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Hira then without waiting for their answer went out of the room.......

Vihaan: see you all got your answer.....now go and get your morning routine done......

Felix and Peter then went out of his room and went to Hira's room and saw her crying there while laying on the bed.....

Felix: princess.....it's ok....

She then woke up from the bed and hugged both of them while crying....

Hira : I'm sorry bhaiya......I couldn't say yes for vihaan bhaiya's question.....please forgive me.....I really wanted to say yes but I was so scared to look at him and say yes.....

Peter: it's ok princess.....we really understand your situation.....don't cry.....we will have a face time daily.....ok....now be our good princess and go get ready for school........

Hira then went inside the bathroom to get ready for her school........

Vihaan was standing outside of Hira's room and was listening to their talk.......

Vihaan:(thinking) am I doing bad....should I make Hira to stay home for today.....I guess yes..... atleast let them go to the meeting with happy mind.......

Then Hira got ready and got downstairs in the dining table to have their breakfast......

After having their breakfast.....

Vihaan: Hira are you sure that you are willing to go to school today???

Hira: yes....yes....yes bhaiya...

Vihaan: (angry)why are you telling lies.....don't you know that I don't like someone who lies.....

Hira just looked down ......

Vihaan: don't you dare to tell lie you understand.....

Hira : yes bhaiya.....I won't lie hereafter....

Vihaan: okk...... don't go to school today....spend your day with them.....

Felix and Peter had a happy expression in their face meanwhile Hira was just nodding her face with sad face......

Vihaan: Felix and Peter get all your necessary stuff sharp at 5 o clock.....I will come here to drop you there in the airport....

Felix: ok bhaiya.....

Saying those to Hira Vihaan and Rino went to hospital.....

As Felix and Peter are going abroad they took leave from the hospital for a week.....

Peter went near Hira and saw that she was so sad.....

Peter: why is our princess so sad .....Felix I think our princess like to go school only see her......she is not at all happy......

Hira then looked at them with tears in her eyes......

Felix: princess.....what happened??? It's ok.....feel free to tell us baby .......

Hira: bhaiya I'm not a good sister.......

Peter:who told to this....your the best sister in the world.......

Hira: no bhaiya....... Vihaan bhaiya always gets disappointed in me.....I don't know why......I think he don't like me ....

Felix: princess is not like that......don't confuse your mind......come lets play some video games and then we will watch movie........now come on cheer up........

Peter: I think she won't obey us like this .....so ...

Peter then started to tickle her......Hira now laughed her lungs out......

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