Take me on a date

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I woke up about a hour ago Quinton's sleeping like a baby on his stomach yk shirtless
I laid on my elbow rubbing up his back and his head
I had my nails done yesterday
Pretty soon his head moved
And his eyes opened looking at me
Quinton: hm

Me: mornin
Quinton: hm what's wrong with you
Me: nothin
Quinton: your never sweet in the morning
Me: I am too always you just always ask for sex
Quinton: well can you blame me
Me: no I am very hot but maybe if you did something for me I'd do something for you
Quinton: like what
Me: the last time we went on a date was like 5 years ago
Quinton: uh no our anniversary
Me: still long time
Quinton: so you wanna go on a date
Me: no I just want you to take me on a date
Quinton: so you wanna go on a date
Me: I want you to take me out yeah
Quinton: I'm not taking you on a date if you don't wanna go on one
Me: I don't wanna plan it or nothing
Quinton: have you ever planned a date
Me: no but
Quinton: date tonight be ready
Me: mkay I will be
Quinton : then sex
Me: sounds good
I smiled
Quinton: kiss
I kissed him
Quinton: I figured it'd be. While before I got any seeing as you just lost one child I thought you'd be crying and missing him
Me: I do but I'd rather believe he's okay and have you on my mind instead
Quinton: damn your s slut
Me: oh only for you
I kissed him and got up
I took a shower and put on a sweat shirt and some shorts just yk
I made breakfast
Some buiscuts and eggs and bacon
Quinton came in
Me: we should really buy Avery a car like I don't think it's fair we bought sterling one and Avery's older so
Quinton: yeah she said she didn't want one though
Me: well cause that's how she is she doesn't want that kinda money spent on her but she has a job and everything sterling has to take her she's even a better driver
Quinton: I know baby I told her any car you want but she said she's fine
Me: well she's not so I'll talk to her
Quinton: you do that
Me: I will
Sterling came down
And he instantly let go of me
Sterling: mornin
Me: morning hey what do you think Avery would want
Sterling: for what
Me: for a car
Sterling: definitely a jeep like me
Me: really that's what she wants
Sterling: mhm
Me: are you sure it sounds like that's what you want her to have
Sterling: well she said she'd like matching cars with me so
Me: okay why don't you go ask her and I want to know exactly what she says
Sterling: she wants a blue jeep like me but blue
Me: well go ask and don't say do you wanna matching. Car with me say what kinda car do you like
Sterling: ugh okay
She went upstairs
And Quinton grabbed me
Me: jeez what
Quinton: you said your going to ask
Me:well that's why we had kids to do it for us
Quinton: mhm
He kissed me heavily
Me: mm save it for tonight
He rolled his eyes at me
Me: don't roll your eyes at me mister
Quinton: too bad
He let go of me moving to the corner
I grabbed a plate and put a bunch of eggs two peices of bacon and a buiscut on it
I handed it to him and kissed his cheek
I grabbed the hot sauce and set it on the counter by him
Me; do you want apple juice orange juice chocolate milk or what
Quinton; mmmh is it the good orange Juice
Me: why would I buy bad orange juice yes
Quinton : then that
He sat at the table
And ate
Sterling came back
sterling: she said she does like a jeep like mine
Me: okay
Sterling: so your getting her a car
Me: yeah
Sterling: ooh cool well she said she's gonna drive to Arden if she gets a car
Me: okay
Sterling: your okay with that
Me: really yeah she's responsible and a good driver
Sterling: it's like twenty hours
Me: I'd make her get a hotel room for a night but
Sterling: well that's dumb
Me: I might just let her go live with him
Sterling: your literally the worst she can do all this and she's not even your real kid
Me: sterling I'm kidding go eat
She sat at the table
Sterling; you should've made them break up
Me: for what reason
Sterling: there ugly together they leave me out they literally make out all day long they cause Arden's fight
Me: I think there very cute together and I've never seen Arden so happy so I'm not the person to break up relationships
Quinton: uh yes you are
Me: since when
He turned from his chair
Making me laugh
Me: stop
Sterling: what
Me: nothing
Sterling; im going to the mall later
Quinton : yeah and when are you asking
Sterling: just then
Quinton: that sounded like a statement
Sterling: well it was a question you just couldn't see the question mark
She laughed
Quinton; mhm the answers no your still grounded
Sterling; what it's been like a week and i did nothing wrong
Quinton : you snuck a 19 year old dude in my house that's wrong and you had him in your bed
Sterling: Avery and Arden slept in the same bed all the time
Quinton : yeah but this isn't about them it's about you
Sterling: so you don't care if Avery gets raped
Quinton; I know she wouldn't atleast not by Arden
Sterling: well I don't think he'd rape me
Quinton: he could think that
Sterling: he's actually a nice guy
Quinton: okay and there's guys that pretend to be nice so they can be snuck into my house and stay in your bed with you until you fall asleep and does what he wants
Sterling: that's so disgusting
Quinton: that's why I don't want it to happen I know it seems like I'm being harsh I'm just protecting you
Sterling; but I can protect myself if I need you to protect me I'll ask
Quinton: you can't ask when you passed out cause a "nice guy" drugged you and raped you so
Mom; guys quinton there's no need in this conversation okay she's a kid
Sterling; I'm not a kid I'm 17
Mom: your 16
Sterling: for three months
Mom: still your too young for this conversation
Quinton ; no she isn't she needs to understand that you can't just be naive to the fact that people can be around you just to hurt you
Sterling: why would I think like that are you gonna hurt me
Quinton: sterling cmon I'm your father but people especially guys

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now