Your mine

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Rowens pov
I'm going to Taylor's house
We've kinda been in this situation of like taking making out when we're together but not really dating
We just hang out
Make out
I'm glad that we sorta got our feelings out there
Literally I never expected her to like me back or even love me because I'm not the type she usually goes for

But she's like the best ever she's so lovey and that just is so important to me
I love that so much
Like kisses always and her hands all over

Anyways I took a Uber to her house
The worst part is summer is almost over like 2 weeks

Anyways I got to her house ringing the door bell cause she's home alone
Her parents are always at work or like a social event there super like social people and her moms something with the mayor so they go to like those kinda things
Her parents go to town meetings
My parents go to the met gala but yk
Taylor: hi rowe
She pulled me in the house and kissed me
I love her kisses like the best

Me: hey
Taylor: what's up
Me: mm nothing much
Taylor: my parents are at some town hall party or something
Me: when are they coming back
Taylor: like 11 12 you just kinda have to be not near my bed when they get home
Me: mkay
Taylor: but we can order food watch movies whatever you wanna do
Me: sounds fun
We ordered subway and it was on its way
We waited around for it
And once it came we went up to her room and laid down eating
She finished her food faster then me and moved laying on my chest

I can't even lie I fucking love her so much
I finished my food and scooted down laying in the bed
Her arms over my stomach

As we watched a Barbie movie
Me: why are watching Barbie
Taylor: cause Netflix put them all out I loved this show as a kid and the new one is coming out soon
Me: so we're watching it because you used to like it
Taylor: no I always like it
Me: tay my sister hasn't watched this show in like 4 years
Taylor: everyone likes to watch old shows
Me: mhm
She moved not even watching the show anymore
She laid on her stomach looking at me
Me: hm
Taylor: I wish I could just thank your parents for Fucking your the hottest thing ever
Me: well thanks t
I smiled a little
Taylor: and I like that I'm older then you
Me: by 5 months get over yourself
Taylor: I'll get over myself when your older then me
Me: that's not even okay I can't help that
Taylor: I know that's the best part
She swapped over sitting on my lap
Kissing me
I moved my arms around her back
And made out with her
We were kissing for like a good 45 minutes before she started to pull away
Taylor: what do you wanna do
Me: kinda liked what was happening
Taylor: sex?
Me: I mean whatever is fine with me tay
Taylor: yeah but your you know a virgin
Me: I- yeah I didn't know that was a problem for you
Taylor: it's not it's totally not it's kinda one of my favorite things about you
Me; it's your favorite thing about me not like my face
Taylor: your your face is very very good looking and your body too i just would feel bad taking your virginity in this situation
Me: like here now or what
Taylor: like the situation were in together like we're not dating ya know I don't wanna take your virginity as just a friend rowe
Me: well your not just a friend tay you know
Taylor: yeah but we're just friends right now
Me: Taylor why didn't you say that I thought we were like taking it slow
Taylor: and I'm really fine with that but I'd rather take your virginity like it's a special thing really rowe so I don't wanna take it as friends I hate that I just did it ya know so
Me: I didn't know it was like that much to you but I get it
Taylor: that's not something you want
Me: no I totally do I just thought to not rush it
Me: I'm never gonna like use you for sex tay cause I couldnt seriously care less but I do like you
Taylor: so could you keep being a virgin until we're like dating
Me: yes gladly
Taylor: good

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora