New guy

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Sterlings pov
Ellen: so! How was greece
Me: it was realllly nice
I held his arm
Ellen: did y'all have fun, see anywhere nice
Me: oh yea the beach was beautiful
Cooper: it really was
Me: where's Carson
Ellen: he's still asleep you can go up to coopers room and surprise him
Me: okay great
I went upstairs and cooper slowly followed

I sat on the bed slowly trying to wake him up
Carson: mama
Me: good morning
Carson: mama come home!
Me: hi baby we are home
Carson: I misss you mama
Me: I missed you too
Carson: where dada at
Me: he's coming in just a minute
Carson: I miss dada too
Me: aw you know he missed you too poot
Carson: dada!!!
He stood up
Cooper: ohhh come here buddy
Cooper picked him up swinging him around like a little doll
Cooper: did you miss me
Carson: yaya
Cooper: I missed you more
He brushed his hair back
Cooper: did you have fun with nana
Carson: mama nana feed me ma Donald's
Ellen: hey I told you not to tell them
She snuck in
Me: it's alright
Carson: it was soooo yummy mama
Me: I bet did you get nuggets
Carson: nuh huh ands a cookie mama
Cooper: a cookie? You didn't need that
Carson: it so yumm dada
Cooper: mmmhm
Me: come her Carson
He crawled
Over to me and sat in my lap
I brushed his hair with my nails
Me: thank you for keeping him
Ellen: ofcourse we had so much fun didn't we carson
Carson: yaya we jump in the couch dada
Cooper: really? I'm glad you had fun buddy
Me: alright carson we gotta pack your stuff so we can go home
Carson: tay
He stood off my lap grabbing his baby blanket
Carson: I ready mama
Me: your clothes babe

I got up and found his bag
And packed it up
Ellen: I made lunch
Cooper: oo what
Ellen: chicken spaghetti
Cooper: I will be having some
He got up
Cooper: do you got that packing
Me: yea
Cooper: okay
Cooper: Carson come here
He held his hand out and picked Carson up
Cooper: are you hungry
Carson: my tummy hurt a little
Cooper: well, does it hurt for food or because you at cookies all week and jumped in the couch with nana
Carson giggled
Carson: for food
He laid his head in coopers chest
Cooper: do you want a plate, or do you want something else
Me: yea just a little one
Cooper: ok
He leaned and kissed me
Cooper: give mommy a kiss
He leaned Carson over and he kissed my cheek
Carson: ba ba

They went downstairs and I finished up getting all Carson's clothes that were thrown around
Somewhat reminiscing on the old pictures on coop
And how they look extremely alike it's insane
I stole one of these pictures cause I just need it
I wanna see this picture always

How cute Right ugh I went downstairs Setting Carson's bag on the counter Cooper: here ya go He pushed a plate to me that had More then I asked for but a manageable amount Cooper: is it good carson Carson :nuh huh He had sauce allll over his faceEl...

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How cute
Right ugh
I went downstairs
Setting Carson's bag on the counter
Cooper: here ya go
He pushed a plate to me that had
More then I asked for but a manageable amount
Cooper: is it good carson
Carson :nuh huh
He had sauce allll over his face
Ellen: here
She handed me a napkin
Me: god bless Carson
I cleaned his face and we hung out with Ellen for a bit before we had to go catch our flight
June 30th
Brentlys pov
Me: where's she at
Caitlyn: I have no idea she's taking too long
Me: I'm sooooo bored
Ally: girls give her a minute
Caitlyn: and where's dad I thought he was coming
Ally: he is give him a minute to he just got off work
Caitlyn: I'm nervous I wanna find a good one
Ally: you will honey I'm sure of it

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now