Ready for summer

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Mom: alright so what do we think
Me: no beach please? I can't even swim
Mom: actually I found this cast cover online
Me: still

Mom: well to go visit somewhere like walking around and things would hurt more then swimming
Me: yeah
Rowen: why is it up to her she hurt herself
Mom: becasue rowen we all get a say in this and she's right she can't get her cast wet so a beach isn't ideal but neither is like Paris or somewhere we'd wanna go see a lot
Me: whatever y'all just go where ever I'll stay here and stay with sterling and cooper
Rowen: great
I got up going up to my room
Mom: Brently come back
Me: no it's fine I don't wanna go anywhere
I went to my bed crying

As I grabbed a pair of scissors attempting to cut this thing off
Fuck the doctor and fuck that girl for hurting me
And fuck a vacation
And fuck ucla

Me:'hey when are you coming home
Sterling: um a week I think why
Me: cause I miss you and I wanna talk to you
Sterling: about what brent what's going on
Me: nothing I'm just ready for summer
Sterling: are you sure
Me: yeah
Sterling: are you crying brenttt what's wrong 
Me: it's just been tough here and rowen hates me cause I told mom and dad everything
Sterling: I'll be back soon okay and we can talk in person but tell me what's up
Me: my foot and the kids at school nothings good
Sterling: you can tell me
Me: mom and dad are trying to pick a place to go for like vacation but anywhere the go doesn't work cause I can't swim and these crutches hurt yo walk a lot so it all sucks I might aswell just stay here with you and cooper
Sterling: if you wanna skip your vacation but it sounds like you need one
Me: no I'm okay
Sterling: ya know it happens to a lot of athletes when they get injured they feel like shit cause they can't play
Cooper: what does?
Sterling like when you got hurt and stuff
Cooper: oh yeah
He ripped her phone
Cooper: your foot will be fine Brently your just gonna hate life until you can dance again
Me: yeah well I do
Sterling: see I know what I'm talking about
Cooper: sure
Sterling: you just miss dance and it's cause you love it so much
Me: no it's not it's cause I'm missing a freaking ballet intensive this summer by freaking Boston comservatory at ucla and I can't do it
Me: and only forty people got picked
Sterling: oh
Me: yeah
Sterling: that's big 
Me: huge
Sterling: I know that sucks but there's gonna be better opportunities your a great dancer brent just give it time to heal
Me: I would if I had something to do in the meantime
Sterling: give me one week and I'll be back and we'll have our own vacation and do whatever you want while there gone
Me: yeah okay
Sterling: hey I gotta go okay
Me: mkay
Sterling: I love you, bye
She hung up and I steadily tried to cut up this cast on my leg
Mom: hey hey hey what are you doing
Mom busted in my room
Mom: what's wrong
Me: I hate this freaking cast I'm don't with it
Mom: no you aren't stop it Brently
Me: please mom don't make me wear this anymore
Mom: your home has to heal Angel I know it sucks it's awful
She took the scissors from me

Hugging me tight
Mom: it's just a few more weeks

I let go laying on my bed in a ball
Me: I hate this so much
Mom: I know honey I know
I sat up wiping my eyes
Me: I want y'all to go on vacation without me I just wanna stay here

She kissed my head hugging me tight
Mom: whatever you wanna do
Me: I want y'all to have fun and let me stay here with sterling
Mom: mkay honey

I let her leave and I went to bed
Sleeping away this horrible life
Fuck 8th grade year

May 21 last day of school

I sat in class waiting on the bell to ring
Aiden sat behind me but for once not bothering me

Teacher: alright everyone pencils out this is a ten question test of the things we learned this year
I grabbed a pencil
As she passed out the test
And I started on it

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now