She turns around and looks up. Background music is Rhapsody in Blue.

"Is that? Oh, my God. That's the Statue of Liberty.", Martha gasps. Anastasia also looks at the statue in wonder and amazement.

"Gateway to the New World. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free."

"That's so brilliant. I've always wanted to go to New York. I mean the real New York, not the new, new, new, new, new one."

"Well, there's the genuine article. So good, they named it twice. Mind you, it was New Amsterdam originally. Harder to say twice. No wonder it didn't catch on. New Amsterdam, New Amsterdam.", Juliet rambles on slightly. All of the others look on with grins.

"I wonder what year it is, because look, the Empire State Building's not even finished yet.", Anastasia points out.

"Work in progress. Still got a couple floors to go, and if I know my history, that makes the date somewhere around-", The Doctor starts as Martha picks up a copy of the New York Record which is lying on a bench.

"November 1st 1930.", Martha reads.

"You're getting good at this."

"Eighty years ago. It's funny, because you see all those old newsreels all in black and white like it's so far away, but here we are. It's real. It's now. Come on then, you. Where do you want to go first?", Martha asks the others.

"I think our detour just got longer.", Juliet mutters.

"Hooverville Mystery Deepens. What's Hooverville?", Anastasia reads off the paper.
"Herbert Hoover, thirty first President of the USA, came to power a year ago. Up till then New York was a boom town, the Roaring Twenties, and then-", Anastasia finishes his sentence.

"The Wall Street Crash, yeah? When was that, 1929?"

"Yeah. Whole economy wiped out overnight. Thousands of people unemployed. All of a sudden, the huddled masses doubled in number with nowhere to go. So, they ended up here in Central Park.", Juliet explains.

"What, they actually live in the park? In the middle of the city?", Martha asks.
A shanty town overlooked by Manhattan skyscrapers.

"Ordinary people lost their jobs. Couldn't pay the rent and they lost everything. There are places like this all over America. No one's helping them. You only come to Hooverville when there's nowhere else to go.", Anastasia explains. They all shoot her confused looks, as to why she knows so much.

"I love history, ok! I get it from my mum.", She defends. They continue walking just as a disturbance breaks out in the camp.

"You thieving lowlife!"

A fight breaks out.

"All morning I wait in the bread line for a single loaf!", The first man shouts at the other.

"I didn't touch it!"

"Somebody stole it!", Another man comes out of a tent.

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