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You are currently 7 months exactly
you have a belly now and I took pics yesterday to tell everybody
( oh fuck listen do y'all mind if I switch to 1st person POV I hate the you shit)
We took out pics and posted them most people were happy except ya know the people that hate me
Anyways sterling Arden and Bryce went on vacation to Malibu
Rowen is at Charli's all week
Quinton comes in the room
Quinton: hi bubbas
Me: hey
Quinton: wanna cuddle
Me: mhm come here
He lays on top of me with his ear on my belly and his hand rubbing circles on my stomach
Quinton: awe she's kicking I love this sound
Me: I hate this I feel fat I'm ready for her to come out
Quinton: me too I'm ready to hold her in our arms
Me; yea
Quinton: what is that noise she's like swimming in there
Me: bubs she's in water hun
Quinton: what
Me: yea
Quinton; my baby's in water she's gonna drown
Me: no silly she'll live it's just I don't know why
Quinton: oh
Me: get up I have to pee
He quickly moves knowing I have a damn pregnancy bladder and I'll pee all the time
I go to the bathroom but it's not pee
My fucking water just broke
QUINTON: what bubs
Me: m my water just broke
He runs in the bathroom
Quinton: what? Your only 7 months there's no way
Me: baby's come early now get a fucking car before this thing comes out right now
Quinton: we don't even have a bag
Me: go now
Quinton; ok ok
He runs to the bedroom grabbing clothes and shit
I all in as my contractions are getting closer and closer together
Me: dammit Quinton hurry up
Quinton: I'm hurrying
Me: baby your gonna have to deliver this child
Quinton: get in the car I'm coming
I start to the car and get in my seat
He makes it to the car and speeds off
Me: slow down damn
He does
Quinton: how are you
Me: I'm about to pop out a baby 2 months early I'm not good
He grabs my hand
Quinton: I'm sorry we're 5 minutes away
We get to the hospital and they rush me to a bed and a room
The doctor comes in
Nurse: she's dialated at 7 cm  contractions are 47 seconds apart
Doctor: ok let me know at 9 cm
I was crying every time a contraction hit
Nurse; sir we're gonna need you to get in a gown
He comes back in dressed like a doctor almost
Nurse: she's at 9.5 cm doc
Doctor: Chloe get ready to push on my signal ok
I nod
Nurse: she's crowning
Doctor: push now
I go to push as I scream or squeezing q's hand
I look at him and he's biting his lip scared
Doctor: we need another big push
I push again screaming with it
Nurse: we've got her shoulders out
Doctor: come on one more big push let's get her out
I push one last time letting out a loud screech
Nurse: she's out dad you wanna come cut the cord
He lets go of my hand and goes to cut the cord
But I still don't hear anything
Nurse: doc
Quinton: what is it
Me: what's happening
Nurse: doc were missing a heart beat
I look around seeing the tiny tiny baby in her hands
Me: why's she so small
Doctor: get her to the nicu immediately
They rush the baby to the nicu while the doctor stays behind reassuring me it's gonna be okay
Doctor: ma'am everything is fine your baby's ok
Me: she doesn't have a heart beat
Doctor: she simply not breathing it's ok
Me: o ok
Doctor: dad follow me
Quinton looks at me
Me: go
Quinton: ok
He quickly kisses me before following the doctor
I sit there crying for a little until a tall boy comes in my room
Josh: chloe!
