Someones gf 🥹

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Brentlys pov
I bought him some good gifts

And now I'm going to his house actually
Never been soooo kinda nervy
Ava's mad bc I'm kinda meeting his parents before we're even dating but eh
We're not dnd we've been in this dumb sort of talking stage for like a year I don't see it ever happening any more

Dad: alright mom will pick you up in a few hours, be good and respectful and don't you even think about doing anything with this boy understand
Me: dad grow up
I hugged him
Dad: you cannot grow up
Me: I'm gonna grow up one day but I don't even think about that stuff and we're friends
Dad: good only friends
Me: exactly
Dad: I hope you know your my favorite daughter
Me: you only have two
He hugged me tighter
Dad: never grow up
He kissed my head
Me: I don't wanna be 15 forever
Dad: go
I got out taking my presents to the door
I rang the door bell and he opened it
With his cute smile
Me; hey
Aiden: hi
This is his house

It's adorable Me: I didn't know you had a nice house Aiden: you think I'm poor? Me: no it's Just different then what I expected you to live in Aiden: what did you expect Me: I don't know I walked inside Me: happy birthday I smiled at him pulling t...

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It's adorable
Me: I didn't know you had a nice house
Aiden: you think I'm poor?
Me: no it's Just different then what I expected you to live in
Aiden: what did you expect
Me: I don't know
I walked inside
Me: happy birthday
I smiled at him pulling the big bag up
Aiden: for me? Oh you shouldn't haveeeee
He joked
Me: you can't open it yet you gotta give me a tour of your house
Aiden: okay well I got have a movie room and three living rooms
Me:I don't care
Aiden: mkayy the kitchen, living room that's a bathroom that's my parents room and this is my sisters room and Zac's room and this is mine
He pushed the door open
Revealing I pretty big room
A bed on the wall
And I walked in further
He had a rack full of clothes and a freaking couch
And a huge tv

It's adorable Me: I didn't know you had a nice house Aiden: you think I'm poor? Me: no it's Just different then what I expected you to live in Aiden: what did you expect Me: I don't know I walked inside Me: happy birthday I smiled at him pulling t...

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Me: you have a whole couch!
Aiden: yeah
Me: dude this is awesome
I sat on the couch bouncing on each seat
Aiden: what are you doing
Me: feeling which ones the softest
Aiden: your so weird
Me: is your bed soft
Aiden: your not allowed there
Me: why what's there
Aiden: your mom
Me: uh that's rude
I jumped into his bed
Aiden: hey you can't be in my bed
Me: or what
Aiden: or what. I'll hurt you
Me: you won't
Aiden: I will
Me: wait open your gift
I sat up
Aiden: oh I can now?
Me: mhm open and I want extra reactions
I looked at him
He sat in a chair and pulled out the first thing
It was a very big bag fyi
Aiden: ooo okay these are cool

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now