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Me: I have to go I'm still grounded
Aiden: ok ok two more
He kissed me twice more and I went to my car
And drove home because mom is tracking me

I went up to my room and did my homework
Mom: Brently, dinner

I went downstairs and sat at dinner with mom and dad
Dad: how was school
Me: fine
Dad: learn anything
Me: no
Dad: how is therapy going
Me: fine
Dad: Brently come on talk some
Me: everything is just basic fine
Dad: is therapy going good
Me: it's just fine
Dad: are you talking about the stuff that's bothering you or just talking about other things
Me: both, all of it
Dad: good do you feel like your making progress
Me: I guess yeah
Dad: how's Aiden doing
Me: fine I guess I never see him
Dad; you see him at school
Me: yea
Dad: are y'all ok?
Me: yea why do you care
Dad: I can't ask about my daughters relationship
Me: it just doesn't matter
I finished half my plate and went upstairs
I locked my door and just laid there forever

I woke up in my floor
Mom: hey cmon you got school
Me: I don't wanna go
Mom: cmon brent you have too
Me: okay fine
She left my room
And I pulled my covers off my bed and went back to sleep in the floor

Mom: Brently! It's 8:45
Me: whatttttt
I whined trying to fall asleep again
Mom: you have school let's go
Me: noooooo please no
Mom: me and your dad both have things to do today you have to go to school
Me: don't make me
I hid my face in the covers from the bright sun through the window
Mom: brently your already late I'm done fighting you get ready
Me: I'm late so just let me stay home
Mom: nope you have to go get ready quickly
I got up angrily and went to the bathroom
Taking a long shower just sitting in the floor
Maybe I can shower til schools over
I got out and put my hair up
I brushed my teeth and put some nasty sweats on and a hoodie that was atleast 2 sizes too big
I put deodorant on and went downstairs
Dad: you do know your about 3 hours late for school
Me: she's making me go
Dad: because you are grounded grounded kids don't miss school
Me: well I'd someone gonna take me or what
Dad: she gave you your car back
Me: ok, don't expect me to go to school then
I grabbed fly keys
Dad: Brently! You better go straight to school and straight home after
Me: I don't know
Dad: Brently!
Me: okay
I went in my car and went straight to school after I cried a little
I checked in and went to class
Aiden: hey
Me: mhm
Aiden: you good?
Me: yep
Aiden: Brent
Me: what
Aiden: you don't look ok
Me: I'm fine
Aiden: are you sure
Me: yes
Aiden: are you lying to me
Me: no aiden
Aiden: don't say my name like that come on tell me what's wrong
Me: nothing really
Aiden: are we okay you never want to talk to me
Me: yeah it's fine
Aiden: well I don't want to be fine
Me: I have a headache ok
Aiden finally went quiet
Before he went to the teacher
Aiden: cmon
He pulled me out of the classroom

Me: whatttt
Aiden: what's wrong with your really
Me: everything sorry I messed it all up
Aiden: what?
He took me to the bathroom
Me: what
Aiden: tell me what's going on now
He locked the door so no one could use this whole bathroom
Me: I've told you , nothing is wrong aiden
Aiden: no I know something is wrong you never say my name like that
Me: yes I do Aiden
Aiden: no you say aiden and it's all cute and sweet and now your like ayyyden and it's just like your sick of me
Me: well I don't mean it like that
Aiden: so what's wrong
Me: I don't know
Aiden: what's going on with youuu
Me: I don't knowwww can we go back to class now
Aiden: when you tell me what's wrong yeah
I rolled my eyes and sat on the counter

He moved infront of me
Aiden: just tell me
Me: I don't know Aiden I just don't feel good
Aiden: your not sick
Me: no I just feel bad
Aiden: why

Me: I don't know
I started to cry
Aiden: what's wrong
He said softly
Me: I don't know
I cried

His thumb rubbed over my eye trying to stop the tear
Me: I'm going to therapy because I just feel like shit
Aiden: why do you feel like shit
Me: I don't know ever since that thing happened I just felt like I should've been killed too and I felt bad that I lived over the other people and then I just felt like doing it and then I started doing that stuff with you and it made me feel better and then mom caught me and I felt bad for doing that and for the past month I've been crying everyday cause I just feel awful and my moms taking me to therapy
He looked stunned as I stopped talking
Aiden: well, don't feel like shit cause you think you should've died, no one should've died, it was like a freak accident that no one but him could control
Me: but like we were this close and
Aiden: and we luckily made it out so it's okay, but you shouldn't feel like you should've died over anyone else because no one deserved too
Me: you can't act like you were just so ok with it either
Aiden: I know I wasn't I felt like the same way that guy could've shot us but luckily he didn't and I'm still here and your still here
Me: yea
He hugged me
Aiden: but I'm glad your getting some help
I nodded
Aiden: but I love you and you can just talk to me whenever and when your not grounded anymore your coming over
Me: I think I'm grounded until summer so
Aiden: well good we can hang out all summer, your going to Joffrey right
Me: um maybe
Aiden: yes you are come on
He helped me
Down and took me down the hallway
We went to class and I sat down
And wrote a little note
And passed it to him
He opened it up and smiled looking at me
He came closer to me as the movie played
Aiden: I love you too baby
Mmm I did miss that
I laid my head down

Until the end of school
We went out to our cars
Aiden: are you hungry
Me: mm yea
Aiden: ok drive realllllll slow and I'll meet you with some food
Me: mkay
I smiled
Aiden: oo look keep that smile forever
He held my cheeks up
Aiden: your so so so so so pretty
He kissed me after every so
Me: ok I have to gooo

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now