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1.   Name: Vihaan
       Profession: Chairman of their own   hospital and medical College.......Senior consultant ....

2.   Name:Rino
       Profession: Chairman and Senior consultant too
       Age: 25

3.   Name: Peter
      Profession: Surgeon in their own hospital

4.   Name:Felix
       Profession: Surgeon in their own hospital.....

(Peter and Felix are twins)

5.   Name: Hira
           She is 13 years old.......very understanding towards her brothers .......she never denies or say no to their decision because she knew her brothers will do whatever is right for her.........so attached with Peter and Felix.....


So this a family of a sister living with  her 4 brothers who are doctors.......living with a single doctor in a home itself will be difficult but she is living with 4 doctors..........

Their parents are no more........they left them when Hira was 9 months old.......all her brothers took care of her .......they are very rich and they own more that 5 multi speciality hospital, 4 medical College and other educational institutions.........Hira was also studying in their own institution only ........

She is scared of her elder brothers vihan and Rino cause they are in charge of all their properties and they handle both their professional and adminstration.....so they were always stressed and they never showed their love to her.......but the truth is they love her a lot...........they all love her equally but she is soo attached with the younger ones.......

The weird thing is that she is really scardy cat of hospital stuff.....but she never says no to her brother if they insist her to go through those hospital stuffs ..........

At 5 o clock in the morning

Hira woke up before the Alam rings as she is a early bird......soon she rubbed her eyes and saw both her brothers Peter and Felix lying on both her sides .......she always used to sleep with  Felix and Peter........she gave them a kiss and went to fresh up then she started to study in her study room.......

At 6.30 am Felix woke up first and then he woke Peter up......

They both got freshen up as went to Hira study room.......

Felix: good morning princess.......

Hira: good morning my lovely Bros......

Peter: shall we go for jogging?
             Did you finished studying.....

Hira: yes bro we can go now....
I completed studying....

Then they went to jogging and came home at 7.15

While entering the home they saw their eldest brothers cooking food for them.......(they have maid but they used to come after 10 o clock just for maintaining their home......they used to eat food cooked by themselves)

Hira, Peter, Felix: good morning bhaiya

Vihaan ,Rhino(concentrating  on food) : good morning kiddos....

Rino: go a get ready and then come downstairs.....

They all nodded as went to get ready.....meanwhile vihana and Rino and vihaan also got ready........

They all came to the dinning hall and Rino wa setting the table......

Rino: come and have your breakfast......

While they were having the breakfast Hira spoke

Hira: (to vihaan)bhaiya today we the students organised a programme for elders in our school can you and Rino bhaiya  come to the school........Felix and Peter bhaiya will come .....will you join us....?????

Vihaan:(cold) I don't have time for this rubbish.......Im owing both hospital and colleges already I have a lot of work....I don't want to spend my time lavishly.......if you need take Rino with you.......

Rino:I too have much work and 5 surgeries......I'm not coming....

Peter: Bhai see I know how much work you have....but please spend your time with her also......atleast we are in the hospital with you .....but she is seeing you only at night and in morning........

Vihaan: see Peter don't interfere in my works......don't you know how it is difficult to manage time for a doctor.....so better stop talking and if you need you both can go........

Saying these vihaan took a last bite of his food and left to take his files and belongings for hospital.......then hino also took his lab coat and files as they left together to the hospital in a car.......

Hira was seeing all these and she was controlling her tears.......

Felix: princess are u ok......

Hira: yes bhaiya I'm ok.....come we will also leave.....we are getting late.....

She stood up and went to take her bag without eating fully ....

Felix: princess.......look at me baby.......I know their words hurted you......but I'm sorry instead of them.....

Hari: bhaiya what are you even saying.........I know whatever they do everything is for my benefit......they were also right ..........I'm simply calling them and telling them to stop their work and come to my school......that's why they got angry.....its ok bhaiya.....

Peter: I don't know how you are taking all these in a positive way.........ok now come complete your breakfast......

Without denying further she had her breakfast......

Then Peter and Felix took her in their car and dropped in her school......before leaving she gave kiss to both of them...

Hira: bhaiya the programme is at 3.30pm .....it's just a half an hour programme......after that you can take me with you at 4 o clock.....

They nodded and drove to the hospital.....

At vihaan's cabin

Rhino was sitting in front of him and was going through some of the files .......

Vihaan was resting his head on the chair and recalled what happens in the morning......... thinking about the incident he left a big sigh......

Rino then looked at him with a questionable look......

Rino: bhaiya what happened????is everything ok....

Vihaan: I guess so......I don't know what happened to me nowadays......I'm always getting stressed even for a small thing......don't you think it's weird.....

Rino: and may I know what made you think like that......

Vihaan: Hira asked me to come for the function right.....why did I spoil her mood in the morning itself for a small thing........it's just a matter of 45 or 50 mins work.......I think whatever Peter said is right .....I think we should spend our time with our baby toooo......I can't see her in pain....

Rino: bhaiya you are correct .......but at the same time we have to manage our work too......I agree that we should spend our time with her also but work comes first...... don't worry bhaiya we will spend our time once this month administration documents were cleared......

Vihaan nodded his head.....

Vihaan: ok vihaan .....I think I have to go now .......I have a schedule for surgery now......see you after......

He took his sethescope and went towards the door......then he stopped in his way ......

That's all guys.........I hope you enjoyed it.....


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