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Hira then slept on the floor itself.....Vihaan went to his cabin after reaching the hospital and started to call some officials to ask about the admission of Hira in a boarding school and finally he got one which is a bit far from their home and it takes about 3 hours to reach that boarding school.....he then finished all the maximum formalities in the call itself.....while he was talking Rino came there to talk with vihaan about a case.....

He then heard Vihaan talking about some admission and all in the phone....he thought that it might be for some other person not knowing it was for his own sister......

Vihaan then cut the call....

Rino: bhaiya for whom you are  asking for a admission.....

Vihaan: Hira....

Rino : what....

Vihaan: what ,what....

Rino: bhaiya why should we transfer her to another school.....I mean she is ok with this school itself........moreover that school is also under our control only.....

Vihaan: yeah....that's the only problem......she is behaving there as boss because that school was under our control.....and that's why she is creating some trouble in the school.....so I planned to transfer her to aoarding school.....

Rino: what boarding school!!!!!bhaiya are you serious.....

Vihaan: yeah I'm very serious....

Rino: bhaiya did you think of Hira when she come to know about this???

Vihaan: she already knew about it...

Rino: what ....but how bhaiya....she is in the school right....then how??

Vihaan: no...she in the home.....

Rino: but bhaiya now it's the school hours ......and how is she at home....

Vihaan: ahhh Rino you too don't irritate me like her.....she created the trouble at school and the principal called me there and I went there and applied for her TC and I brought her home....

Rino: bhaiya....you didn't do anything to her right....she is ok right.....

Vihaan: I think you better go home to check her....

Rino without wasting a second he ran to his cabin and took his car keys and drove to home .......he didn't even remove his white lab coat  and went home.....

He reached home and ran inside.....when he was about to climb the steps he saw Hira was laying on the floor of the living room ......

Rino: Hira.....Hira.... please wake up....Hira....Hira....can you hear me....

He didn't get any response from her .....he then checked her pulse and went to bring a cup of water and he sprinkled it in her face......

Hira slowly opened her eyes and saw Rino was there.....he then hugged him soo tightly and started crying.....

Hira: Bhaiya.....bhaiya....it's hurting.....

Rino then saw her hands and legs were full of bruises and wounds.....

Rino: it's ok....don't worry...come lets go to your room....

Rino then made her stand up....she tried to walk but she fall down on her first step itself.....Rino then carried her to her rooms....he then ran to his study room and came with his first aid kit......

He came and saw Hira was sitting there like a statue.....the tears which she shed was dried and stained in her cheeks.....

Rino then started to clean her bruises....she only responded to the medicine only at some wounds........
Rino felt so sorry and pity for her......

Rino: Hira.....I know that bhaiya did what he shouldn't do....but try to understand that he did just only due to his work pressure....

Hira just looked at him and smiled a bit ..

Hira: till how many days you are going to tell this to me....

Rino just looked down.....he then took some medicine and gave it to her....she gulped it without any tantrums....

Rino: can you tell me what happened in school ???? Bhaiya told me that you created some trouble at school....

Hira: bhaiya if I tell you also you will  not believe me.....so please you can go bhaiya.....I wish my Felix and Peter bhaiya was near me now....I really miss them now.....I dont know when will I see them......

Saying this she layed on the bed.....

Rino also went out of her room....he then went to his room......he don't know what to say to her whether to pacify her for his beatings or to tell her that he will not send her to the boarding school......

At evening

Vihaan came at 4 o clock itself to home......

Vihaan saw Rino was doing something in the kitchen....

Vihaan: Rino is she ready....

Rino : for what ...

Vihaan: she is leaving now itself and I asked her to pack all her things....didn't she  said anything......I think she need some more beatings from......she was so over confident that no one will caught her at the school because she was the sister of us....

Rino: bhaiya ...it's not like you think....

Then they heard some noises from the steps and saw Hira was coming down with 2 bulk bags.....

Hira : I'm ready .....

Vihaan: wait for me at the car ......

Hira went to his car....

Rino : bhaiya.... pleases leave her for this time.....I will make her a disciplined good girl.....I promise....but please don't send her to the boarding school.....

Vihaan: Rino you already knew I'm doing all things for her good....you too know that if I took decision then I won't look back of it ....so please leave me and don't stop me....

Rino: ok bhaiya ....I won't stop you .....but what will you do if Felix and Peter ask you about her......everyday they will call us to talk to her.....but after she went what will you say ....

Vihaan: Rino we are not going to tell them that she went to boarding school....we will tell them excuses .....after they reach here I will tell them and I'm sure they will surely understand me that I only did this for her betterment....

Without waiting for further reply he went to his room to take some documents and went to his car .....

He saw Rino was standing there and looking at Hira....

Vihaan: Rino be safe at home and I will reach here at night only.....so don't wait for me and have your dinner......

Rino nodded.....then vihaan started his car  and started moving .....Hira just smiled lightly with teary eyes and waved bye with her hands.....

Rino also waved his hands slowly at her ......some tears also left his eyes.....he rubbed it and went inside the home.....just then he received call from Felix and Rino .....he ignored it....but it was ringing continuously.....he then switched it off......

That's all guys.......I hope you enjoyed it.....


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