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Quintons POV
I wake up before Chloe so I get up and put on some random hoodie and shorts
I go wake up sterling and Arden
I get them ready and go downstairs and make pancakes for breakfast and bacon
— I'm  trying to be especially nice and sweet to Chloe because I'm going on tour in a week we'll I want to but it's up to her I'll stay if that's what Chloe wants and I'll be gone for 2 months and I really want to go—
I wake up without Quinton
I get up and put on some leggings and a hoodie of his
I go to Ardens then Sterlings room and see neither of them
I go to rowens and see him holding onto the crib railing bouncing up and down whining
You: atleast your here
You pick him up an he stops whining
You quickly change his diaper before going downstairs
You see Arden chasing sterling  around the island
I walk up to quinton whose making pancakes
Quinton: good morning  love
He tries to kiss your cheek but you dodge and put it rOwen in your place and he ends up kissing rowens cheek
Quinton: hey meanie
You: shh sterling will get mad
Quinton: let her
He kisses you
Quinton: ok ok enough running around children come sit eat
They sit down and eat and you follow as he places a stack infront of you
You sit rowen on your knee and bounce him up and down
You: what is this
Quinton: pancakes a Quinton special
You laugh and start eating
Sterling: so how was last night without me
You: I thought y'all watched
Arden: we did she kept asking us all about it
Quinton: well let her be curious she's 5 A
He says holding his shoulders
Arden: yea but it's kinda annoying
Sterling: your annoying
Arden: no you
Quinton: hey hey your siblings you love each other now say it
Arden: I'm sorry your not annoying and I love you
Sterling: I'm sorry too I love you too
Quinton: now hug
They side hug
You: so cute
Quinton: awe thanks
He sits beside you and eats
Y'all finish eating
You: you two have school in five ok
They nod
Emily: you two ready to go
Sterling: mhm bye mommy
You: bye sweetie love you have a good day
Sterling: I love you too bye daddy
Quinton: bye little princess
He kisses her cheek
Arden: bye momma bye dad
Quinton: bye A love you
Arden: love you too
You: bye little man love you
He gives you a kiss on cheek and leaves
Quinton: how dare he try to steal my girl
You put giggle
You: possessive much
Quinton: yes
He blows you a kiss
Quinton: that thing gets more then I do
You: that thing is my little man and I love him very much
Quinton: more than me
You: yep
He gasps
Quinton: good I love sterling more anyways
You gasp
You: how dare you awe Rowe it's okay daddy doesn't love us but it's okay you'll grow up with me and I'll love you we can go buy a house in the Bahamas or something maybe take Arden too and leave mr. Griggs here with his princess
You say kissing rowen a few times and rubbing his cheek
He giggles
You: ohh you like that yeah me you and Arden in the Bahamas yeah we'll do it forget them
He grips onto your fingers and you shake him as he giggles
You: your so stinking cute way cuter then your father
Quinton: okay that's enough stop flirting with my son
You: you don't love us leave us alone
Quinton: I'm good
He swiftly lifts you up and sets you in his lap
He kisses you ( with toungue oooo)
You kiss back and pull away
Quinton: don't be flirting with him he's 10 months your gonna go to jail baby flirt with me
You: ew why would I do that you don't love us
Quinton: how can you say that when you know damn well I love you with everything in my body
You: I don't believe that
He places his hand on your cheek and kisses you a few times it was so magically
Quinton: believe it babygirl
You: I believe you quin I do
Quinton: oh how I remember when you said that
You: I love you
Quinton: I love you so much more
He rests his head on your neck and sighs
Quinton: which makes this conversation  so much harder
You: what why
Quinton: we need to talk bubbas
You: why what's up
Quinton: so the New Jersey boys chase nick Kio griffin were invited to go on a tour
You: ok and
Quinton: they invited me too
You: are you going
Quinton: if you don't want me to I won't I'll stay here
You: um I don't wanna be the one holding you back q go if you want
Quinton: but I don't want to leave you here alone with 3 kids to take care of chlo just say the word and I'll stay
You: I'm not gonna do that if it's what you want do it  I'm sure I can take care of them for a few weeks alone
