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Rowens pov
november 21

Me and Caitlyn have been constantly hanging out
Just like the Halloween party
We were uh making out
That was the closest we've gotten
But ofcourse brently fucks it up
But listen
I got a little dirt on her
She was
1. Making out
2. Drinking
3. Smokin weed
So she says somethin I'm ratting  her out

But she doesn't know it was Caitlyn
She was pretty drunk
Both of them Caitlyn and Brently
But hey I'm not complaining

She's been pretty sad about her ex
He keeps texting her and shit

She's at my house right now mom and dad and Brently at dinner
So I invited her over cause she's sad
Caitlyn: he just pisses me off and won't leave me the fuck alone

She sat on the outdoor couch vaping

Me: he's just making you jealous
I fixed my hat
Caitlyn: I know and it doesn't even make me jealous I don't give a fuck who he's fucking I wish he'd just stop bothering me
Me: yeah
Caitlyn: like the other day he texted that he'd get back together with me, if I wasn't a virgin
Me: what'd you say
Caitlyn: I don't wanna be back with him so I didn't care

Me: why can't you block him
Caitlyn: he texted me from a whole other fucking number he's nuts

Me: then I don't know
She took a big hit passing it back to me
Caitlyn: will you take my virginity
I took a big hit but ended up having to laugh it all out
Me: nah
Caitlyn: please you'd literally be doing me a favor
Me: no I can't
Caitlyn: rowen please
Me: this is so weird your asking me to fuck you
Caitlyn: no no we're friends right
Me: yea
Caitlyn: please just take my virginity
Me: this is so weird
Caitlyn: please I'll pay you
Me: no oh my god no
Caitlyn; so again no one wants to fuck a virgin
Me: it's not that it's we're just friends and your friends with my sister I can't sleep with you
Caitlyn: we made out
Me: on accident
Caitlyn: I sucked you off
Me: I never asked you to do that and you were very drunk I was very drunk
Caitlyn: still
Caitlyn: so I have to get you drunk
Me: no I can't do that Brently will hate me
Caitlyn: I won't tell Brently I won't tell anyone that it was you I promise
She moved on my lap
Caitlyn: cmon it's nothin to it
Me: it's your virginity
Caitlyn: you can have it okay I don't want it
She moved my hands around her body
Oh my god
I can feel myself getting hard
Please do not make me give into this
She leaned down and kissed me
But I tried to push it away

Me: I can't,
I'm so fucking hard dammit
I want too
I'd love to
Caitlyn: rowen
She knows
I would but
I don't wanna fuck her and then whatever we have not even be serious
Like I like her a lot  and she wants me to take her virginity so she can go with someone else no

I placed my hand on her cheek
Me: fine but you gotta promise you won't go back to your ex if I do this
Caitlyn: I don't even want him rowe
She pushed her lips on mine
I grabbed my phone as she pushed my shirt up
I opened up mom's location
Seeing she's atleast 45 minutes away

Me: we gotta be quick okay
Caitlyn: I'll be quick
Me: I got a condom upstairs
Caitlyn: I don't care you don't have anything right
Me: no but
Caitlyn: me either I'm a virgin rowe

She unbuttoned my jeans
Me: you wanna loose your virginity here
Caitlyn: mhm
She pulled my hands up her body feeling her tits
I took her top off
And no bra okay she planned this shit
I felt around her body
Which my god is perfect

I unbutton her shorts
And she rose for me to pull them off
And I did
She was in some white lacy panties
I sat up a little
Pulling my underwear off
I pulled her underwear to the side
Me: you okay
Caitlyn: mhm I'm ready
She lowered herself onto me
Feeling like cloud 9
Caitlyn: oh god

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now