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I woke up around 7 am to feed brently
I laid her in her rocker and gave her a bottle
I watched some tv as I got ready
I put this on and went to start breakfast
I made fresh bacon and sausage and waffles and eggs and I cut up some pineapple and grabbed out some watermelon from the other night
The monitor started going off
She was crying
I ran into the bedroom so she wouldn't wake up quinton
I quickly grabbed her and took her to the kitchen to finish breakfast
I put her in the high chair and gave her some watermelon and crackers
She's starting to teethe so I give her teethers
Once I finished cooking
I went to wake up Rowan because he'd hate me if I let him sleep on past waffles I also woke up sterling because I noticed she skips breakfast sometimes
I let Arden sleep because he stays up late on the weekends or out with his friends so he's grouchy this early
I woke up q because I'd have to help him shower and get ready and everything after breakfast
Me: cmon get up
Quinton: ugh what let me sleep
Me; boy you've slept plenty long enough
Quinton: babyyyy!
Me: quintonnn! I made waffles eggs bacon sausage fruit coffee get your ass up now broke knee boy
Quinton: your so mean come back to bed
Me: mm no get up you've slept for 10 months and 14 hours
Quinton: fine
He sat up
And I helped him get up
He crutched himself into the kitchen
I grabbed brently and we all sat down well they did
I pulled brently high chair to the table and made them all a plate and we ate
I fed brently and sterling put her plate in the sink
Sterling: I'm going back to bed night momma
I laughed
Me: ok night sterling
Quinton: sweet dreams princess
He kissed her head and hugged her
She smiled and went up the stairs
Rowen: mommy can I play with brently
Me: sure baby do you wanna play up in your room
Rowen: mhm
I carry Brent upstairs and they played while I gave Quinton a shower and re wrapped his leg
I put on q's fave show and fixed him up in the bed icing his knee
SKIP 1 month
Today is brentlys second birthday I can't believe it honestly I had her 2 years ago
Quintons been in physical therapy and he now just has to wear a knee brace
He's so sweet he beats me up every morning and cooks and cleans and takes care of everything it's the first break I've had in a while
I got up and went to the living room
I had a rice cake and banana and fed brently
Me: my Two year old yea baby
I booped her nose and she giggled
Brently; mama she slid out of my arms and waddled to her toy bin she grabbed her stuffed giraffe
She walked over to me and I held her hands out
Brently: mama pway wif me
I move onto the floor and we played with her toys she was pushing around her pushing things and stuff
Quinton came in and sat in the couch
Quinton: babe
Me: hm
Quinton: good morning. He kissed me
Me: morning
Quinton: want some food
Brently: foo
She clapped her little hands and ran to quinton
Me: no I had a banana
Quinton: that's all?
Me: well a rice cake too
We're just having a little party thing with cake and hamburgers here with the boys and them
Quinton: mkay you want food little one
Brently: yaya
Me: whatchu want baby
Brently: yogur
Me: yogurt
She nodded and clapped
I got her a yogurt and a baby spoon and went back to the floor
Me: come here brent
She waddled onto the floor and sat down and held her mouth open
I laughed and picked her up
I bent my legs up and sat her facing me on my lap
Me: open up
She held her mouth open and I fed her the yogurt cup
She finished the whole cup still wanting more
Brently: yogur!
Me: there's no more baby look all gone
She pouted her lip out
Brently: ya more
She demanded like the little boss she is
Brently; more! More! More!
Me: brently there's no more all gone
She took the cup out of my hand and through it in the ground
She pulled the puppy lip and started crying
I couldn't help but laugh quinton was too
Brently: more yogur
Me: stop crying
She continued crying wow her life is so hard
Me: brently stop crying and you'll get more yogurt
She pulled her head out of my body and stopped crying
I wiped her tears
Me: are you done
Brently: ya mama
Me: do you want yogurt
Brently; ya
Me: after this cup your done okay
Brently: tay tay I wuv you
Me: I love you too baby
I put her in my hip and went to the fridge
I grabbed another yogurt cup and she ate it
Brently: tank you mama
Me: your welcome baby cmon time for a nap
Brently: no nap
Me: brently yes nap time
Brently: mama I  no nap
Me: you will
Quinton: cmon brently let's go lay down
Brently: tay tay dada
He took her and I just gave him a I hate you look
He laughed and took her upstairs to her room
Quinton; it's nap time kiddo
Brently: I don't wanna nap
Quinton: time out or nap time
Brently; nap
Quinton; good girl
He rocked her and she began sucking her thumb
Me: uh uh
I took her thumb out and replaced it with a pacifier
She soon fell asleep in his arms and he laid her
In the crib
We went downstairs and watched tv on the couch for an hour before brently was awake and crying
I started to get up to stop her
Quinton: leave her
Me: I can't do that she's crying
Quinton: because she knows you'll come running with one tear she has to learn that shes not gonna get her way by crying
Me: I guess your right
Quinton: I am right or else every time she's down for a nap she'll just cry and she won't have to nap
Me: shut up stop being so smart
I hugged into him
He soon fell asleep on the couch
Brently was still crying
I slowly went upstairs and stopped her from crying
I went back to the couch and quinton was watching the monitor
Quinton; I told you to leave her be didn't I
Me: yea but I couldn't she was crying so much it broke my heart
Quinton; man up it's just tears
Me; there baby tears I don't want her to be sad
Quinton: chlo she's not sad she just doesn't want to nap if she cries she thinks she'll get her way and you'll let her skip her nap and then she'll be grouchy all night
Me: yea I know but I can't let her cry
Quinton: stop her crying but you can't let her skip nap time
Me: ugh fine I'll put her back
I took her back upstairs and put her to sleep
I came downstairs and we watched tv for another 20 minutes until rowen came down
Me: hey bear I haven't seen you all day
I was playing LEGO's
Me: awe what did you build
Rowen: I built a big house and a car and a pool and a tree house
Me: awe can I see
Rowen: yea come on
We went upstairs and he showed me his builds
Me: wow you did this yourself
Rowen: mhm
Me: wow this is huge rowe I'm so proud of you it's amazing
Rowen: thank you momma

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora