45. Silent Treatment

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Dance Away my broken heart / Podrick Payne out now!!!

'Long may he reign.' Everyone echoed and Tommen smiled down at Margaery. Cersei blocked Tommens view of Margaery slowly approaching, Margaery tried to keep her face calm neutral pleasant as Cersei approached

'Your grace.' Margaery said sweetly

'There he is.' Cersei told her

'Long may he reign.'

'Long may he reign,' she agreed

'He sits the throne like he was born to it,' Margaery told her.

"You know Tyrion was the only one that knew me so completely." Tyanna remarked. "Until you." Oberyn played with a strand of her hair. "I dont want to live in this world without Tyrion." She wiped at a tear rolling down her cheek. 

"Your beauty amazes me still my love. Hypnotizes me." Oberyn remarked. "Even when you cry." Tyanna's sad eyes met his. 

'Yes he wasn't though was he?' Cersei questioned calmly.

'No, he wasn't,' Margaery agreed as Olenna paid her respects before heading off to High garden.

'I still mourn for Joffrey.' Cersei told her

'He was my husband he was my king I would have-'

'He would've been your nightmare.' Cersei informed her

'Your grace I feel-''

''You knew exactly what he was,' Cersei told her calmly 'I did too. You never loved anything in the world the way you love your first child. Doesn't matter what they do and what he did it shocked me. Do you think I'm easily shocked?''


''The things he did shocked me,' Cersei told her 'he's only a boy a good boy a decent boy he was the last decent King I wonder if he could be the first man who sits on the throne in 50 years to actually deserve it?' Cersei told Margaery.

""You really, really know me. The future and the old me. All of the mazes and the madness in my mind. You really, really love me. You know me and you love me." Tyanna remarked holding his face in her hands. "And it's the kind of thing I always hoped I'd find. I Always thought I was hard to love..." She admitted. "Until you made it seem so easy."

"You were hard to love." Oberyn teased kissing her. "I was difficult to love, you were always perfect." 

"The world took one look at Tyrion and thought thats a bad man." Tyanna reminded him. "My father tried to contain my blunt mouth, my attitude, said men didnt like that. So I thought I was going to be hard to love but Tyrion always loved me. I loved him, no matter what anyone else thought, we had each other." Tyanna remarked Oberyn held her closer. "I just want him to come back to dorne with us, forget all this, fuck the rest of westeros." Oberyn nodded into her. 

"Whatever you want, we try and get Tyrion out. We win this trial." Oberyn agreed. "And we bring back with us." 

'It would be some constellation wouldn't it for all the horror that put him there.' Margaery added

'He will need help.' she said to gritted teeth 'if he's going to rule well.'

'He has you.' Margaery told her

'A mother is not enough you're still interested in being queen I take it...'

'After all that's happened... It sounds strange I know but I haven't even gotten it any thought what comes next,' she lied 'it would be a great honor of course but I will have to speak to my father about it.' they look to her father mace as he happily marched through the crowds greeting people. The fat flower as Olenna liked to call him

'Yes speak to your father I'll speak to mine.' Cersei said looking to the throne Tywin stood next to her son and Tyanna was still giving them all the stink eye. But if Tyanna died, Tyanna would come around. Cersei was sure of it. 

''We may be faced with an alarming number of wedding soon,' Margaery told her 'I won't even know what to call you sister... Or mother'' Cersei held back a snarl before she walked over to Tyanna. she needed her real sister. 

"How is Myrcella?" Cersei questioned. Tyanna glanced to her as Ellaria handed her a drink. ''You see her often?'' Tyanna cocked her head back at Cersei before looking to Oberyn. "The silent treatment? What we are five?" 

"Yes Myrcella adored Trystane, her betrothed.' Oberyn told her. 'They are attached at the hip, completely smitten with each other.''

''That is good to hear.'' Cersei agreed still staring back at Tyanna.  "Would you allow her to come back?" Cersei questioned.

"She is not a prisoner.' Tyanna assured. "Not like Tyrion." Cersei rolled her eyes. 

'she is constantly smiling, its quite disgusting actually how happy she is.' Ellaria teased. 'it makes me sick at young love,' she added with a grin.

'We don't get to choose unfortunately.' Cersei said glaring over at Jaime.

"We have choices though." Tyanna remarked. "We choose lots of things all the time," she sassed. 

"I think I liked it better when you werent talking to me." Cersei grumbled. 

"Make up your mind Cersei. You want your sister back? Then stop fucking lying and get Tyrion out of that cell. You want me to drag you through the dirt? I have more dirt on you and father, it would make a Nun cry." 

"Tyanna," Cersei warned. 

"You dont scare me. I want Tyrion out. He didnt kill Joffrey and you know it, you all do." Tyanna demanded. "Don't make me turn on my family to save him, because I will." 

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