Avery! Your 18

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Me: averyyyyyy! Get up hoe
Avery: ugh what
Me: cmon we got school
Avery: no I don't wanna go
Me: you got too you've used like all your sick days in Texas
Avery: just leave me here please
Me: what's wrong
Avery: nothing
Me: somethings s wrong aveeeee your gonna be 18 tomorrow you should be so happy
Avery: exactly it's my birthday and I'm spending it alone
Me: me mom dad rowen Brently
Avery: my boyfriend is a thousand 882 away
Me: awe ave it's okay y'all can FaceTime don't be sad just enjoy life and he'll be back in like 2 months
Avery: it's too much
Me: cmonnnn cheer up pleasee
Avery: fine
I kissed her cheek
Me: your the best and you'll be fine
I went to my room and showered cause I just finished working out with cooper
I put this on cause it's Friday and I'm bored and exhausted

Me: averyyyyyy! Get up hoeAvery: ugh what Me: cmon we got schoolAvery: no I don't wanna go Me: you got too you've used like all your sick days in Texas Avery: just leave me here please Me: what's wrong Avery: nothing Me: somethings s wrong aveeeee...

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I did my hair in a half up half down kinda and
Went to get Brently
Me: ay you ready
Brently: 5 minutes
Me: kayy hurry I'm in the car
I went to check on Avery
I feel really bad that she's sad about Arden missing her birthday

Me: hey it's okay ave
Avery: yeah we'll see
Me: okay see you at school gotta go
Avery: bye
I hoped in the car waiting two minutes for Brently
She buckled in and we picked up dunkin and she got a sandwich
I dropped her off and went to school with my coffee and i got cooper a drink too
He was out waiting at the end of his truck
I went up to him poking his butt
Me: heyy
I hung into him
Me: this is yours
I handed him his drink
Cooper: oo thanks baby
He took a big sip
Cooper: how are your legs
He laughed
Me: it was very hard to drive home but I managed seeing as you made me run 3 miles
Cooper: i didn't "make" you I just very forcefully suggested it
He smiled
Me: you forcefully made me
Cooper: it was a strong suggestion
Me: mhhhm hey do you wanna come to like a little birthday party for Avery tomorrow
Cooper: for sure what time
Me: umm I don't know I'll ask and let you know
Cooper: okay, is it her real birthday
Me: yeah and we gotta do something cause she's sad my brothers away for it
Cooper: oh what should I get her
Me: um probably like a Starbucks gift card would work
Cooper: sounds good
Me: my legs hurt a lot from those squats
Cooper: if it hurts that means it worked
Me: your such a old man omg I gotta go to class sadly
Cooper: you have fun
He smiled and kissed me
Me: cya
Cooper: hey wait
Me: hm
Cooper: you look cute
Me: mm thanks
I kissed his cheek and ran off to class
God bless he makes me feel like ontop of the world
I sat in class just bored but I had to do a study guide
The bell ring and I met Avery in the halls
Me: hey girly
Avery: hey
Woah she's a mess
Me: ave it's okay
Avery: not really I'm sad and like three kids threw paper at me last period cause I wouldn't talk to them
Me: well that's mean one two beat them up
Avery: no I'm okay
Me: Avery he'll be back soon it's okay
Avery: s you don't even know half of it
Cooper: heyyy baby
Cooper jumped in the hallway beside me with his arm around me
Me: then tell me
Avery: I spent every birthday alone  until I was like ten I don't like it
Me: but we used to hang out and have those parties
Avery: yeah for what 4 hours then I went home and I cried in my room alone because my birthday was celebrated by screaming and yelling and fighting because it was the day they regretted the most
Me: I'm sorry ave I don't wish you to relive that 
Avery: I don't need you to be sorry I just don't like being alone like this for important days
Me: still I'm sorry that was your life for so long
Avery: yeah
Cooper: you okay
Avery: yeah I'm okay cooper thanks for asking
He hugged her gently
See awe sweetest cutest boyfriend ever
Me: look really it's okay your not alone text me all day and we're hanging after school shopping or whatever you wanna do
Cooper: hey I have a game after school
Me: oh yeah
Avery: it's okay go to his game I'm okay at home
Me: no come to the game with me don't be depressed in the house
Avery: I'd rather be depressed in the house then a third wheel
Me: are you sure
Avery: yeah I'm fine I'll hang with Brent
Me: okay
Avery: I gotta go this is my stop I'll see you at lunch
Me: okay bye
Avery: bye
She went to class and we walked
Cooper: sooo what was that about
Me: ya know how I said my parents are her guardians
Cooper: yeah
Me: well her parents use to hit her and yell and fight and stuff so my parents took her in and stuff cause we were like best friends since kindergarten
Cooper: oh that sucks
Me: yeah she used to get bullied cause she'd come to school with big bruises and stuff
Cooper: damn now I feel bad
Me: well it's okay now but
Cooper: still
We sat in chemistry class boring but next week we're doing a lab yay
This class is boring besides getting to be with cooper
Avery's pov
I fucking hate this place this school
Today already sucks and just cause I had my head down these kids kept being annoying and throwing paper balls at me like grow the fuck up your a senior
So mad at Arden I know he's trying but I don't like being alone on my birthday it's like ptsd
Mom and dad all theyd do was scream and fight and tell me how much of a mistake I was and they wish I wasn't born I never got presents or anything just a big black eye or something it makes me just wanna die
Being alone for my birthday
I used to stay up all night burning myself
How useless I was how much they wish I was never born that my life was a literal waste that no one will ever want me
It's depressing I understand s wants to be a good friend and she is but I want the guy that wants me that proves that all wrong she has cooper and he's an amazing guy I don't wanna be around that I'll just be jealous I can't have Arden with me times like this make me with is didn't fall so deeply in love with him but he's probably the reason I'm sitting here today
I just sat at lunch listening to these two flirt

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now