I look up
Me: josh what are you doing here
Josh: Quinton texted your going into labor and your location and I'm really confused I never knew you were pregnant
Me: yea I'm 7 months
Josh: the why the hell are you here
Me: I don't know I was laying in bed I thought I had to pee I went to the bathroom it wasn't pee it was water my water broke we rush here and I'm already 6 cm I get the baby out and she has no heart beat
Josh: awe c
He hugs me
Me: where's ness or Charli or liv it any of the girls
Josh : ness is on her way from a shoot
Me: ok
I start crying more thinking the baby's not gonna make it
Josh: shh it's ok she'll be fine
Me: I wish Bryce was here
Josh: I know I can call him if you like
Me: yea
He calls Bryce
B: hello
M: h hey Brycey
B; what's up
Me: um I really need you
B: why what happened
Me: um in in the hospital
B: what why
Me: um I'm really sorry I never told you when we got in that crash I found out I was pregnant anyways I just have birth and she has no heart beat and I really need you
B: where the hell is your husband Chloe
Me: he's in the nicu
B: I'm coming home right now I should be there in 1 hour
Me: o ok please hurry Bryce
Bryce: I am it's all ok just stay calm I'm speeding
Me: please don't wreck your all I have
Bryce: get Quinton back in there I'm hurrying I love you
Me: I love you too brycey
He hangs up and I go back to crying
Josh calls the boys to come to the hospital
And he hugs me again
Josh: it's all gonna be okay
Quinton: baby
I shoot up and he runs over to me
Me: Is she ok
He nods no and burst into tears
He runs and hugs me so tight
I don't hug back because at this point everything went numb
Quinton: it's ok there doing everything they can
I don't answer I just cry cry and cry
Quinton: I have to go back ok I love you chlo
I nod as he leaves
I bite my hand crying harder
Josh smacks my hand out of my mouth
Josh: don't hurt yourself Chloe
Me: I I I'm not
Josh sits down hugging me
Me: stop
He lets go of me
Josh: I'm sorry
Me: it's ok I just really want Bryce or Jaden or Kio or any of the girls
Kio: Chloe! I came as soon as I could
I hold my arms out for a hug and he fills it
Kio: I'm soo sorry this happened it's gonna be alright
He pulls away for a second and kisses my head and hugs me again
Kio: where's q
Josh: nicu
Kio; go find him genius
Josh: ok
I go to the nicu and put on a gown
I find q surrounding doctors and nurses he's biting his nails
I meet his eyes and I can see the pain in his eyes
I go over to him
Josh: how's she doin
Quinton: nnn not good
He turns to me
I just look at the pain he's in and hug him
Josh: it's gonna be alright man I'm sure
After a second he hugs back
Quinton: thanks man
Josh: their doing the best
The doctor comes over to us
Doctor: dad were trying our best but she has pneumonia and sepsis
Josh: what's that
Doctor: it's a disease in her lungs and an infection in her blood normally causes instant death she's also simply too early to breath in her own
Quinton: so is she uh gonna live
Doctor: like I said it's normally instant so I this case she's made it this far she can survive but the risks in her health she wouldn't be able to leave the hospital
Quinton: ok
Doctor: I'm sending a nurse down to clean up mom and y'all can both come down here
Quinton: I don't think that's too good
Doctor: whatever you say dad Jen can you go to room 415
Nurse: yes I got it
We all go to Chloe and the nurse cleans her up and stuff
The whole time she just has this numb dead look on her face
The put me in a gown to go see the baby
I lay back in the bed
Quinton: come on let's go see the baby
I shake my head no
Josh: yes come on she's beautiful
Me: I don't really care she's gonna die and I'm already attached
Quinton comes over to me and hugs me
I feel nothing I'm practically alone
Me: only for a minutes
I get up and we go to the nicu
I see all the doctors around the baby
She's not breathing
She's hooked up to many Ivs
I look at her chart board
She 4 lbs and 2 ounces and 12 inches tall
Just by looking at her I new she wouldn't make it
I was disgusted with myself and my body I've failed 2 pregnancies and rowen almost didn't make it
I almost broke down right there
Instead I kept it in and squeezed Quintons arm
He looks at me
Quinton: hm
Me: I I'm going back to the room I can't be here
Quinton: ok
We walk back and Bryce is sitting on the bed
Me: finally
I go and hug him for a long time not letting go
Bryce: how's the baby
Quinton does the little move for him to hush
He says ok and just hugs me tighter
Me: I'm sorry I didn't tell you
