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January 16th
Jane called me today crying about how much the chemo hurt,
I feel so extremely bad she's hurting
It hurts me
But I feel like it's gonna be worth it one day
I need this chemo pain to be worth it
8 pm
Me: I'm gonna borrow my moms jet to go to la for a day or two
Aiden: why
Me: just to see them, you can stay here right?
Aiden: I have to I have practice and a game in Canada
Me: oh shit
Aiden: it's okay

Me: no then I'll wait til after the game
Aiden: no I know how much you've been wanting to see them
Me: I'm sorry I lied
Aiden: what'd you lie about
Me: I just don't wanna scare you Jane doesn't feel good I'm going to help her out for a few days
Aiden: what?
Me: I didn't want you to freak out
Aiden: why don't you wait until I can go
Me: she doesn't want you to see her sick
Aiden: I can help her
Me: I know you can but I offered my help Aiden and she needs like no one to expect anything from her
Aiden: I won't
Me: you being there kinda puts the stress on her to make dinner and do things for you
Aiden: she doesn't have to
Me: she thinks she does you know her Aiden
Aiden: yeah and I feel bad you going to be with her and I'm not I'm her actual fucking kid and I can't go help her
Me: it's not that she doesn't want y'all's help she's scared of y'all seeing her sick and being scared

Aiden: I'm not scared of anything let alone cancer
Me: your scared of things

Aiden: no I'm not
Me: yes you are and it's okay that you are that's a normal feeling
Aiden: I'm not scared of her cancer
Me: maybe not but it's scary to see your moms health like depreciate
Aiden: mkay I'm going to bed I don't wanna talk about it anymore
Me: okay I'm sorry
Aiden: it's okay goodnight
He went and shut himself in the bed room
I cleaned up the kitchen from our Alfredo dinner
I went to our room and did my skin care 
Me: what do you wanna watch
Aiden: I don't care
Me: is impractical jokers okay
Aiden: yeah sure

I turned the tv on and moved in the bed
Me: babe
Aiden: hm
Me: did I say something wrong I'm sorry if I did I didn't mean to
Aiden: Brently your ok it's just hard to realize my moms gonna die and every she's closer to dying
Me: no she's not Aiden she's gonna beat it
Aiden: no
Me: Aiden we have to be positive
I laid down holding on his back
Me: I love you and I'm here for you
Aiden: how am I supposed to be happy when my moms gonna die
Me: she won't die Aiden
Aiden: you think we need to be positive but I know what's gonna happen she'll get sick and die I'm facing the truth
Me:  you don't know that's the truth
Me: I'm just saying Aiden you don't know she really has a 50/50 chance
Me: you saying she's gonna die might not be true
Aiden: and you saying she's gonna live isn't completely true either
Me: she is alive now though
Aiden: and I have to be here I can't be there with her she's basically dead
Me: you can call her 
Aiden; I do all the time
Me: then she understands that's all you can do for now babe

He rolled over and I saw the tears in. His eyes

And he burried in my chest
And I held him
Aiden: I don't want to not have her Brently
Me: I know Aiden it's okay she's gonna survive
Aiden: I hope so
Me: let's go to bed we don't have to talk about it anymore

He softened in my hold
And we went to sleep

February 18th

Janes going into surgery right now
We're all extremely anxious
Sitting in her hospital room while she's in surgery

Around 730 the doctor brought her back in
Doctor: so I have really good news
We all perked up
Doctor: I can say we removed atleast probably 75 percent of her tumors and were hoping chemotherapy will help, also we'll be placing her on some pills to help stop the spread of her cancer we will talk more when she's awake
Ross: alright, thank you so much
Doctor: ofcourse your welcome
I hugged into Aiden hoping this makes him feel better
I knew she would beat this
She just needs more chemo
I laid my chin against Aiden's arm
As his phone showed infront of me

"Thank you for not letting me believe she'd die"
I smiled kissing his shoulder
He cleared his phone and shut it

I typed a message for him
" this is my 'i told you so' "
I showed him and he smiled
And he typed for me
" I love you, ur perfect brent I'm marrying you when ur 22"
I smiled and kissed his cheek

Jane woke up around 945
Everyone so happy for her and us
It's just so good to know she's okay

Rowens pov
February 23rd

Alex: aren't you sooo excited
Me: I am extremely excited
She took her dress up to the guest room locking it away
Me: you don't have to lock it I wasn't look
Alex: I need to be sure you can't look at it until April 5th
Me: I won't I promise
She kissed my arm
Me: what does Louise think
Alex: she loved it she's so excited
Me: good
Alex: I'm so excited, to be married to you
Me: me too baby
Alex: but I hate that I'm leaving my kids
Me: they'll understand
Alex: yeah, atleast I'm coming back
She moved her way in my chest watching a movie
Alex: I need to grade but I don't want too
Me: we can worry about it later
This movie finished and she insisted we watch finding dory
Me: why
Alex: this was my favorite movie growing up, it was cheap too
She held my arm around her as it started to play
And we watched the movie
Around 7:45 we ordered some dinner and went upstairs to bed

And I watched as she picked out her outfit for tomorrow
Me: your so much like a child
Alex; no I'm not I'm really mature for my age I think
Me: not really you pick out your outfit every single night
Alex: well I want it to be perfect
She laid down and we went to bed

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now