36. Safe in Her Arms

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"Hello?" I picked it up. "Is it on speaker?" the one with the voice changer asked. "Yes, it is" I replied.

"Do you believe us now Irene? Are you finally able to see how much your father is hiding from you?" the gruff voice asked.

Slight water formed in Irene's eyes as she asked, "How did you know what my mother called me?"

"Because I know your mother" the reply came almost immediately, like they had known Irene would ask this question.

"You know her? Have you seen her? Is she okay? Is she still the same? Did she move on? Did she find–"

"Irene" the gruff voice interrupted Irene's train of questions. "You're mother's absolutely fine. And she wants you to know that she loves you so much."

A single tear rolled down Irene's cheek. "She still loves me?" Irene asked. "She will love you till the day she dies" the reply came.

But this time, the gruff voice was tuned down to a softer, more caring tone. There was still a voice changer, but changes had been made.

I took Irene's hand in mine. She was literally shaking. I could tell that she missed her mother a lot.

I wonder what it feels like to have a mother that actually loves you and cares for you. Seeing Irene's reaction, I bet it feels really good.

I gave Irene a glass of water and made her sit down. "You wanted us to steal something from Harry?" I asked.

"Yes, we do" the female voice responded. "What?" Irene asked. Her face had completely changed now.

She looked happily broken just a second ago, and now she looked furious. It scares me how fast Irene can go from 0 to 100.

This time, the softer gruff voice spoke.

"Harry is actually in an illegal gang. We want to reveal his dirty secret to the world. And we need your help in that. Are you willing?"

"Illegal gang?" I asked, shocked. "Yes Callum. Your father is in it too" the feminine voice said. My father too?!

"What do we get in return? If we expose our fathers, what do we get in return for something like that?" Irene asked.

"Do you want to know about your mothers?" the gruff voice asked. Irene's eyes lightened up at that idea. I was happy for her.

But I was feeling pity for myself too. My mother was dead.

"No she's not" the feminine voice said. "I'm sorry?" I asked. "I know what you are thinking Callum. But you're mother.....is not dead."

I was shocked. Shocked beyond imagination. For 26 years, I had lived under the impression that my birth mother was dead.

And now, a random woman, whose voice gives me tingles, and who seems to know everything about me, says that she isn't. What the fuck!

"What are you saying?!" I asked. "I'm telling the truth. Your mother Camila, is alive" she said.

All 26 years of my life flashed through my eyes. The reason I had suffered for so long – my mother's death – wasn't even real!

"We can give you more information on that. Why did your mother fake her death? Where has she been? What has she been doing? All of it. Same with you Irene. We can even help you eventually meet them. You just need to help us expose your fathers" the gruff voice said.

Irene looked at me. My voice had vanished. I was speechless. How do I react to this?

"So I suffered for nothing?" I asked in a whisper.

"She has her reasons Callum. It wasn't easy for her to see you suffer either. But once you listen to the whole story, you'll understand why she did what she did" the feminine voice said.

Reasons. She had reasons.


I was crying, shouting and trembling all at once. I felt hurt, betrayed, angered. Why would my own mother do this to me?

The other side of the line went silent. "TELL ME!!!" I shouted. Irene made no attempt to comfort me.

I think even she was surprised I could act like this. Honestly, I never did. But knowing that my life could have been so different if my mother had just stayed, it just made me feel so...hurt.

I could've had a normal life. One with a loving mother, a loving family. I wouldn't call my home 'hell on earth'.

I wouldn't be burned once every month. I wouldn't have to live like a slave in my own house. I wouldn't have to suck my own brother's dick!

Irene pulled me in her lap. I was still shaking with anger. She pushed my head in the crook of her neck.

"Relax baby boy. Just calm down. You're okay. Everything's okay" she kissed the top of my head. Her scent helped me calm down a little.

But I broke down in her arms. "Did she not love me either? Am I not meant to be loved?" I cried.

"No darling. I love you. Nova loved you. Rose loves you for what you did for her. Never think that okay?" she said.

Irene picked up the phone and said, "Can you call back later? Maybe tomorrow? I think Callum needs some time" she said.

"Sure. We'll call you before you guys leave for work tomorrow if that's okay" the gruff voice said. "Okay thank you" Irene cut the call with that.

I didn't get out of her arms. She was the only one that had actually showed me love in this life. Pure, true love.

I cried and cried and cried, until I eventually fell asleep in Irene's lap. I felt Irene pick me up and take me somewhere. But I didn't care.

As long as I was with her, I would be loved and cared for. I was safe in her arms.

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