9. Mi Amoret

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Tyanna's body ached in ways she didn't even know were possible. Each movement she made reminded her of how thoroughly Oberyn consumed her body, how he bent her gloriously to his will, how he stretched her to her max. 

Every day, every night, throughout the day, Gods she hated how much she craved him. Her brothers had long since left and she thought she would miss them but she didnt. Not really. She loved her family but Oberyn kept her busy and tired, she seemed to always wake up tired and sore. 

When she wasnt being consumed by her husband she was doting on the children. Oberyn was trying to trick her into having her own but she claimed 8 children is more than enough. But the more time she spent with Talya and Elia, the younger four children the more she did want one of her own womb. 

Rolling over, she knew Oberyn would still be beside her, knew his warm body would be breathing heavily beside her. She knew she would find his hand reaching for her even in his sleep. She knew she would find the same sharp jawline and perfectly shaped and extremely kissable lips.

Tyanna did enjoy kissing Oberyn, she didnt like other kissing him though. 

'I do not discriminate, Tyanna.' Oberyn had told her. 'When it comes to love I-' Tyanna waved a hand reminding him that they were indeed married now and she was in charge and when he got down on his knees for they both knew it was him that held the power. 

She knew what to expect from Oberyn and that was the unexpected. 

So when Tyanna looked to him, finally finding the strength to turn around and take him in under the early morning light, streaming past the gap in the curtains she found so much more.

The sun was another adjustment among the food the clothes and children and having a husband that had a very large appetite for her. The first few moons in dorne Tyanna woke up every day wanking to choke the sun. 

Oberyn glistened in the sun, in the heat, Tyanna still looked like a sweat drenched cat after all morning in the sun. Thank the Gods for the water gardens she spent more time in the water than on land, which was a good thing, a great thing she lived on the rock and was constantly traveling when she was little to Lannisport swimming with the mermaids she never did find. 

Oberyn was a lazy swimmer, Tyanna was a competitive swimmer. Oberyn liked to float and Tyanna was on a mission. It was different coming to dorne, everyone and everything was so laid back. At home everyone had a job to do, including herself. She had her day planned out either by herself or her father. She liked to keep busy, feel productive. But here it was like everyone was moving in slow motion, they slept in and stayed up  late, they swam for hours, ate the finest foods in Oberyn's opinion but Tyanna had requested the cooks make some of her favorite tastes from home. She loved a paprika and honey glazed salmon. Oberyn even caught her the fish, gave the fish a kiss before holding it out to her. 

'Don't eat me,' Oberyn had declared the fish's tail still slapping as he was held up, hostage. 'I want to live to fuck another fish and have fish babies-'

'Stop!' Tyanna had groaned. 'Dont take the enjoyment out of Salmon,' she had begged him but she couldnt do it, Oberyn brought the fish to her face pressing its fishy lips to her cheek. 'Throw it back in,' Tyanna had grumbled. Oberyn was so difficult, but Tyanna was strategic, while Oberyn thought he won and could tan on the boat while they drifted back Tyanna had other plans. 'Now catch me another. Dont talk to it this time or i throw you in.' Tyanna had warned. She had a lovely flay that night.

Looking to Oberyn now instead of sleep-ruffled hair, she found hair she had dug her hands into to hold him in place because she hadn't ever wanted him to stop. Instead of the familiar kissable mouth she found the lush lips she had watched devour every inch of her, a smile curved her lips at the memory.

Instead of rolling over and finding comfort in him right beside her, she found a still familiar pressure wrapping around her chest and a skipping heartbeat. She savored the warmth of him against her.

The more she studied him, the more the intense pressure grew. It was like last night and every night before that, ever since their wedding had ripped a veil down between them, and something new pressed in on her, she could never go back now. Never she realized. Oberyn was her forever.

"Morning mi Amoret." Oberyn's first words, Tyanna wanted his first words and his last every day for the rest of their lives. 

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