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April 17th
Aiden: Brently!
My headddddd

He pushed in my bathroom
Aiden: why are you skipping school
Me: I don't feel good
I said sickly and quite
Aiden: what's wrong
Me: my stomach hurts and I feel like I'm gonna throw up and you yelling wasn't helping
Aiden: I'm sorry
Me: it's ok
Aiden: did you take medicine yet
Me: Mhm

He pulled his shirt off then pants and underwear
Me: what are you doinggg
Aiden: getting in with you
He slid in the tub infront of me
Me: you look funny with bubbles
Aiden: thank you
Aiden: do you think you have like food poisoning or something
Me: I didn't eat anything bad really
Aiden: mkay just making sure cause that sucks
Me: yeah
I moved to laying my head on his chest
Aiden: this bun is cute
He pushed my bun
Me: thank you but it hurts when you pull my hair like that
Aiden: oops sorry baby
He moved his hands and massaged my temples

Me: that feels good
Aiden: mhm
Me: why aren't you at school
Aiden: cause I got your message thankfully
And I was sitting in the school parking lot and then I thought, why am I coming here, your not gonna be there, and somehow any time I feel bad or im sick you find a way to get out of everything and your there in the bed with me so I figured I'd be a good husband and come over and I get out of school work so It's a win win
Me: yeah but I do that cause I don't like talking to anyone else at school and if your gone im basically alone I talk to Caitlyn and Ava any other time
Aiden: well I wanted to come and make sure your ok
Me: I'm not I feel like shitttt
Aiden: well atleast you don't look like shit
Me: I look like shit too
Aiden: no don't say that ever again
Me: thank you for being here
Aiden: your very welcome
I rolled over closing my eyes kinda balling up
His hand laid in my stomach
Aiden: how long have you been in here
Me: like a hour
Aiden: your like a raisin
He laughed
Me: well I don't wanna get up yet
Aiden: 15 minutes
Me: and then what
Aiden: I'm gonna get you some food and we're going to your bed
We relaxed in the bathtub for 20 more minutes and then got out
And I put on his clothes from my drawer that fit loose
A big crew neck and underwear that's it
And I laid down

He played with my hair
And we laid in bed all day

Me: I guess I'm hungry now
Aiden: mkay I was thinking McDonald's but if that's too much we can get what you want
Me: McDonald's sounds good
Aiden: breakfast or lunch
Me: mmmm burger and chicken nuggets anddddd a McFlurry with Oreos and fried
Aiden: mkay hope you don't throw that up
He rolled over and orders the food
Me: stop
He moved and grabbed the remote
And put on impractical jokers

Around 40 minutes his phone buzzed and someone buzzed the gate
Aiden: that's the food
He moved away
Me: no
Aiden: I'm going to get your food
Me: don't move
Aiden: I have to go tip him baby
Me: please don't go
Aiden: do you wanna go instead
Me: no. I wanna lay here forever
Aiden: you can I'm gonna go down real quick
Me: fine
I pushed him up
Me: I know you don't love me
He groaned real loud
And left me

I balled up and whined in my bed
Until he came back
Aiden: hm get up

Me: no you hate me
Aiden: you say dumb shit sit up and eat
He pulled me over against the head of my bed
Aiden: burger here
He held it infront of me and I rolled my eyes before I went to grab the burger
Aiden: ah, take it back
Me: take what back?
I said with a attitude
Aiden: take it back! That I don't love you or I'll eat your food and make you cry
Me: I don't know who you love
Aiden: you now say it
Me: say what that my boyfriend whose supposed to love me loves me
Aiden: husband and yes
Me: you love me now gimme my food
I took the burger
Aiden: kiss me
He leaned in and I pecked beside his lips
Me: I'm sick
He laid beside me and we ate
It was really good
Yay I feel a little better
I rolled over and pulled his cheeks
Me: I'm taking a nap ok
Aiden: mk
He pulled my head on his chest and I laid close as he finished his food
I fell asleep pretty fast
I'm not complaining though

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now