First day of school 10th and 6th

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Chloes pov
Rowen: mornin mom
Me:Good morning 
Rowen: what are you doin today
Me: I'm going to run some errands what are your plans for the day
Rowen: well could you drop me off at Taylor's
Me: your over there a lot aren't you
Rowen: yeah why were just friends
Me: just friends?
Rowen: yeah mom
Me: cause your 15 that's the same age Arden started dating
Rowen: yeah cool
Me: I'm just saying it's completely cool if you are dating someone your growing up
Rowen: yeah
Me: so I take that you don't wanna tell me
Rowen: no I'm just not dating anyone
Me: I don't wanna mistake a friendship for what it really is if your dating someone or Taylor you can tell me
Rowen: great I will let you know when I get a girlfriend
Me: aslong as your not having sex right?
Rowen: mom I'm not dating no body
Me: well sex can still happen with people we're not dating
Rowen: well still no and that's weird to ask
Me: since when
Rowen: since always
Me: I talked to Arden about sterling too now it's your turn and in four years you can laugh that you survived it and Brentlys getting the talk
Rowen: no one else's parents do this
Me: I'm really sure they do sex comes with a lot of problems kids, diseases you don't want that
Rowen: mom I'm not having sex with anyone so chill please
Me: I'm just saying I want it to be clear I'm fine with anything you do ever for the rest of your life I'll support your decisions but I don't want you to have sex

Rowen: okay got it can I get a ride or not
Me: ofcourse
Rowen: I'm going to change
Me: mkay
He went upstairs
And I went to our room
Quinton : heyyyy
Me: hi
Quinton: what's up
Me: nothing made breakfast talked to rowen
Quinton: when is there first day
Me: um 12th I think
Quinton: I can take them that day
Me: good cause I can't
Quinton: what'd you talk to rowen about
Me: he asked me to take him to Taylor's house and I just wondered if they were dating when I asked he said no of course but he's always at her house every single day this summer he spent with her it's crazy
Quinton : well he can like her and not date her
Me: yeah I was just asking anyways answer is no and I told him I'm fine with him dating just no sex like we've told everyone
Quinton: Jesus chlo chill on that
Me: he's 15 I don't want him to have a kid or honestly worse aids stds chlamydia
Quinton: he can only learn by messing up the first time
Me: I don't want my kid to catch aids that shit is deadly then there won't be a second chance

Quinton: alright chill chlo
Me: it's a precaution okay
Quinton: I love your precautions but there teenagers teenagers fuck
Me: rowens such a good kid always has been he can't be having sex shit we don't even have sex
Quinton: not because of age, because you like hate sex
Me: I don't but when you don't get it every day the times you do it's amazing
Quinton: I couldn't even tell you if that's true it's been so long
Me: New Years
Quinton : 8 months
Me: good thing September is real close
Quinton: luckily
Me: damn we're gonna be 39
Quinton:mhm too old to have sex huh
Me: maybe next years the cut off
Quinton: forty
Me: remember when we turned 30 Arden was uh 11
Quinton : mhm
Me: it was so good then
Quinton : still good now
Me: yeah but I had all my kids then
Quinton : god bless that's all you worry about huh
Me: I'm just saying
Me: okay I gotta go
Quinton : bye
Me: I'll be back in a few hours 
I went to the living room grabbing my things yelling for rowen

Rowen: comin
He jumped down the steps
And we went to the car
Rowen: what do you have to do
Me: get groceries go to target what about school supplies
Rowen: oh uhhh I don't know 
Me: when should we get some your a sophomore
Rowen: um tomorrow is fine
Me: okay

Me: where's her house again
Rowen: turn uh left then straight and then right and there

Me: okay do you need a ride home
Rowen: yeah like 4
Me: okay I'll be here at four

Next day

Me: let's go brent
Brently: I'm coming where's rowen
Me: In the car

She spit her mouthwash and we left
Going to the car
Me: we both have lists right
Rowen: yep
Me: rowen slow down dude you gotta turn here
Rowen: I know
Me: good just making sure
He turned cause he was driving my little almost permitted boy
Me: when do you wanna get your permit
Rowen: um after school the half day
Me: great you ready for it
Rowen: yeah it's not hard I took the practice online
Brently: he's not gonna take us to school right
Me: no not yet this time next year he can
Brently: he's gonna wreck and kill us
Me: rowens a good driver I think Brent he's not gonna wreck
We got to target shopping around
Me: what do you need
Rowen: 4 binders 3 folders paper calculator for geometry pencils pens yeah
Me: can you handle that let me go help Brently for a second
Rowen: yeah
Me: thank you I'll be right back
I went and helped Brently get her things she needs
Me: are you excited for middle school munch
Brently: um yeah I guess
Me: I think you'll love it
Brently: I hope all my friends are there so
Me: alright that's everything right
Brently: can I get this cute pen bag
Me: sure
Me: what kinda backpack do you want
Brently: Vera Bradley
Me: mkay send me a link
Brently: kay kay
We went to find rowen
Me: you ready
Rowen: yeah
We went home
And hung out

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now