Khaotung's excited and joyful question was met with an angry look from First, thinking that Khaotung had a cramp or something.

"What? Why are you suddenly angry!" Khaotung shouted when he saw First returning to the mainland in a wet uniform, even his shoes were wet.

First and Khaotung both took off their top uniforms after swimming.
Khaotung noticed how First was so busy wringing out his wet uniform while occasionally grumbling because his hair was wet.
His body was tall and slender, a flat stomach that was starting to show some of the ABS boxes that exercise should bring to further shape.
Pure white with a few birthmarks around the chest. Yes, that was how much detail Khaotung paid to the First's body.

"What are you looking at?" First asked.

"Your body."

First then noticed Khaotung's body as well, a little fat on the belly so no ABS markings appeared there, flat like a girl's belly.
Not too white but has pretty nipples.
Wait, are those nipples Pink? First had a minus eye, it would be better if he could see that chest more closely.

The two of them then looked at each other again without saying anything, it seemed like that activity had become common for the two of them since Khaotung noticed him 5 days before the billing yesterday.

Khaotung had been staying in Podd's room for more than 4 days, and he felt comfortable here even though everything in his room did not belong to him. But according to Lee, Podd wouldn't get angry if Khaotung had the audacity to use his shirts in the closet. He was too lazy to bring his clothes from the old house, so he planned to ask Khanapan's employed to give him some used clothes.

Now that Khaotung had just taken a shower after bathing in the river with First, he needed to clean up again if he didn't want to go to bed with a lot of pimples from the unclean water.
Like in a clothes shop, Khaotung began to pick out the shirts he would wear today.
They were all quite big for Khaotung, but he liked them because they were warm to sleep in.


Podd had apparently just returned from Pattaya, he was initially surprised to see Khaotung with no upper garment and only a towel to cover his elephant calf's trunk.

"That suits you."

Podd smiled as he pointed to the t-shirt Khaotung was currently holding, sky blue in color with 'Babyboy' written on the left chest.

"Ah, Phi, I'm sorry." Khaotung immediately closed Podd's closet door with the blue t-shirt in his hand.

Podd just waved his hand to indicate that he was okay.
Lee had contacted him since the first day Khaotung entered this house, he allowed Khaotung to sleep here too using all Podd's belongings including shirts and pants.

"I'm the only one who doesn't have a roommate in a room this big, the boss gave me a room by myself because I'm the best of all the collectors. But I'd really like to have a roommate, so thanks for coming, Khaotung?"

Khaotung smiled and nodded, he was glad that Podd sounded more friendly on the first day of meeting, unlike Lee who gave Khaotung many angry looks.

The two then chatted a lot together, Khaotung asked about Podd's duties and Podd looked surprised when Khaotung said he was here to be First's bodyguard at school.
First's unwillingness to be escorted by his bullied schoolmates was no longer an open secret, so Podd was a little surprised that First was willing to accept Khaotung.

"We're classmates, maybe that's why?"

"Could be. But you were most likely accepted because your father owes Khanapan a debt."

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