Bryce: it's ok c don't worry about me
I let go of him and he sits all the way on the left of my hospital bed I go beside him and he hugs me putting me to sleep
Chloe falls asleep on me and I talk to the boys about the baby
Bryce: so how is she
Quinton: not good she has a infection in her lungs and blood
Bryce: damn
Quinton: yea
Bryce: how are you q I know this goes both ways
Quinton: yea I'm fine
Bryce: clearly your not your nails are bit off
Quinton: just anxious
Bryce: mhm
I move Chloe off of me and let Quinton sit beside her
Me josh kio and soon Jaden pile on the couch
After an hour Anthony and griffin showed up and sit on the couch
20 minutes later Chloe wakes up again
Chloe wakes up and looks shocked
Chloe: what
Quinton: what is it
Chloe: I guess it was a dream
Quinton: about
Chloe: it's nothin
I wake up and look around
All the guys are on the couch
I woke up from the best and worst dream
What happened was back 10 years ago when I was pregnant the first time the baby actually made it and we took her home and we lived in sway together and she was so cute her name was camila and she was adorable walking around the huge sway house she had her  uncles protecting her every second
She was in love with hippos and coco
She was her protecter
Coco would kiss all over camila  and follow her everywhere and whenever josh picked up camila coco would bark and try and jump on josh but her being so tiny she couldn't do anything
Camila was so cute my dream was the best I'd ever seen until I came back from taking camila to the zoo and I was gonna change her diaper when I walked into Quinton and I's room 
I had precious camila on my hip and she was giggling I open the door to our room and see Quinton on top of some girl her moaning every second " ugh daddy" and shit she was so loud
He fucked her hard and he kissed her
They started making out as she clawed his back
Every second longer I watched slowly pudding me off more me and Quinton were engaged how long has this been going on probably explains why he never comes to the zoo anymore
I look a bit closer at the girl and realize I've seen her somewhere is was some girl we ran into at the zoo one time abs or something
I shut the door slowly going downstairs to all the boys
I tell them what I saw and Bryce and Jaden decide to go see for themselves  I follow just for shits they bust open the door and yell at him
Quinton jumps up putting on a shirt and boxers
Bryce goes over to him and pushes him
Yelling things like
" you think you can fucking cheat on my damn sister" and " you pussy ass bitch I'm going to cut your fucking dick off and burry your ass"
He looks so scared
Bryce grabbed him by his shirt his anger takes over
Jaden goes over to them and pulls Bryce's hands off him
Jaden slaps him in the face
" that's disgusting Quinton your lucky I don't kick you in the dick"
Quinton looks at me seeing the tears in my eyes
Quinton: I'm so sorry
Bryce: no the fuck your not you brought some slut in to my god damn house in my sister damn room on your shared bed don't say your fucking sorry that don't mean shit you cheated on her with this bitch and when she walked in you still fucking went on and then you kissed this hoe again
Quinton: and I'm sorry
Jaden: your not fucking helping dipshit you have a fucking child your engaged you have a damn daughter Quinton did that go through your head your ruining a relationship for some slut off the street
By now the girl had left
I couldn't listen anymore I went downstairs to josh and the boys and camila
I picked her up from Kio and held her on the couch
Josh gave me a lil hug
Eventually the yelling stopped and Bryce and Jaden came back and hugged me
I wiped my eyes and carried camila upstairs
Quinton was sitting on the bed he had cleaned up the mess from the girl
I came in and he shot up
Quinton: oh my god Chloe baby I'm so fucking sorry
Me: no you aren't
Quinton: yes I am she is nothing to me
Me: don't talk to me
Quinton: please chlo
Me: I said do not talk to me
I grab a suitcase out of the closet and set it in the desk
I put camila on the bed and he tries to play with her and make her laugh ofcourse she does he's her dad
I walk over to them and pick her up
Me: don't touch my fucking daughter
I take her and let her crawl in the floor
Quinton: she's mine too chlo
Me: really
Quinton: yes
Me: and who are you because who I'm looking at now is not the guy I had a kid with not the guy I was gonna marry I don't know you anymore
Quinton: yes you do I'm your fiancé
Me: ex
Quinton: what?