Quinton: that's the thing I'd be gone for a whole 2 months
You: oh
Quinton:yea just do you want me to go
You: ofcourse I don't want you to go I'm selfish and I want you to myself and I'm clingy
Quinton: ok then I'll stay it's that simple
You: no this is good for you so go don't worry about me
Quinton: I don't want you caring for my kids while I'm out across the country and you are clingy I know it's not gonna end well if I leave
You: yes it will you are gonna go have fun I can take care of them for 2 months and I'll have the other boys if I need anything your going and we're married q what's to happen
Quinton: that's not what I meant the long distance shit I know we can do I'd call you every day I mean for you don't you remember last time I went on tour 
You: yea I was fine we were fine
Quinton: I mean you your mental health was not fine Chloe
You: yes it was
Quinton: no it wasn't I walked in on you about to hurt yourself I'm not letting that happen and we only had 3 year old Arden then
You: yea but it's different now I have too much to live for I wouldn't
Quinton: I'm not going
You: you better go I'm your wife I'm supposed to encourage you to do what's best and help your career not keep you here when you want to be there and be stuck up your ass 24/7
Quinton: I don't care what you say I'm not gonna go I'd rather be here
You: no you wouldn't  q if you loved me you'd go
Quinton: you can't say that
You: I did call micheal and tell him yes
He sighs
You: uhuh don't act like you hate me for this you know me saying yes is what you wanted from the beginning
Quinton: ok yea ofcourse I want to go across the country meeting fans and hanging out with my friends and the boys but your more important and my kids
You: well I don't want you here
Quinton: I hate you
You; false you love me you love me sooooooo much
Quinton: I do
You: ok sooo when do you leave
Quinton: you tryna get me outta here and this Friday
You: oh ok that's soon
Quinton: yea but I'll be here for Valentine's Day
He says poking your stomach
You: and
Quinton: well you'll see won't you
You: I'll see what a stinky diaper
Quinton: nope
You stick your tongue out at him
Quinton: what are you doing babe
You: hm
He sticks his tongue out like yours and you push your tongue to his
Quinton: ew your so weird
You: you know you liked it
Quinton: shh maybe
You: mhm exactly
Quinton: mk get your weird self ready we're going out for lunch
You: yessir what about the child
Quinton: which one bubbas
You: the one in my lap
He gasps
Quinton: hey mister get off my girl
He takes rowen from you and holds him
Quinton: I'll fight you for her
You: no not my baby
You take him back
You: I'll protect you child
Quinton: no your supposed to be on my side
You: nuhuh I birthed this kid not you
Quinton: but you love meee
He pouts
You: yea well I love rowen too
Quinton: but me more
You: maybe we'll see.   Won't we Rowen yeah
He giggles
You: see he's soo cute you can't compete
Quinton: I can too
You: nope look
You blow on of those raspberry things on his stomach and he giggles
Quinton: damn um well I don't get those
You: exactly
Quinton: that's not fair stupid
You: yea it is his face is still cuter than yours loser
Quinton: how come you can yell at me for " loving coco more than you" when I didn't but I can't yell at you for loving rowen more
You: oh you can yell go ahead scream if you want but have fun sleeping on the couch
Quinton: see I could never I'd die without our nightly cuddles
You: yea you have fun on tour
Quinton: what will you do without me
You: I'll just cuddle rowen  and Arden
Quinton: sterling??
You: she has you
Quinton: I'll be gone
You: I guess I'll cuddle her too we'll all sleep in our bed without you
Quinton: you'll still miss me
You: nope
Quinton: yea yea go get ready bean
You: ok ok come on Rowe
Quinton: no he can't wAtch you change
You: he's not even one year yet calm your tits
Quinton: you
You look at him
You: I'll kill you bruh
Quinton: what the hell your scaring me chlo
You: good talk about my kid like that you'll never have another baby
Quinton: ok ok I'm sorry
You: awe no I'm sorry I was just kidding baby I'll never hurt you ever
You cup his face and kiss him
Quinton: good I don't wanna die
You: I loooooooove you
Quinton: I looooooooooove you
You: no I love you
Quinton: si senorita
You laugh
You: you failed Spanish mister
Quinton: yeaaa go go go go
He pushes you off his lap
You go upstairs and get ready in this

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now