Dornish houses.' Tyrion applauded

'I know the sigils.' Bronn said stiffly

''And House Martell a red sun pierced by a spear?' Tyrion questioned

'I don't see it my Lord.' Podrick told him. "Oh wait, yes. I see it... but its... not..."

"Tyanna made a new sigil." Tyrion recalled. 

"There is a lion with a sun." Podrick agreed. 

"My Tyanna." Tyrion chuckled. 'Well met my lords.' Tyrion said stepping forward 'your grace king Joffrey welcomes you in his name and my Lord Hand father sends his greeting as well I am Tyrion Lannister of castlery rock master of coin.' They just stared down at him. 'Forgive me.' Tyrion said looking them over . "Is... Tyanna here?" 

"Tyaria made a stinky!" Tyannas voice traveled to him. 

''The princes ales have forced him to stay at Suns peak he sent his brother Oberyn in his place to attend the royal wedding in his stead.' 

'well I'm glad to have Prince Oberyn and my sister, as well I know king joffrey and my father the lord hand tywin Lannister will be also pleased to have the prince of dorne for this most wonderful of days.' Tyrion looked around. "The king would be delighted to be in the company of a warrior such a renowned as prince Oberyn and his wedding feast.'

'Will he?' The Dornish man asked

'Of course... Very well.' Tyrion agreed. "He is family after all," Tyrion reminded them.   'these fine men from the city watch will escort you-' they started walking past him 'to the city watch you must be wary after such... A long journey.' Tyrion said.

''Yes true diplomacy' Bronn added.

"Tyanna, there you are." Tyrion remarked. "Where is your husband?"

'Pissing in the woods with Tyon, like real men they told me." Tyanna chuckled back. 

"I'm glad you are here, you brought the right lion this time?" 

"Not making that mistake again." Tyanna assured. "Hello... Podrick?"

"yes my lady." Podrick agreed smiling, blushing back at her. 

"And... Byran?" she questioned. 

"Bronn." he corrected. 

"Bronn yes, I knew Byran didnt sound right." Tyanna remarked. "Forgive me, we didnt properly meet. I'm Tyanna Lannister-"

"Martell." Oberyn declared as Tyon ran up. 

"Uncle T!" Tyon declared giving him a high five. 

"Hey buddy, you got taller." 

"You didnt." Tyon countered confused. 

"I'm afraid my growing days are over." Tyrion remarked. 

"You can wear heels like mama does when she wants to be closer to daddys lips." Tyon informed him. Tyanna nodded. 

"Boy knows his stuff." Tyanna agreed. "OH, boys meet my dear friend, Ellaria Sand." 

"Hello boys." 

"Goddess." Bronn whispered staring back at her. 

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