Me: what do you fucking expect me to forgive you and still fucking marry your cheating ass because your wrong
I say packing up clothes mine and camilas
I zip it up and put it by the door
I grab my toothbrush and hygiene stuff and put it in a bathroom bag
I put all camilas things in a diaper bag and change her diaper
Quinton: where are you going
Me: wherever the fuck I want I'm a free women
Quinton: not with my child
Me: the fuck are you talking about I birthed her she's my daughter you should be thanking me now your a free man go have all the hoe sex you want get somebody else pregnant I don't care but camila is not yours anymore
Quinton: the fuck is her last name
Me: don't worry I'll get it changed for you
Quinton: she's my daughter Chloe you can't take her from me
Me: watch me
Quinton: you can't
Me; I can and I am now again stop talking to me
Quinton: no you aren't
Me: last time I checked you don't tell me what to do
He sits there for a second
Quinton: we're are you going
Me: I don't know yet but far from you
Me: I hope it was worth it because you'll never see camila again if it's the last thing I ever do
Quinton: you cannot do that
Me: the fuck I can
Quinton: no
He picks up camila and holds her
Me: I said don't touch her bitch
Quinton: she is my child
Me: and that doesn't prove Anyhting
I snatch her away from him
I get all my stuff and my charger and glasses and carry it all
I go downstairs
Me:  can y'all please take care of coco please
They agree and I go to the door
I set camila down and she runs to Bryce and Kio
Camila: bwycey
Bryce: it's ok angel
He holds her
Camila: kee
She wraps her little arms around his neck and he laughs and kisses her cheek
I put all the luggage in my car and come back in
Me: come on cam
Camila: ion wanna weave
Me: we have to come on
Camila: uhuh bwycey
Bryce: it's ok angel go
Camila: I don't wanna
Kio: you have to
He takes her over to me
Me: thanks ki
Kio: no problem text us please
Me: yea ok
He hugs me
Quinton:your coming back right
Me: hell no
Quinton: yes atleast she is
Me: if you'd shut up maybe people wouldn't hate you
Quinton: who hates me
Me: just shut up
Me: bye guys
Th: bye chlo
I go outside and Quinton follows me
Quinton: what's your problem
Me: I walked in in you having sex with some
Bitch my daughter fucking saw that Quinton so that's my problem
Quinton: so what are we broken up or something
Me: yes very much so that's what I meant by go hoe around I don't care
Quinton: well good cuz I don't love you anyways
Me: mhm since when
Quinton: a long time now like 3 months
Me: then why the fuck were we still together
Quinton: because so wanted to love you you had my daughter but I just can't
Me: I don't really care I don't love you you don't love me it's over nobody gives a fuck
Quinton: glad we agree but I'm gonna be in my daughters life
Me: you CAn try all you want but you'll fail
Quinton: she's staying here
Me: touch her and I will hurt you move away from my kid
He backs away
I take my engagement ring off and hold it
Me: marry fucking Christmas dont call me
I throw it at him and slap him
Quintons: what the fuck
Me:'suck a dick
Quinton: you
Me: don't worry I will
I get in the car and pull out
Quinton: what's up
Me: I guess it was just a dream
I look around the room and the boys are in another room
Quinton: what was it
It's nothing where's baby
Quinton: um she's still in the nicu they're hoping for some good news in a few hours
Me: oh yeah
Quinton: come here baby
He cuddles me
Quinton: I love you so much
We cuddle for about 3 hours
When a male nurse and the doctor comes in
Doctor: mom dad do y'all have a name in mind
Quinton: I guess we were thinking Tinsley Alexis
I just nod
Doctor: ok well we have some news on the baby
Quinton: is she ok
Nurse: I think y'all should come see her
We go and see her for about 20 minutes and she's not looking good
I turn and walk back to the bed
Quinton comes a bit later
Quinton: what's wrong baby
Me: Quinton she's gonna die
Quinton: you can't say that baby she's gonna live I know
Me: maybe you saw a different baby she's suffering
Quinton: it's ok beb there trying
Me: I know
He hugs me tighter
About an hour later the doctor comes back
Doctor: mom dad we have some news......

( this for everybody begging me to update I actually hate this book it's such ass tbh but y'all like it so ima continue. But yea I'm leaving you hoes on a cliffhanger! Jk I love y'all sooo much your amazing. And lmk if you think tinsley is gonna  d*e or live ?? Oop

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now