Summer time

30 0 0

Brentlys pov
Me: I gotta go
Aiden: where
Me: the doctor idiot
Aiden: oh wait what are they doing
Me: there gonna see if I can maybe be really cleared
Aiden: oh mkay good luck
Me: thanks
I got up and grabbed my stuff

I went downstairs hugging his mom
Me: bye
Jane: bye honey good luck I hope they clear you
Me: me too
Mom picked me up
Sheeee does know we're dating
But dad doesn't
I feel bad not telling him but he's gonna think we're having sex and I'm 15 I don't really wanna do that yet anyway
I read those books and I mean
I don't even know how I really feel
Aidens such a great boyfriend
And I lovvvee being with him but I don't think I like love him
He's a great person but I don't think it's love atleast not yet I'm too young
Anyways we got to the doctor and he checked me out and made me do these walking and jumping tests really made me sweat
Doctor: have you been doing your pt at home to
Me: yes every day

Doctor: mkay well it looks good but your still limping your not trusting it

I bit my cheek
Doctor: stand up for me and put all your weight on this foot

I did so
It still fucking hurts a little bit
Doctor: pain?
Me: mnm
Doctor: if you don't tell me the truth I can't help you
Me: only a slightest bit not even bad
Doctor: you need to be honest about your pain the last thing I want to do is release you on a false account and you back to dancing and your hurting and then 15 years down the road your legs will hurt so bad
Me: well 15 years from now doesn't matter
Doctor: it does matter, you'll be on your own. Your mom won't be able to help you you'll be what 30
Me: yeah
Doctor: you have to heal from this so you can keep dancing. If you don't completely get better what happens if you wanna dance professionally and you reinjure  yourself
Me: I'll be really hurt
Doctor: exactly so I know it's been forever
Me: a year
I cut him off
This is bull shit
I do my pt nothings helping
Doctor: I know I really hate this for you but I can't clear you just yet your not trusting which makes me trust it even less
I sighed and sat back on the table
Doctor: don't be mad at me you'll get there
Me: I'm doing my pt really all the time
Doctor: that's good, start walking without crutches and trust it a little bit more but find that line where it's okay and where it causes pain and push in that pain just a little bit too much but
Me: mk
Doctor: no crutches, walking no running no dance on that foot you can go and do little things especially with your left but not on the right
Me: kay

Me: do you think I could be cleared in two weeks
Doctor: maybe why
Mom: she wants to audition for a summer dance program she was supposed to go to last year but I think it's too much for her foot
Doctor: mmm there's possibility, come back in two weeks and try to go to pt often and hopefully I can get you cleared
Me: okay
We scheduled a new appointment and headed home
Mom: well honey i think it's best that your not dancing yet he's right
Me: well I only have three years left
Mom: you have aslong as you want to keep pursueing dance your an amazing dancer Brently even in a cast you'll come back healthy and be even better
Me: it sucks not doing anything
Mom: I know

Mom: your dad wants in n out do you want anything
Me: mnm I'm gonna be so fat
Mom: Brently you know better then to say that
Me: well still I'm not hungry
Mom: I'm getting you something you can eat it later
Me: can you drop me off at aidens house
Mom: how are you going to get home
Me: um he can take me home or his mom, you can't pick me up
Mom: no rowens meet is tonight
Me: ohkay I'll get a ride home
Mom: okay
She took me too his house and I kissed her cheek and went to the door
Jane: hii how'd it go
Me: bad
Jane: ohhh I'm sorry
Me: yeah
Jane: come in, aidens in his room and I'm making dinner
Me: what are you making
I walked in and she waved to mom
Jane: I'm making chicken parmigiana and your welcome to stay for dinner
Me: okay thanks

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now