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I woke up at 830 to a text from cooper
I got ready doing my makeup all cute and my hair in a clip and this is my outfit

And I went walking to the coffee shop I told him to meet at Cooper: hey Me: hey I sat down after I ordered Me: so your uh going to the Yankees Cooper: yepMe: aren't you excited Cooper: yeah but I mean I wouldn't be here without you so it's nice to...

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And I went walking to the coffee shop I told him to meet at
Cooper: hey
Me: hey
I sat down after I ordered
Me: so your uh going to the Yankees
Cooper: yep
Me: aren't you excited
Cooper: yeah but I mean I wouldn't be here without you so it's nice to see you again
Me: kinda
Cooper: how's your job going
Me: well it ended like a month ago well less a few weeks but I've been busy with other jobs
Cooper: like?
Me: mm I shot for some big companies like fendi and stuff like that and I did Victoria's Secret
Cooper: was that good
Me: yeah it was a lot of fun
Cooper: good
Me: yep
I smiled
Cooper: how's Brently
Me: she's good I guess, well did you hear what happened
Cooper: no what happened
Me: some guy shot a bunch of kids like at school
Cooper: oh my god
Me: yeah and alot of the kids she goes to school with died and she's scared to go back but they've been going back so she's sorta okay but you can tell she's like scarred from that
Cooper: well yeah that's terrible
Me: yeah
Cooper: she didn't get like hurt though right
Me: no she hid in a bathroom stall but the guy shot himself like right outside the stall they were in
Cooper: damn
Jesus don't cuss in a public place like that

Me: it was really bad I think like 70 people were hurt and a lot of them died
Cooper: dang
Me: yep
Cooper: isn't she dating that boy
Me: aiden, yeah there still together
Cooper: she's about to be a senior right
Me: yep in august
Cooper: that's crazy she was just a freshman

Me: yeah
I laughed
Cooper: how's Avery doing I heard she's pregnant
Me: yeah her and Arden are in Texas he's playing for the mavericks because her school is there and they got a house and all that and she's like 7 months pregnant almost
Cooper: she was pregnant before the wedding?
Me: yeah she just didn't know
Cooper: oh ok
Cooper: do y'all know the gender
Me: no!
I jumped into this conversation
He laughed
Me: she won't let engine find out she doesn't even know she's the last person I'd ever expect to want a surprise she hates surprises
He laughed with me
Cooper: I feel like she'd want to know immediately
Me: exactly, but no so now we don't know and Arden wants a boy cause he keeps calling it a boy and she refuses to say she ones one over the other
Cooper: why?
Me: like with her parents it's dumb, I don't even know really
Cooper: mm
Cooper: so when's the due date
Me: july 6th but they said they don't really know
Cooper: oh okay
Me: well how are you how was last season
Cooper: I'm good but last season was not
Me: really?
Cooper: yeah it was my bad too I kept messing up
Me: are you kidding?
Cooper: I wish I was kidding I'm not though I was surprised when they offered me a contract with the Yankees
Me: I'm not I told you
Cooper: I know you did
Me: so I was right
Cooper: you were
He laughed
Mm 😡
I fucking love his laugh
Cooper: so where do you live around here
Me: I live in a apartment why
Cooper: cause I gotta find a place here but I don't wanna live in the city
Me: it's not that bad actually driving just sucks
Cooper: yeah I drove here it was absolutely awful
Me: that's why I walk
Cooper: what do you do with your car then
Me: I have it parked in my apartment I use it sometimes but I save a lot on gas
I laughed
Cooper: but you spend the same money on coffee so
Me: well yeah but atleast I'm not getting coffee and gas
Cooper: true, but aren't you making a lot from modeling so it doesn't even matter
Me: I am but I save a lot so
Cooper: for?
Me: well I want a new car because mine sucks anytime I drive like over 65 the wheels like wobble
Cooper: sterling! Your gonna die
He said shocked
Cooper: do you ever get your wheels rotated
Me: I think I did
Cooper: Jesus Christ
Me: well I went to the shop and they were like oh yeah this this and this is wrong with it and I kinda didn't understand but whatever so I got that stuff done and it was like 2000 dollars
Cooper: they tricked you
Me: no it fixed the problem for a little but now it's worse
Cooper: no they lied to you and took your money and did something that probably cost like 50 bucks
Me: okay well my point is that it was fixed for like 3 months now it's messed up again
Cooper: you need to take it to someone who won't take your money and literally do nothing to fix your car
Me: okay I will
I laughingly rolled my eyes
Me: so your moving here
Cooper: yeah well I have too
He laughed
Cooper: but I think I'm gonna get a house or something I mean I'm here for a long time I might aswell
Me: how long?
Cooper: well I'm signing for 8 years but I can renew when that's up for more if I want to and like everything's good
Me: how much are you getting for that? 8 years
Cooper: um a lot
Me: like big numbers?
Cooper: a lot of zeros I don't wanna say but it's a lot
Me: per year or like the whole 8 years
Cooper: well I know both but yeah there both big numbers
Me: I'm so proud wow
I smiled
My man
Making big money for the New York Mets
I made that
I smiled in my head

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now