11. Be Useful Ellaria

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Tyanna felt like a princess. She was a princess. Was she a princess? She married a prince. If she wasnt well that was bullshit.

Her son or daughter though without a doubt would be a prince or princess.

"Mi Amoret," Oberyn coed. "What are you doing on your feet?"

"Im pregnant not a cripple." Tyanna reminded him.

"Come on mama!" Elia declared pulling Tyanna along.

"Cant say no to that face." Tyanna remarked innocently. Oberyn loved that Elia loved Tyanna. Oberyn had the most difficult relationship with her. She was always fighting with him about one thing or another. So Oberyn was grateful for Tyanna. Her patience and compassion towards the children. He knew many women would push away his bastards, claiming them unpure. The world was different outside of Dorne. Oberyn wasnt blind to that so he was glad that Tyanna was different.

"Might I join you two?" Oberyn questioned.

"Only if you are quiet. This is mommy daughter time." Elia corrected. Tyanna nodded in agreement.


Oberyn placed a kiss to the top of Tyannas head. He liked her pregnant she had an apitite for him. She could keep up with him finally. This baby was definitely Martell with the way her body craved sex. Craved Oberyns touch.

"Do you need my love to put you to rest once more?" He asked her.

"Yes" she breathed out, she moved along his body and managed to find his lips in the dark.
She felt his hands on her, she could not see anything, she could only feel. She didnt need to see him to know that he was grinning.

They simply kissed for a time, his hands caressing and grabbing at her body. His hand ran gently over her stomach touching her growing bump. She could feel herself grow wet once more as he grew hard against her leg.

Tyanna tugged off his shirt as he stripped off his pants kicking them to the floor. He ripped her dress the thin fabric of the dornest dresses were easy ripped. The pieces fell to the floor and he wrapped her legs around him instantly.

He whispered her name into her ear as he began to roll his hips, slowly fucking her into the bedding. His large lean body covering her, tyanna felt shielded from the outside world, protected, she felt her breath pick up speed.

"More, harder" she mumbled under her breath, she just wanted to feel. To feel him.

Tyanna woke with kisses on her stomach. Whispered words meant for the baby and not for her clearly as Oberyn lay between her legs. His lips kissed her stomach his hand trailed tickling her thighs with a feather light touch.

Tyanna needed to have some womanly talk. She was having a baby and she needed to know what a real true mother had to say.

"Ellaria?" She turned to tyanna. "I need you."

"Its about time." Ellaria teased. "Come here my dear I kid I kid-" she reached out for tyanna. "Tell me whats on your mind precious."


"Tis a challenge." Ellaria agreed.

"Im scared."

"Its scary-"

"Be useful Ellaria!" Tyanna demanded.

"Im sorry honey." Ellaria coed. "Ask and I tell."

"I already feel like this baby is my heart I don't wanna throw my heart into the universe push it out through my legs." Tyanna remarked. Ellaria nodded in understanding.

"That's how I felt about the first one." she agreed "but then she was here she was beautiful and perfect in every way and I didn't know how I went my life without her." Ellaria declared.

"Tyene is beautiful, the sweetest thing." Tyanna agreed.

"She is... I know it seems really scary now." Ellaria assured. "But you and me we are brave and resilient women. We fight for our love for our children for our country." Ellaria remarked. "We pass on our strength to our children. So they become little resilient warriors too." Tyanna nodded touching her bump.

"When this is over, once the baby is here... can you teach me how to fight?"

"Why wait we start now!" Ellaria declared.

"Ohh," tyanna whined "but im really fucking comfortable."

"After the babe comes." Ellaria agreed. "The very next day!"

"Okay I dont know much about babies but I think its going to be more than a day before Im running around again."

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