24. Wolfsbane

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Bad dreams/ Sandor Clegane out now!

"Hey Clegane, my daddio inside?" Tyanna questioned. Oberyn looked up at Gregor as they passed. 

"Aye." Gregor agreed. "Welcome back Lady Tyanna." Gregor remarked keeping his gaze on her. 

"Princess," She corrected tossing her hair over her shoulder. Oberyn stared back at him but Tyanna reached back grabbing his shirt pulling him along. "Gregor honey put our bags in my chambers please and thank you." 

"So thats the man." Oberyn remarked. 

"One mission at a time, honey." 

'Who taught you to read?' Tywin asked Arya, he thought she was a low born, Arya led him to believe she was no one and he had no reason to believe otherwise. 

''My father, My Lord.' Arya answered

''Hmm. I taught my son Jaime to read. The Maester came to me one day, told me he wasn't learning. He couldn't make sense of the letters. He reversed them in his head. The Maester said he'd heard tell of this affliction and that we simply must accept it. Ha! After that, I sat Jaime down for four hours every day until he learned. He hated me for it, for a time. For a long time, but he learned. Where is your father? Is he alive? Who was he?''

''A stonemason.'

''A stonemason who could read? Hmm.' Tywin mused.

''He taught himself. ' Arya answered

''Quite a man. What killed him?' Tywin questioned bluntly.


''You're a sharp little thing, aren't you?'' Tywin mused

'Did... Forgive me, My Lord. I shouldn't ask questions.''

'No... But you've already begun.'

'Did you know your father, My Lord?' Arya questioned

'I did. I grew up with him. I watched him grow old. He loved us. He was a good man, but a weak man, a weak man who nearly destroyed our House and name.'' Tywin remarked, he was the Lannister that took their family into the future. He was hand of the king for 20 years and mastered the art of using the iron bank without returns, he was strong, he wasn't weak. 'I'm cold.'

' I'll fetch more wood for the fire, My Lord.'

"Daddy?" Tyanna questioned peering in. Tywin was distracted by Tyanna that Tywin didn't notice that arya took a scroll she read it through before running nervously she ran straight into a guard.

' Where are you going, girl?' the knight sneered.

"Tyanna!" Tywin declared holding onto her. "My dear-" he pulled her cloak aside. "You are pregnant!" 

"I am, meet you grandson, Tyon." Tyanna agreed. "Oberyn!" Tyanna demanded and he came shuffling in. 

"Tyanna my dear why didnt you tell me you were coming?" Tywin questioned holding into her. "I missed my favorite girl." 

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" Tyanna corrected. "SUrprise!" 

"It's a good surprise, the best surprise." Tywin assured. Tyon ran up to Tyanna running into her legs. "Tyon, hello." Tywin took a knee before him and Tyon hid behind Tyanna's skirts. 

"Tyon this is grandpa, can you say hi to grandpa lion?" Tyanna questioned, Oberyn looked Tywin over from across the room. He didnt look like a cold blooded killer, he looked like a man ready to dote over his daughter and grandson. 

"Your boy... you baby, he's not a baby anymore." Tywin remarked. 

"Tyon Lannister Martell." Tyanna agreed. "Say hi to grandpa lion." Tyanna requested. 

"Roar." Tyon whispered smiling back at Tywin. 

"Roar," Tywin answered a little louder and Tyanna's hands flew to her lips trying to contain her giggles. "Can grandpa have a hug?" Tywin extended his arms and Tyon moved slowly to him. He looked to Tyanna and she nodded. Tyon flopped into Tywin's arms. "Tyanna," Tywin whispered smiling at her. 

"He's perfect," Tyanna agreed. Oberyn cleared his throat as Tywin rose up, Tyon ran to Oberyn. Oberyn picked him up putting Tyon on his shoulders. 

"Lord Tywin." Oberyn remarked. 

"Prince Oberyn." Tywin answered the men at a stand off and Tyon using Oberyn's head as a drum. 

"Lord Tywin gave it to me.' Arya answered immediately.

''What for?'

''To take to the armory.' Arya answered

'Why would he do that? Let's go and ask him.' He grabbed her arm but she pulled out of his grip running away. 'Move! Get out of the way!' he shouted pushing through knights and guards.

"And my husband, Oberyn, yes say hello." Tyanna agreed looking between them. "Oberyn, you know my father, I speak of him and my siblings often..." she urged. "Tyon did a good job."

"Roar." Tyon repeated. 

"Raised him right, Tyanna." Tywin agreed. 

"He likes lions." Tyanna agreed. 

"As he should, he is a lannister." Tywin remarked fondly. 

"He is a Martell as well." Oberyn corrected. Tywin looked to Tyanna, her content smile but he saw it in her eyes, that look that said be nice. Tyanna felt she needed to say it outloud too. 

"I love you both." Tyanna remarked. "So the both of you be fucking nice, you dont want to see me mad. I'm pregnant and hormonal."  Tyanna said calmly. 

"Hello prince Oberyn." Tywin remarked.

"Lord Tywin." Oberyn answered in the same tone. 

"Come, lets somewhere more private to talk." Tywin suggested. 

''Amory Lorch.' Arya shouted running up to jaqen.

'A girl has named a second name. A man will do what must be done.'' Jaqen agreed

'Now!' arya demanded

'A girl cannot tell a man when exactly he must do a thing. A man cannot make a thing happen before its time.' Jaqen told her calmly

'But he's going to tell Tywin. He's getting away. It has to be now.'

"How long are you staying?" Tywin questioned bringing them to his office. He kept a weary eye on Oberyn. Even though Oberyn seemed smitten with Tyanna, Tyanna was innocent and Tywin was less so. 

"Just a pop by, I left all my girls back home." Tyanna remarked. 

"Yes, you told me about... that." Tywin agreed. 

"You have something to say, Lord tywin?" Oberyn questioned as the door swung open, Tywin got ready to remind his men that they needed to respect his privacy but the man dropped dead at tywins door.

'Guard!' tywin shouted. Tyanna stared back at the body as Oberyn handed off Tyon, she cradled him to her. 

"Oberyn," Tyanna whispered as he walked up to the dead man. His nose scrunched up at the smell. "What is it?" Tyanna questioned, her father came up placing a hand on her back as he got closer.

"Wolfsbane." Oberyn remarked dipping his finger into the wound. "This was an assassin." 

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